“No, we won’t.” I burst out laughing. “I do not want my grandkids hearing this story. It’s already going to be awkward enough for them to hear that I dated their uncle.” I giggled, and he pulled me close to him.

“I love you with all my heart, Chelsea Campbell. Please never change.”


“So are you having fun?” Chandler asked me, his voice soft as we lay in the tent on top of the sleeping bags.

“I’m actually surprised that it’s more fun than I thought it was going to be,” I said. “But maybe that’s because it’s not so hot and because you’re with me.” He grinned, and I chuckled. I felt his hand moving around my waist, and I pushed him back. “No, we can’t,” I said.

“What do you mean, we can’t?” he said. “We can do anything we want to do.”

“I know we can do anything we want to do ultimately, but there are people here.”

“And?” he said.

“I don’t want them to hear us.” I glared at him. “My sisters are here.”

“And what? Are you upset that they might hear or are you still upset about Travis?”

“Really?” I said to him. “Do you really think I care about Travis?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I mean, you’re the one that told me that you weren’t sure if—”

I pressed my lips against his to get him to stop talking. I thought it was cute that he was acting jealous, but he had no reason to be jealous. I thought it was quite obvious that I loved him.

“Oh, so you do want to kiss me?” he said, his eyes glittering.

“Oh my gosh.” I pinched him on the shoulder. “Did you just say that crap because you wanted me to kiss you?”

“Well, I always want you to kiss me, but I don’t want you to be shy about it.”

“I’m not being shy about it,” I said as I felt his hand pulling me toward him. “I just—”

“We can be quiet,” he said, laughing, as he pressed his lips against mine again. I felt his hand reaching down and squeezing my ass.

“Oh, Chandler,” I moaned as I reached up and touched the side of his face and ran my fingers through his dark, tousled locks.

“I love you so much, Chelsea,” he whispered against my lips. I felt his hands slipping up my top and squeezing my breasts. “I love you.”

“Okay, fine. You can get some,” I said. “No need to sweet-talk me.”

“What if I want to sweet-talk you?” he asked, winking.

“I know that your ultimate goal right now is to get some.”

“That makes it sound so crass, Chelsea Campbell. I am anything but crass.”

“Uh-huh. You forget that I know you well, Chandler Andretti.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” he growled as he pinched my nipples.

“Ooh,” I cried out. “Chandler.”

“Yes?” he whispered.

“Fuck,” I said as he slipped his hand between my legs and rubbed my clit.

“You’re so wet for me already.” His voice was husky, and I could barely hear him.