Page 57 of Losing Control

Who would do this? Who could be so vicious? Did they really think they could frighten her off? Maybe she did need to back out of this.

After all the emotional traumas she’d been body slammed with, after the unremitting tension and hostility since her arrival in High Ridge, it was just too much. This was the tipping point, the thing that snapped the control that defined her life.

Her hands were shaking so badly she could hardly get her cell phone out of her purse. Unable to even remember the number of Cole’s office, she just dialed 911, knowing the dispatcher would answer.

“Sheriff’s office. What’s your emergency? Hello? Hello?”

Dana had to swallow twice before she could get the words out.

“Sheriff Landry.”

“You need the sheriff?” The voice was calm and matter of fact. “He’s very busy at the moment.”

“Help. Need help.” Dana could barely get the words out. “This is…Dana.” She dragged in a breath. “Dana…Moretti.”

Shivering, she gave her address and dropped the still-connected phone on the seat, completely undone for the first time in years. She hugged herself, rocking back and forth in the limited space between the back of the seat and the steering wheel. She heard a voice coming from the cell, but she had no idea what it was saying nor could she make herself answer.

She was still rocking when she heard sirens in the background and the squealing of tires as a car—maybe more than one—pulled up behind her. Then her door was yanked open and Cole was crouching beside her, unbuckling her seat belt, putting one arm around her and smoothing back her hair.

“It’s okay.” His voice was calm and reassuring. “It’s okay, Dana. I’ll take care of whatever it is.”

He reached over her to pull the keys from the ignition. She was peripherally aware that he handed them over to someone behind him and was talking to him, swearing under his breath before he turned back to her.

“Dana? Listen to me. I’m here, and you’re safe now. I’m going to help you out of this car, okay?”

She felt as if she were walking through water as she uncurled herself from the seat and let Cole help her stand. She leaned into him, drawing on his strength. The last time she’d fallen apart like this, she was seven years old. That’s how old she felt right now.

“The house,” she moaned into his chest. “It’s not even mine. Cole, who would do something like this?”

He stroked her hair, his arms still around her. “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”

He kept his voice even, but Dana could hear the fine edge of anger running through it.

“I-I have to get someone to fix this.” She sniffled and lifted her head. “Jane Milburn will kill me.”

“Jane Milburn is the last person I’m worrying about right now. And I’ll get this taken care of.”


She glanced sideways at the voice and saw a deputy walking up to them.

“What did you get?” Cole asked.

“We checked the house. Nothing’s touched inside, but we found this rock in the living room.” He held out a rock three times bigger than his gloved hand. A black X was painted on it.

“Shit. Okay, put it in an evidence bag. Can you ask Grace to call someone to come out here and board up the window for tonight? I’ll worry about the rest tomorrow.”

“Sure. Dan’s still checking the back and around the sides of the house.”

“Okay, thanks. Give me a minute here.” He put his hand beneath Dana’s chin and tilted up her faced. “You can’t stay here tonight. It isn’t safe.”

She was having trouble processing everything and shook her head, as if to clear the fog.

Cole must have thought she was disagreeing with him. “Don’t fight me on this. Please?”

“B-but my things are there. And where would I go? I—I don’t want to go back to the motel.” She shivered at the thought of being alone and exposed there.

He stroked his thumb across her cheekbone. “You’re not. I’m going to take you to my place. Let’s go inside so you can pack what you need. I’ll send someone back for your car.”