“I suppose so, but only because it’s the quickest way to see who I have the best connection with. And maybe it’s neither of them.” I shrugged and then looked over at Lily so I could change the subject. “Also congrats on the negative pregnancy test. I bet you must be so much less stressed out.”

“I was freaking.” She nodded as she drank the remains of her sangria. “I was starting to feel like the whore of Babylon. I could picture my parents disowning me.” She giggled slightly. “Imagine me saying, Mom, Dad, guess what? I’m pregnant, and I don’t know who the dad is. Oh, why don’t I know? ’Cause I had a threesome and the condom broke and we’re not sure which guy was wearing it.” She shook her head. “Never again.”

“Never again to sex or…” Harriet asked, and Lily laughed loudly.

“No, never again to a threesome.” She lowered her voice. “It was fun for a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but I can’t deal with that stress again.”

“I feel ya.” I nodded. “I just don’t even know how you were able to perform knowing you had two guys to get off.”

“Alcohol helped.” She laughed. “And the fact that I was super horny and flattered that they both wanted to pleasure me.” She stared at me. “But my wild phase is over. Boring Lily is back after this weekend. I’m going to tell Creepy that I need to focus on my last year of college and that I don’t want to have a long-distance relationship.”

“Oh wow, so you’re breaking up with him, even though he’s flying all this way?”

“It will be nice to see him again.” She shrugged. “I mean, we only met for a brief period in LA. Everything else has just been on the phone…and, well, the phone isn’t real life.”

“Yeah, true.” I nodded and thought about Chandler. Everything we’d had had been on the phone. And I hadn’t even known it was him. What did that mean? Was it possible that my connection with him was all in my head? But then I thought back to the previous night and being on the bed with him, and I knew that wasn’t true. I’d wanted him to touch me. I’d wanted him to kiss me. I’d wanted him to make love to me. All of those emotions and feelings had been true. I couldn’t deny that. But I didn’t know if sexual chemistry was enough.

“Fine, I’m going to invite Chandler,” I declared, looking around the table. “And I’m going to see if it’s Travis or Chandler that I should give my heart and my body to.”

“Chelsea Campbell, you are too damn dramatic,” Polly said, and we all burst out laughing. I knew I was being over the top, but I also knew that this weekend was going to be the best way to figure out if either of these men were right for me. I wasn’t going to admit this to anyone, but I was kinda excited to see what would happen.


“Ididn’t think you were ever going to answer the phone again,” Chandler said when I answered the phone. “You’re mad mad, huh?”

“What do you think?” I sat on my couch and frowned into the phone. “How would you have felt?”

“I guess I don’t know.” He sighed. “I spoke to Sean and to Jacob, and I told them that—”

“I don’t care about them,” I exclaimed loudly. “Look, I don’t know how I feel about you. I don’t know how I feel about this situation. I would like to see if I think we have a—”

“Anything I can do to show you how much I like you?” he asked, sounding frustrated. “Anything at all?”

“Well, there’s this camping trip this weekend…” My voice trailed off as I wondered how to tell him that I wanted to compare him to someone else without actually saying that.

“You want us to go camping?”

“It won’t just be us…” I took a deep breath. “My sisters, their boyfriends, Lily, and some other folks are coming.”

“What about that guy you thought you were texting? Is he going?”

“Oh…uhm…” How on earth had I forgotten that I’d told him about Travis? This was going to be more difficult than I thought.

“I take that as a yes.” He chuckled sardonically. “Okay, I’ll come. I’ll show you that I’ll fight for you.”

“I’m not asking you to fight for me. I just want to see how we get on in the real world, around people that are important to me.”

“Okay, that’s fair. I hope that they like me.” He sighed. “And don’t hold my past and brother against me.”

“They won’t,” I said quickly. “They might hold Tasmin against you, though.”

“They know about Tasmin?” He groaned. “Chelsea, that was before you. My brothers are stupid and…”

“It’s fine,” I said quickly. “I don’t care.”

“Oh, yeah, it’s so clear that you don’t care.” He chuckled. “How’s your AC, by the way?”

“Warm…” I said. “But my landlord is coming to fix it tomorrow.”