“Do you think so?” I asked as I gazed over at Chandler, who was sitting next to Max and laughing at something. Travis was sitting next to Finn, and I couldn’t tell if he’d figured out who Chandler was yet. I wasn’t sure why I’d still come on this trip. It hadn’t been the smartest thing to do. I hadn’t told my sisters about the fact that I’d lost my virginity. I was still processing it. I’d thought they would have known as soon as they saw me. I’d thought they’d start clapping and begging for all the details, but no one had sensed anything.

“You must be so excited to see who you’re going to choose,” Polly whispered as she gazed over at the men. “Chandler is looking dishy, but Travis is so smart and so rich.”

“Chandler is rich as well,” I said, trying to stick up for him.

“Yeah, but he’s not an attorney. He’s not partners with my boyfriend. Imagine if we married best friends.”

“Who said anything about getting married?” I blushed as I looked over at Travis. He turned around to look over his shoulder and gave me a dazzling smile and a little wink. I waved back at him, feeling like shit. What was I doing? I should have called the entire thing off. I loved Chandler. I just didn’t know if I trusted him. I wanted to trust him, but I wasn’t sure if I was being an idiot. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t acting out of lust. I wanted to see him in an environment with other men, including a man that wanted me. I wanted to see if he could step up to the plate. Though I was having a hard time thinking about anyone other than him. Maybe it had been a mistake sleeping with him. Not that my body agreed. My body loved him even more than my brain did. In fact, his dick was probably my favorite body part in the world. I blushed as I thought about the things his dick had done to me.

“Are you okay?” Polly pinched me on the arm. “Are you even listening to me?”

“I am,” I said quickly. “What did you just say again?”

“I said, imagine if we have a joint wedding.” She rolled her eyes. “What were you really thinking about?”

“I can’t say,” I said as a little giggle escaped my throat.

“What’s so funny?” She frowned. “You don’t think Max and I will get married?”

“He loves you. You will get married and have beautiful children. And he will win cases and you will write bestsellers and—”

“What’s going on, Chelsea?” She leaned closer to me and put her hand on my forehead. “Are you feeling sick?”

“I’m fine.” I wrinkled my nose. “I’m just nervous about this weekend.”

“Why? This is what you wanted, right?” She looked over at the men again. “Maybe they will duel for your hand.”

“Don’t be stupid,” I hissed at her. “Travis doesn’t even know that I know that he’s thinking of asking me out. I just want things to be cool with him.”

“I think that ship is long gone.” She laughed. “You told the man you had phone sex with him. Of course he’s intrigued.”

“Ugh, what a hot mess.” I sighed. “I never should have texted him.” I looked behind me and stared at Lily, who was sitting next to Creepy. “I never should have listened to Lily.”

“I could have told you that.” Polly smirked in her annoying way. “I have no idea why you listened to her. Her own love life is a rollercoaster of despair.”

“It’s not bad.” I glared at her. “Anyway, she’s done with Andrew.”

“Why she ever hooked up with him in the first place is beyond me. He’s awful.”

“He’s cute. Ish,” I said with a laugh. “We’ve all dated idiots before.”

“Thinking of Jacob?” she asked me, and I just sighed. Jacob was a troublemaker. And he’d texted me several more times in the last couple of days. However, the text message he’d sent this morning had been an apology. He’d said that he’d lied about Chandler and that he hoped I wouldn’t hold his words against Chandler and that he hadn’t realized we had real feelings for each other. The text had seemed sincere, but I was wondering if Chandler had made him send it. I did believe Chandler. I did think he was much better than his brothers, but I was nervous that he was going to break my heart. Everything in our relationship so far had been such a calamity of hot messes. I just didn’t know what to think. “Chelsea…” Polly tapped me on the shoulder. “You are so out of it.”

“I’m not.” I sighed. “Well, maybe a little bit. I have something to tell you and Harriet when we get to the campsite.”

“Oooh, what is it?” she asked eagerly. “Tell me now and then tell Harriet later.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I have to tell you both at the same time.”

“Why?” Polly sounded annoyed. “It’s not about Mom and Dad, is it? They haven’t blown all of their money already, have they?”

“What?” I blinked at her in confusion. “What are you talking about? No, they haven’t blown their money. At least not that I know of.” I shrugged. “Knowing them, it’s possible.”

“Yeah,” Polly sighed. “So what is it, then? Tell me.”

“Not now.” I shook my head. “It’s a secret.”

“A secret?” Her eyes widened. “What secret?”