Page 37 of Losing Control

Dana’s chest tightened, and she had to force herself to breathe. What better disguise than that of a clown? He could conceal every aspect of his identity, blend in with his surroundings and at the same time be an attractive lure for children. Her unstable stomach roiled.

“Listen, I’ve talked way too much.” Lois stood up, their little chat finished. “Stan will have a fit if he even finds out I let you in here. You’ll have to leave right now. Please.”

Dana rose, gathering her purse. “No problem. I appreciate the time you’ve given me. And Stan won’t find out from me that I was here.” Impulsively, she hugged the sad, nervous woman. “Maybe when I put everything together, something good will come out of this, and you can all have some peace. Thank you for your time.”

Lois practically shoved her out the door, and the chain snapped into place the moment the door closed.

Clowns. Damn. Of course. Just like the one who lived in her nightmares. She needed to go home and scan through her notes. Any place in public and she’d be dogged by people asking questions or throwing sarcastic remarks.

Chapter Fourteen

Dana had planned to visit one other set of parents that afternoon, but after her session with Lois Kelly, she didn’t think she could handle another one so soon. Being personally involved made a whole lot of difference in how a case affected her. Listening to Lois was like reliving her own nightmare.

As soon as she got back to the house, she changed into jeans and an old shirt and began pulling up all the notes she’d made from the reports, looking for clues. She took her time, not wanting to miss anything in her haste to search for similarities. Her eyes were gritty from studying the small screen, and her stomach reminded her to feed it as the doorbell rang.

Distracted, she didn’t bother to do her usual check through the peephole and just yanked the door open. She was shocked to see Cole standing there, holding a pizza box. He was obviously freshly showered and shaved and dressed in clean jeans and T-shirt.

“I already apologized for bothering you this morning,” she told him. “I thought you’d be done with me.” She started to close the door, needing to get him out of her space.

He stuck his booted foot into the opening. “I actually came to apologize.” He pointed to the box he was holding. “And I brought a peace offering.”

Dana sniffed. The delicious scent of cheese and pepperoni drifted past her nose.

“So can I come in while the pizza’s still hot?”

Before she could stop herself, she’d swung the door wide and waved him in.

In the kitchen, he put the box on the counter while she got out plates, napkins, and drinks and put them in a stack. She didn’t know which shocked her more—finding Cole on her doorstep or letting him into her house. After the emotional day she’d had, she wasn’t sure she was ready to cope with him and his overpowering masculinity.

“Here, let me help.” His voice was right at her ear, a low rumble that warmed her in the oddest way.

She pressed her hands against her thighs to keep them from trembling and turned right into a wall of hard, male muscle. “I, um, need a little space here.”

He stared down at her, the color of his eyes darkening to hot chocolate. His hands on her shoulders felt like hot coals, but strangely enough, that too seemed comforting.

“I can almost hear your mind buzzing.” His voice was a raspy whisper. “That kiss last night was no mistake.”

“I… You…” Her heart was beating triple time, and she knew the pulse at the hollow of her throat gave away the sensations rocketing through her.

“Admit it.” His hands cupped her face. “You felt it, too.”

Dana couldn’t move. She stood there, feet cemented to the floor as his mouth came slowly down on hers and his lips brushed hers in a soft caress. She managed to move her hands up on his chest, but rather than use them to push him away, she kept them there feeling the heat of his skin through his T-shirt.

What was wrong here? Men terrified her. Scared her so badly she was unable to have a normal sexual relationship. So why wasn’t she freezing up inside? Running away? Where was the familiar feeling of panic? How did she go from traumatized to aroused without taking a breath? Who was this woman who had taken her place?

The moment stretched on and on, and still, she didn’t move. The kiss intensified. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and without thinking, she opened for him, letting him inside, feeling his tongue like the sweep of a flame. Feeling her nerves dance in response and liquid soak her panties.

He never increased the pressure on her mouth, kept it light as he tasted every bit. She heard a soft moan and was shocked to realize it came from her.

And then it happened. The panic. The fear. She wrestled her way out of his arms, heart racing, and took a step back. Then two.

Cole stood perfectly still, watching her. “I don’t know what’s got you spooked, Dana, but I promise you, I’ll never do anything to hurt you.”


His thumb caressed her cheekbone, and she wondered why she didn’t move away.

“And I don’t know what’s happening here,” he said in a low, even voice. “I want to say I can’t ever remember a connection this instant with anyone. I know you feel it, too. But I don’t want to frighten you, so we’ll go slow. Very slow.” The smile widened. “At least, we’ll eat the pizza first.”