Page 61 of Losing Control

When she disconnected the call, she hugged the phone to her chest. Just the sound of his voice soothed her. Not to mention making her pulse ramp up and her body throb with an unsatisfied need. Anunfamiliarneed.

For a woman who had never been able to enjoy sex, she sure as hell was dreaming about it a lot. Despite the awful circumstances of the day, her body vibrated with unsatisfied need, a strange sensation for her. What was she going to do about this?

Work. That’s what she always did. It would help her blunt the events of the day and the lingering effects of the dream. Gritting her teeth, she made her way to the guest room to get her laptop. Back on the couch, she booted up the computer and opened the document with the spreadsheet she’d created. Maybe there was something else she was missing. Something in addition to the clowns. Something to take her mind off everything that had happened. And…sex.


“Thanks for sending help for the search.” Cole said to Reno after giving him a status update on the murders.

“You’re welcome,” he said. “You sound too tired even to think.”

“It’s bad.” He blew out a breath. “I could be shooting in the dark but…” He explained about the old pedophile case and Dana’s theory the two killers could somehow be tied together.

“Too bad the sheriff at that time didn’t ask for help.”

“I’ve been telling myself the same thing for the past forty-eight hours.”

“Okay. Zak s still on a case, but this is a priority. And I’ll send Scott Clayton, first thing in the morning. Nick and Zak will follow by noon.”

“I appreciate it, Reno, more than you know.”

“We’re a family, Cole. Told you that when you came on board. Now, we’ll need copies of everything. Autopsies. Crime scene reports. Witness interviews. Whatever. I’ll let you know if there’s anything more we need. Then the three of us here will drive out to your place for a meeting. I don’t think Dana should be left alone.”

“Right. Hell,” Cole snorted, “The county commission is probably ready to boot me off the investigation for not moving fast enough.”

“Politicians can get rambunctious,” Reno agreed. “But when you catch the perp, they’ll forget how mad at you they were. Happens all the time.”

Cole leaned back in his chair, rested his feet on his desk, and rubbed his forehead, hoping the headache would ease. “Well, I appreciate your help.”

“We’re in this until we catch the bastard.”

He hung up and called Dana, just to check on her and make himself feel better. She sounded distracted but who could blame her? Then he checked in with Margene and Max to bring them up to date.

“And the deputies I’ve had looking for anyone who saw Shannon this afternoon haven’t turned anything up. We’ll regroup in the morning when Guardian adds their men to the ranks of the deputies.”

“I’ll bring the commission up to date,” Margene told him.

He rubbed his forehead where a growing pain kept slashing across his brow. “Thanks.”

His last call was to Tate, just to listen to someone telling him he was handling things okay. His uncle’s opinion always meant a great deal to him, and the man was, after all, the one who had recommended him for this job.

“You’re doing the right thing,” Tate assured him. “Not just because you can use their expertise but because you know Margene and Max will roast your balls if you don’t.”

“Yeah.” Cole sat back in his chair. “I love it when politics dictates law enforcement.”

“Just remember, I’m here whenever you need me.”

“And I appreciate that.”

As always his uncle’s voice settled him, allowed him to pull himself together and focus on what needed doing. He was tempted to tell him about Dana, maybe ask him to go by and check on her, but decided he’d have too much explaining to do. He wondered what she was doing. If she was able to get a little rest. He’d hated having to leave her, but he’d had no choice.

He thought back to last night, how easy it was being with her. He didn’t remember relaxing like that with any woman. Of course, before the Marines, he was just a snot-nosed college kid who thought he had the world by the balls. Then he’d put so much of himself into being a Marine, he hadn’t had much left over for anything except just getting laid between missions.

Now, Dana was in danger, and the chances were equal it was their latest serial killer or some of the angrier residents. To protect her as well as to really know her, he had to find a way to unlock the secret she kept tucked away in the deepest part of her. And that would be easier said than done.

A knock on the door jerked him out of his mental ramblings and brought him back to reality.

The door opened, and Gaylen stuck his head in. “Phone’s ringing off the hook again.”