Page 68 of Losing Control

When Cole woke her, she was a shivering mess, once again terrified by the horror that had haunted her for years. Her collapse was the only excuse she could find for letting him strip her naked and take her in the shower with his equally naked body. And for finding herself under the covers with him.

The T-shirt and towel weren’t a lot of protection. The heat of his body burned against hers through the fabric, her senses rioting at the contact. It startled her that she wasn’t afraid. Why didn’t her body clench and shrink from his as it usually did at this point? She desperately wanted to figure out why, for the first time in her life, she was responding to a man.

True, he was just holding her. He hadn’t made any overt sexual moves, but she was hyperaware of the large cock pressed against her. Of his rock-hard body honed to perfection. Of his muscular legs pressed against hers. And she hadn’t panicked yet. Possibly, just possibly…Cole Landry could be the one to unlock that frozen part of her. Maybe.

With all the death and destruction raining down around her, how was it that her body chosenowto wake up and demand attention?

Or was it because of that very death and destruction? Maybe she needed this—him—to wipe all of that away. Whatever it was, Cole Landry was the first man ever who didn’t frighten her. Whose presence gave her comfort and at the same time woke up every long-dormant hormone in her body.

Did she have the courage for this?

She wet her lips. “Cole?”

“What, darlin’?”

God, she loved the way he said that with his deep Texas drawl. It stirred something deep inside her. “I, um… It might be all right for you to…touch me.”

Please, please, please. I want to try this.

He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against her. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I am touching you.”

“I know. I mean…you know…”

She felt him suck in a breath and let it out. “You mean like this?”

One hand slid beneath the T-shirt to cup her breast, lightly at first. Then a thumb skimmed her nipple. Heat shot straight to her pussy with an intensity she’d waited all her life to feel. She heard a low moan and realized it came from her.

“Feel good?” he whispered. “Anytime you want me to stop, you just tell me.”

She nodded, hardly able to speak for the riot of sensations racing through her. And prayed he’d keep doing what he was doing.

“I could make you feel really good.” He nipped the lobe of her ear. “You can trust me, Dana.”

“Yes.” The word was barely audible.

“I don’t know what ghosts you’re fighting, but maybe, we can chase them away together. Close your eyes, darlin’. Block everything out but my hand.”

“O-okay.” She squeezed her eyes shut.

“Don’t tense. It’s all good, I promise. Feel my hand on your breast? You have wonderful breasts, Dana. And nipples I can’t wait to get my mouth around.” He pinched one lightly, and again a dull throb pounded clear to that spot between her legs.

“Relax,” he murmured. “Just feel.”

He spent a long time on her breasts, telling her what he was doing. Playing with her nipples. Palming and rubbing the mounds of flesh. When he slid his hand to her stomach, she tensed again, but Cole continued to speak softly in her ear, soothing her, telling her in explicit erotic detail what he was doing to her.

His hand was warm against her flesh, rubbing light circles, moving farther down in small increments until she felt him between her thighs. Again, she tensed, and again, he whispered and soothed. One finger slipped between the folds of her pussy, finding the hot button of her clit and brushing a fingertip over it. Back and forth. Back and forth. Each caress was like the whisk of a lightning bolt. His mouth worked its magic against her ear, her neck, her jawline, while his finger continued to torment her.

He seemed to have endless patience, as though prepared to do this all night if necessary. The more he worked her clit, the more her anxiety faded, replaced by a tension of a different kind. She moved restlessly, unconsciously opening her legs to give him better access.

The lean finger moved between her labia to stroke up and down her wet slit, again slow. Slow and steady. She knew she was wet, as effortlessly as his finger moved, and to her, it was a real miracle. He lifted one of her legs, rested it on top of his, and resumed that deliberate stroke. And all the while, between nips and kisses, he kept up his erotic murmur in her ear.

“So soft.” His voice was husky. “And so wet. See how easily my finger moves against your hot flesh? Pretty soon, I’m going to slide it inside you. Feel those tight muscles clench around it. And when you’re ready, I’ll slide my cock inside there. God, I can’t wait. I could come just thinking about that.”

When at last he pushed that finger inside her, a small orgasm racked her body. Her muscles clenched, her pussy tightening on that finger.

Cole’s soft chuckle of satisfaction vibrated against her. “That’s it, darlin’. See how good this is?”

A second finger joined the first, and she rode his hand, so enthralled by the exquisite feeling she didn’t want it to end. When it did, he moved back to her clit again, the bundle of nerves so swollen and sensitive that, in seconds, a new hunger built within her.