Page 59 of Losing Control

When he finally lifted his head, Cole was breathing as unevenly as she was.

“Well,” she said.

“Yes. Well.” He smoothed her hair back from her face. “We have two problems right now. I have to get back to the office, and you’re too vulnerable for me to do what I really want.”


He touched a finger to her lips. “Taking care of business is a priority.” His expression turned serious. “The last thing I want to do is make a move that will frighten you, and I think that’s what would happen. So go into the bedroom and put on something comfortable. Roy should be here any time now, and I need to go speak to him.”


“One of the rookies. I pulled him off the phones, and he’ll be doing guard duty until I get home.”

“No. Stop,” she protested. “You need every person available on these murders.”

“I won’t be able to work knowing you’re unprotected, and I have a bad feeling you aren’t out of danger. Yet.”

“It was probably just some of the people in town who want me to leave.”

“Maybe yes, maybe no. I’m not taking any chances. Now, go change clothes.”

Once in the privacy of the guest bedroom, she pulled on jeans and a long-sleeve T-shirt and went into the great room to wait for Cole.


He had looked so weary, so defeated, when Marty dropped her back at the head of the road. When he climbed into the chopper, he’d moved like an old man. She’d had to resist the urge to wrap her arms around him and give him a quick hug. She was fiercely battling the unfamiliar sensations of physical desire where he was concerned. And the dreams weren’t helping.

But Cole wasn’t just incredibly sexy. He was strong and dependable, genuinely sensitive, deeply caring. Seeing him today, seeing the anguish on his face after finding Shannon’s body… It had devastated him. She could tell what he felt had nothing to do with his job. He was simply the kind of man who cared, and cared deeply, about those he felt responsible for.

And she’d added another brick to his load.

By the time Cole was back in the house, she was curled up on the couch, hugging herself as if to chase away the internal chill.

He took a long look at her and in what seemed like seconds had a quilt folded around her and a tumbler of whiskey in her hands.

“Drink it slowly,” he told her, “but drink it all.”

“I’m s-sorry to be such a basket case.” She hated being like this in front of him. In front of anyone, but especially Cole.

“Dana.” He sat down beside her and cradled her chin in his palm. “Today would be enough to send anyone into shock so quit apologizing.”

She swallowed a little of the whiskey, welcoming its burn. “Thank you.”

“Have you eaten? I haven’t checked my food supply lately, but I know there’s stuff in the freezer you can nuke.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m not the least bit hungry.”

“You have to eat. Feel free to forage in the kitchen.”

“The last thing you need to worry about is my food. You’ve done enough already.”

He pulled her cell phone from his pocket where he’d stashed it and put it on the coffee table. “Leave this on, so I can call and check on you. I don’t know what time I’ll be home.”

“Don’t worry.” She felt as if she’d already said it so many times, but it was important to make him understand she had to be low on his list of priorities right now. “I’m good. Really.” She even sipped some more of the whiskey for him. “Why don’t you tell your deputy to come inside where he can be more comfortable?”

“No. He’ll be on the porch where he can see if anyone approaches the house.”

Her eyes widened. “You think someone would come toyourplace?No one even knows I’m here. Well, except for your deputies.”