Page 104 of Losing Control

“We never knew. Adele met him when he came to work on a ranch here. One he eventually bought. He told us all his relatives were dead.” Cole shook his head. “I don’t give a shit what happened to him when he was a kid. There’s no excuse for what he is. He’s a sick coward who tormented little girls. Nothing that happened could ever justify what he did to those girls or their families.”

“Scott and I talked to John Garrett. He nearly had a stroke himself when we gave him the details, but he’ll handle the local story.”

Cole raked a hand through his hair then down his face. “Listen, can you handle the other media for a little while? They’re gathering outside like a hungry pack of wolves. If you can stall them, I’ll give them a statement this afternoon. I’d like Scott and I to do it jointly. But not until we have our facts straight as to what we’ll tell them.”

“No problem. He went back to the motel to shower and change. I’ll catch him as soon as he gets back. Go on back to Dana. I know she needs you.”

“Thanks. I owe you big time for this.”

“Just take care of the lady. She’s a keeper.”

Cole smiled for the first time in hours. “Don’t I know it.”


Dana and Cole pulled their horses to a stop on a slight rise and looked back toward the ranch house. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of this view. The ranch house was lit by the dying rays of the sun, and the horses still frolicked in the corral, one last romp before being penned for the night. Summer had arrived like a blast furnace, but this evening had cooled down enough for them to sit outside.

Learning to ride was one of Dana’s greatest pleasures. She wondered if it was the freedom of racing the horse across the open pasture or watching Cole in his work shirt and worn jean sitting his fine ass so well in the saddle. Either way, it made her happy.

She was actually excited when Cole fetched all her things from San Antonio and listed the house with an agent. He even set up the third bedroom as an office for her when she was ready to write again. Each night, as they slept in his big bed, he cradled her tenderly in his arms and let her know she was safe, with him. And that he loved her beyond reason.

The media, not unexpectedly, had indulged in a feeding frenzy. Only now was the story fading from the national news. Tate had yet to come to trial, confined as he was in a secure mental facility. Cole hoped they never tried him, sparing Dana the agony of having to testify.

“I heard from Adele today,” he said, breaking the peaceful silence.

“How is she?” Dana knew all too well how shattered the whole family was by the revelations.

“Still trying to come to terms that the man she was married to for nearly forty years actually didn’t exist.” He blew out a breath. “It’s been good for her, staying with my cousin all this time.”

“I heard the sale of the ranch went through,” Dana commented.

“Finally. Hard selling property owned by a pedophile.” He lifted his Stetson, raked his fingers through his hair, and placed the hat back on his head. “Saw Jed Nickels at the post office.”

“Oh?” Dana lifted her eyebrows. “They should have runhimout of town on a rail, too.”

“No kidding.” Cole spat on the ground. “Turns out he suspected his friend at the time and didn’t want to, as he said, ‘cause anyone embarrassment.’ He wasn’t too happy when I pointed out to him how many little girls died a horrific death because of that.”

“John Garret said the Nickels place is for sale, too.”

“Good riddance.” Cole swung down from his horse and helped Dana from Diamond, then led her over to their usual spot by the creek. “We should talk.”.

She grinned. “I thought that’s what we’ve been doing for the last few months?”

He planted a soft kiss on her lips then held the wine glass for her to sip. “I mean about the future.”

She tensed in his arms.

He kissed her again. “Good talk, okay?” He rested his arms on his knees. “The county commission wants to extend my contract, with a substantial raise. Margene said they were satisfied with the way I handled the whole situation.” He snorted. “Satisfied. Now there’s an inadequate word for you.”

“I think they don’t know what to say to you,” Dana pointed out. “Satisfied isn’t so bad.”

“Anyway, there’s a point to all this. Point number one. I want to marry you. As fast as we can get it done.” He kissed her temple. “I love you, Dana. I hope you believe that.”

She grinned. “As many times as you’ve told me the past few months, and for everything you’ve gone through with me willingly, it would be hard not to know it.” She slid her gaze to his. “But I hope you know I love you just as much.”

“So that’s a yes?” he prodded.

She smiled again. “Yes. That’s a yes.”