Page 92 of Losing Control

“Please,” she begged. “I want you. Now. Please, Cole.”

She heard the nightstand drawer open and watched him pull out a condom.

“No, I don’t make a habit of bringing women here,” he told her when she looked at him curiously. “But I like to be prepared.”

His voice was as unsteady as his hands, which were shaking so badly he could barely get the condom out of the nightstand drawer. It thrilled her to know he was that aroused. Forher.

He stared at her slick center for a long time, the impact of his gaze ramping up the heat blazing through her. Then he was right there, looking at her as if he could see into her soul. And she into his. Something inside her, the last tight coil, snapped, and she was free. Because he made love to her heart, not just her body. Because her needs were more important to him than his own. Because in his eyes, she saw everything she ever wanted or ever needed to know. The answer to her future.

He turned her over and pulled her to her hands and knees, then stroked her buttocks with a slow glide of his hand. “Does this position frighten you?” His tone was gentle, but there was no mistaking the need in it.

Dana forced herself to think through the erotic haze she found herself in. Frighten her? Maybe with someone else. But not with this man.

“No,” she answered softly. “Not with you.”

“One of these days when all this is over and there’s no question of anything at all, I’m going to take you back here, Dana. But for tonight, this will be the best.”

The head of his cock probed at her opening, touching the wet flesh. Then he glided into her so slowly she thought she’d die before he was all the way in. His hands gripped her hips, lean fingers holding her in place as he stroked in and out. It was the most sensual thing she could imagine. She caught the rhythm and moved with him, joining him in a dance they might have been doing forever. He rocked slowly, gauging her reaction, the movement of her inner muscles.

One hand moved around to her pussy again, finding her clit, stroking, stroking, stroking. As he glided in and out, his balls slapped against her, another tactile sensation that ramped up the fire burning inside her. He rode her for a long time, holding back until he knew she was ready.

Tonight, she was ready for him, her body welcoming him. And after all the teasing in the shower, it wasn’t long before her climax built within her. His body tightened, and he drove hard into her, taking her over the edge with him, the orgasm shaking her very bones.

She had no idea how long it lasted. A minute? An hour? When the last aftershock died away, when the thundering of their hearts slowed to an acceptable pace, she felt as if she’d been bathed in magic.

Very slowly, he eased from her body, turning her onto her back again. He left her only long enough to dispose of the condom. Then he was back, pulling her against him, wrapping her up in his arms, her head nestled on the pillow next to his.

The last thing she heard him say was, “You’re mine now. Don’t forget it.”

Then he kissed her cheek.

Chapter Thirty-Three

It seemed they had hardly closed their eyes before reality intruded with the ringing of Cole’s cell phone. Dana pried her eyes open and watched him stumble out of bed. He cursed as he dragged it out of his pants pocket.

“Landry.” He sat back down on the bed and held the phone so Dana could hear, too.

“Sheriff? It’s Roy on dispatch. You asked me to call you.”

“What?” he rubbed his eyes. “Okay, yeah. Thanks.”

“Scott Clayton asked me to let you know the chopper’s here. And sir? Kelly wouldn’t go home. She says she’s got some long lists for you, matched them up with those names in the Chamber booklet. She won’t leave until you get here.”

Excitement stirred inside Dana. Maybe they were finally getting somewhere. Her gut had told her the clowns would provide the answer.

“I’m on my way.” He pressed the End Call button and looked at Dana. “You heard. The FBI chopper’s here. We’re going to see if we can find this asshole’s hidey hole.”

She started to push her way off the bed. “I’ll get up and make you some coffee.”

Cole tugged her back against him, his arm curling around her. “No need. I’ll get some at the office. But I do want you to get up long enough to chain and bolt the door after me, okay?”

“Sure, although I still can’t believe eventhisguy would be so bold as to go after me at your place.”

“Why not? I don’t have any workers around here, and he knows our entire department is focused on the killings. He’s probably counting on it. I haven’t exactly advertised the fact, but a few people know you’re here and information has a way of leaking out around here.” He kissed her, just a light touch of lips. “Give me five to take a shower and dress.”

Dana grabbed her sleep shirt from the chair where she’d tossed it the night before and pulled it over her head. Looking out the window, she caught the dawn just blossoming on the horizon, fingers of rose and gold reaching into the sky. Prairie grass trembled in a breeze. She imagined Cole mounted on a horse, riding flat out across the pastures. The scene was so peaceful she could almost pretend all the ugliness was happening to someone else. Someplaceelse.

The shower stopped at the same time she saw the battered pickup stop at the barn and a tall, skinny boy hop out and go into the barn.