Page 29 of Losing Control

He sat in Harry’s Café, enjoying his usual breakfast with his friends and keeping his ears tuned to the conversation around him. People speculated on everything from drug dealers to bikers to kids too high on alcohol. All of them reasonable guesses but enough to make him laugh.

He’d slept well the night before, his lust satisfied and step one of his plan successfully completed. Soon, he’d have to identify another victim. And he’d have to do it carefully, so no one would know that Carrie/Dana was his final target. He hoped.

Get busy. You want that sheriff so occupied he won’t know which day of the week it is.The good people of High Ridge could blame Dana Moretti for bringing evil with her. No one would shed a tear when it was her turn.

He wondered what people would think if they knew what went on behind the warm, friendly face they saw when they looked at him.

He just loved his delicious little secret.


Three hours of sleep hadn’t helped Cole’s fatigue or his disposition. He was at his office early to meet with all his deputies before they headed off with their assignments. But the first thing he fielded was an unpleasant call from John Garrett.

“People want information, Cole,” John said. “When can I give them some?”

Right on the heels of that, the calls had started coming in from the outside media. So much for keeping a lid on things. People talked. As he had headed to the conference room, Grace handed him a pile of pink message slips.

“If you return all these calls, you’ll never get any work done,” she told him.

“Can you keep them off my back for a while?”

“Sure.” She took the slips back. “No problem.”

Now, he stood at the head of the table in the conference room, looking at expressions that ranged from puzzled to shocked to angry. Everyone was there except the two deputies guarding the crime scene. Kay Shore, the county attorney, showed up with a signed blanket warrant allowing his people to enter the homes of the kids who’d been with Leanne, to search, and ask questions.

“Search?” Andi’s eyebrows lifted as she read her copy. “Search for what?”

“Nita said the perp used different instruments to violate Leanne,” Cole answered. “Maybe whoever it is has a little bag of goodies he keeps tucked away.”

Mickey stared at him. “In High Ridge? Sheriff, you’ve only been here three years. Maybe you don’t know people in High Ridge, but they don’t…don’t…”

“Have kinky sex?” Cole finished for him. “I hate to disillusion you, Mick, but even in High Ridge, I’ll bet I’d find a lot of people who like to spice up their sex lives. They just keep it in their own bedrooms. And they aren’t usually brutal about it. Besides, don’t forget. I spent my summers here for a lot of years. And people aren’t often what they seem.”

He let everyone know about the calls from the media and told them he’d be setting up a press conference.

“Grace will set it up, and I’ll have a prepared statement to make,” he said. “You’ve all got your assignments. Let’s get to it.”

He was shuffling through a new batch of messages when a knock sounded at his open door. He looked up to see Tate in the doorway.

He gave his uncle a tired smile. “A sight for sore eyes. Come on in, and I’ll try not to poison you with our coffee.”

Tate dropped into the chair opposite him and balanced his hat on his knee. “No coffee, thanks. I about drank the diner dry. I figured you’d need a kind face about now.”

Cole snorted. “No kidding. It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours, and I think everyone wants a piece of my hide.”

“You know this county is very low key. Malicious mischief and the occasional domestic violence call are about all you’ve had to handle. Nothing like this.” Tate shook his head. “Damn nasty business.”

“Bad scene, Tate.” Cole shook his head. “What someone did to that sweet girl…”

“You’ll need to assure people you’re on top of this, you know. I’m sure it was just some vagrant wandering through here. Stumbled on her and thought she’d be a nice treat. But people will want answers.”

“I know, I know.” Cole took a swallow of the liquid in his mug and made a face. “We can’t rule anything or anyone out yet.”

“You’re smart, and you’ve got a good staff. If there’s anything to be found, you’ll uncover it. The operative word beingif.” He pushed himself out of the chair and gave Cole a tired smile. “You know you’ve always been more like a son than a nephew to us. Adele and I, we’re here for you.”

“Thanks, Tate.” Cole raked his fingers through his hair. “You don’t know what that means to me. Okay, work to be done. I’ve been pushed into making a statement to the press. Can you hang around for that? It would help to have friendly faces in the crowd.”

“Sure. No problem. I’ll just make myself scarce until then, so you can get some work done.”