Page 63 of Losing Control

“This isn’t an occasion for humor,” Cole snapped. “Andi, that’s a good thought.”

“You want me to check and see who sells those moccasins in the county?” Mickey asked.

“You can, but it’s probably a waste of time. He could have bought them in San Antonio or online. And we don’t know how long he’s had them. Or how many pairs have been sold.”

“And we can’t exactly go around looking in every closet in Salado County without reasonable cause,” Gaylen added.

“That’s right,” Cole agreed. “We’ll have to try another tack.”

“And what would that be?” Andi asked.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I figure it out.” He rubbed his forehead again, wondering if the headache would ever get any better. “Heads up, folks. I’ve called in Guardian Security, and we’re meeting shortly.” Seeing the frowns on the faces around the table, he added, “We could be looking at a serial killer here, much as I hate to think it. I’d rather have all the help I can before things get any worse.”

“Aw, Sheriff,” Mickey complained. “We can handle this.”

“No, Mickey,” Cole said quietly. “We can’t. We don’t have the first idea where to start. There hasn’t been a murder here in almost three decades. All of you are excellent deputies, but this is way over everyone’s head. Including mine. Guardian has far more experience in the private sector and much better resources. Next would be the FBI, but I’m not ready to go there yet.”

“I suppose they’ll want to take charge of everything,” Andi grumped.

“Listen, all of you,” Cole said pointedly. “This isn’t about us. This is about those two girls. This is about all the other young girls out there that this sick freak can target if we don’t get him first. Keep that in mind when our help arrives tomorrow. I’ll expect everyone’s cooperation. Right?”

Slowly, each of them nodded.

“All right, then. It’s been a long day for everyone. The crime scene is under guard so go home and get some rest. Be back here early, so I can introduce you to the Guardian agents.”

Gaylen held back until the others had all filed out of the room. “Sheriff, I just want you to know I think you did the smart thing. The younger deputies think they know it all, and they haven’t even scratched the surface. Like you said, they’re good, but this is deeper water than we’re used to swimming in. I respect a man who knows when to ask for help. Whatever you need me to do, just holler.”

Cole felt his throat tighten. Gaylen Kleist was the oldest of all the deputies. He’d been on the force for fifteen years and probably had every right to have expected promotion to the top spot when Nickels retired. But he accepted Cole without a fuss, did his job and watched to see how things shook out. His words meant a great deal to Cole.

“Thanks, Gaylen.”

“You ought to get out of here, too. It’s late, and I think you need to check on your house guest.”

“Oh, yeah. My house guest.”

Gaylen started to say something else but was interrupted by a knock on the doorjamb.

“Got a minute?” John Garrett asked. “I got the idea you wanted to talk to me privately.”

He’d forgotten all about the fact that Garrett was waiting for him.

I really do need to get out of here.

He motioned the man into the conference room. “Yes. I’d like to ask for your help.”

“Don’t tell me you’re giving the hometown paper an exclusive.” Garrett’s voice was laced with grim humor.

“Not exactly. What I’d really like is for you to write something to help keep the county under control. Like I just asked Max and Margene to do.”

“You have to give me something to write, though,” Garrett protested. “Your little press conferences might as well be nonexistent.”

“There’s a lot I don’t want to release yet. The details are pretty gruesome, and the Pritchards and Fowlers don’t need to see it splattered all over the press. But I’ll give you the info and you can figure out how to spin it.”

John sat down in one of the chairs opposite Cole, took his little tape recorder out of his pocket, and set it on the desk. “You okay with this?” he asked, indicating the instrument.

“As long as you shut it off if I tell you to.”

“No problem. Let’s get started.”