Page 31 of Losing Control

He wondered how much of her tension had to do with what she wanted today and how much with last night’s kiss. “I’m not being rude, but I’m sure you heard the news. This isn’t the best time for conversation.”

“It’s the lead story on the morning news on television.”

Without waiting for an invitation, she sat down in the chair Tate had vacated earlier.

“Yeah, so I heard.” Cole shook his head. “I really wanted to keep a lid on things, but bad news travels fast.”

“News like this has a way of leaking no matter what you do,” she pointed out. “Especially these days when everyone is overdosed on electronics.” She cleared her throat. “As a matter of fact, I was hoping you could give me a little information about it.”

“What for? It has nothing to do with your book. No relationship to the cases you’re looking into.”

She fiddled nervously with the bracelet on her wrist.

Even as tired and harassed as he was, Cole still managed to appreciate the silken fall of her hair that brushed her shoulders and the bright blue of her eyes that almost matched the color of her shirt. Out of nowhere, the dream from the other morning smacked him again, reminding him of the feel of her breasts in his hands, the taste of her nipples. Of sliding his fingers into her waiting cunt, teasing her sweet spot to bring her to full arousal. Even though none of it had been real.

Jesus! He couldn’t believe himself. A nasty murder, and he was thinking about sexual fantasies. He was either too stressed out or losing his mind. And he didn’t have time to be embarrassed by the hardness of his cock pressing against his pants, eager to get out and slip into Dana Moretti’s warm, welcoming core.

Welcoming? She’d probably squeeze his balls with a wrench if she knew what he was thinking. Mentally, he shook himself and tried to focus on what she was saying.

When she spoke, he could tell she chose her words carefully.

“I think whatever happens in this town is important to my book. Even this many years later. I’ve learned not to pick and choose what’s significant because I might miss something. Call me an idiot. I’m sure everyone else will. But I have this gut feeling that this is connected to those old child murders.”

Cole studied her, frowning. He’d had the same unwelcome thought, without any rhyme or reason. “I’m not sure what you want from me, Dana. You of all people should know I can’t discuss any of this.”

“I was hoping you’d at least tell me what you told the media. I know you made a statement earlier. The vultures are still clustering outside.”

“Sure. I can give you this.” He plucked a sheet of paper from the In Box on his desk and handed it to her.

She scanned it quickly. “Was the victim…molested in anyway?”

He raked his fingers through his hair. “I really can’t discuss any details with you. I have to get back to work.”

As if he’d willed it, the phone on his desk chose that moment to ring.

“Nita Sanchez is here and wants to discuss the post with you,” Grace told him.

“Five minutes,” he said and dropped the receiver into the cradle.

Dana rose from her chair. “The other thing I came to tell you is I’ve written about horrific cases like this before. If you need to pick my brain, I’m available. And don’t close your mind to the possibility this is related to those old cases. Maybe my looking into them has stirred somebody up.”

“Shit. I hope not.”

“Me, too.” She hitched the strap to her purse over her shoulder “I’ll get out of your hair now.”

Then she was gone, leaving behind a delicate trace of a floral perfume. Cole wondered what was in the heavy load of baggage she carried around with her. Something had fucked up her mind. Last night, for a brief moment, she’d been into the kiss. The next second, she’d been terrified.

Dana was a puzzle he’d have to set aside, at least for now.


Dana tossed her purse onto the passenger seat of her car and leaned back in hers. What stupidity had prompted her to come here? She wasn’t a novice in these situations. But all she could think of was a murder had been committed in a town where the last violent death was Kylie’s. She just couldn’t get rid of the sick feeling that her appearance in High Ridge had somehow triggered this latest crime.

The look on Cole’s face when she asked about the molestation had told her more than words could.

It washim. She just knew it.

She closed her eyes and waited for the racing of her heart to slow. Already nervous about seeing Cole again after last night, she’d acted like a rank amateur, asking him for information she knew he couldn’t release.