Polly, Harriet, Natasha, and Lily stared at me with equal amounts of shock, amusement, and awe on their faces. I’d just told them about my evening and morning at Chandler’s house, and even I’d had to giggle a couple of times. I was pretty sue that other customers at Colorado’s Finest Beers had also heard parts of my story as I’d been quite loud, but I didn’t even care.

“So yeah, my life is officially a shitshow.” I groaned as I sat back in the booth.

“I can’t believe that girl took off her top,” Lily said, shaking her head.

“I can’t believe that Chandler so casually told you, ‘Yeah, I titty-banged her, but I’m not interested.’” Harriet chugged her sangria and shook her head. “Like no, Chandler, we do not need you to be honest right now.”

“Right?” I rolled my eyes and signaled to the waitress to come over.

“Can I help, y’all?” she asked. “Anyone want to ride the bucking bull?”

“No, thanks,” Polly said quickly, and we all laughed.

“Can I order another pitcher of sangria, please?” I smiled as I nodded toward the empty pitcher. “And a serving of the steak nachos, please.”

“Sure, anything else?” she asked, looking around the table as everyone shook their heads. “Okay, I’ll put that order in.” She walked away, and then Polly burst out laughing.

“I just can’t believe that Jacob is so full of himself that he thought you were sitting in the kitchen waiting for him.”

“What a fool,” Natasha added. “Talk about being self-absorbed.”

“Right?” I rolled my eyes. “You are the bottom of my list, Jacob Andretti.” I groaned. “But what do I do about Chandler?” I sighed. “He’s texted and messaged me.”

“I have an idea,” Harriet spoke up, a wicked little smile on her face. “And hear me out before you shoot me down.”

“Oh, boy, what’s the idea?” I asked her, suspiciously. Harriet often had very bad ideas. “And am I going to like it?”

“So I was thinking you have two men that want you.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that.” I shook my head. “Travis doesn’t even know if he wants to take me on a date yet.”

“He wants you.” Harriet giggled. “Trust me.”


“So why don’t you have them prove themselves to you, side by side, and then you can make a decision?”

“What are you talking about?”

“This weekend.” She grinned. “Invite Chandler to come as well and then see which one you prefer.”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “That seems awkward.”

“I was going to invite Creepy,” Lily said, laughing. “And I know Andrew will be there, so that will be even more awkward.”

“Oh, shit, you’re inviting Creepy?” I was shocked. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“No.” She shrugged. “But I hate Andrew, so I don’t care. I’m not going to let him ruin the weekend for me.”

“It could be the Hunger Games for your heart,” Harriet said. “We could call it the Chelsea Games.”

“That’s stupid.” I giggled, though I secretly liked it. Even though I knew it sounded like a bad idea, a part of me was excited about the fact that I would have both guys around me all weekend. That way I would definitely get to see which one I liked more. I would definitely be able to figure out who I was most attracted to. I would see who I connected with more. Travis did seem to be boring in person. But maybe that was because we hadn’t actually flirted. He had never stepped up his game for me. I had loved connecting with Chandler on the phone. And I was really attracted to him. But I had history with him. And I didn’t like his brothers. I didn’t know if dating him could go anywhere. And I didn’t know if I would feel like a slut having dated Jacob and then dating him. I had not respected Tasmin at all. And granted, I hadn’t done the things she had done, but I didn’t want anyone to think that I was one of those girls that just got around with every brother.

“I think it sounds fun,” Lily said. “They can duel for your heart.”

“There will be no duels.” I shook my head. “In fact, I don’t want either one of them knowing what’s going on,” I said seriously. “They can’t find out that I’m testing them to see who I like best.”

“So you’re going to do it?” Polly asked excitedly. “You’re going to invite Chandler?”