“Not interested.” Chandler shook his head and took a seat next to me.

“You were sure interested two months ago when you were titty fucking me,” she spat out and then looked me in the eyes. “When you busted all over my nipples and face and told me that you wanted to bust inside of me, you…”

“Enough,” Chandler growled and stood up. He grabbed her wifebeater from the floor and handed it to her. “Put this on and shut up.”

“Oh, don’t want your Catholic skank to hear about it?” Her eyes narrowed as she gazed at me. I was eating my omelet slowly, not sure what to say or do. I felt uncomfortable and slightly jealous. It didn’t make me feel good knowing that Chandler had been with this girl, but what weirded me out even more was the fact that she now seemed to be with Sean. What the hell was going on with these brothers? Also, I had no idea where the Catholic part had come from. Or the skank. I had on all of my underwear, thank you very much.

“Sean, make Tasmin her coffee and get her out of here,” Chandler said coolly and then looked over at me, concern in his eyes. “You okay?” I nodded slowly without saying anything. I wasn’t really sure what to say in this instance.

“Oh, now you’re playing cold with me?” Tasmin’s voice raised. “Now you got Fraulein Maria here, you going to forget how you wanted to do me up the ass raw ’cause you said I couldn’t get pregnant.”

“That’s a lie.” Chandler’s voice was stiff.

“I said that, Tasmin.” Sean laughed, not seeming to care. “And it’s true. You can’t get pregnant if I cum in your ass.”

My face blushed at the conversation. I couldn’t believe what was going on. I felt like I was in the middle of Trashy Central, and I had no idea what I was doing here. In fact, I kinda wanted to disappear. I didn’t really want to be a part of this disfunction, and yet I couldn’t help but wonder what was coming next.

“Whatever,” Tasmin said, grabbing a piece of toast from Chandler’s plate.

“In fact, you then pulled your panties down, stuck your ass in the air, and told me to wreck you,” Sean said, shrugging. “And then we both had to have a shower afterward because you shat on my dick and…”

“Enough!” Chandler shouted. “Can you not see we’re eating here?” He glared at his brother. “Get out of here with that shit, man.”

“Nice one.” Sean laughed and put his hand up in the air, but when he realized his brother wasn’t laughing, he shrugged. Then he turned to me. “Anyway, if you wanna watch a movie sometime or lose your ass virginity, let me know…” His voice trailed off as Chandler glared at him. “Whatever, dude. You haven’t won yet, I don’t think.”

“Sean.” Chandler jumped up and headed toward his brother. “Get out.”

“Fine.” Sean cackled. “Come on, Tasmin. I’m hungry. I might as well eat your pussy.”

Tasmin smirked and pulled her top up and sashayed out of the kitchen, her ass cheeks bouncing. She stopped at the entryway and looked over at Chandler. “It’s yours anytime you want it, baby.” She winked and then pushed her finger into her mouth and pretended to start sucking it. “I still prefer your cock.” She looked at me then with an evil smile and left the kitchen, knowing she’d left chaos in her wake. I didn’t know what to think or say. This had been even worse than if Jacob had showed up. I felt uncomfortable and out of place. I’d always known Chandler had gotten around, but to have it thrown in my face like this was too much.

“Are you mad?” Chandler sounded stiff as he finally spoke up.

“No.” My voice was barely a whisper.

“I never slept with her,” he said, reaching over and touching my shoulder. “She wanted to, but I didn’t want her like that.”

“But you did other stuff?” I asked, looking at him with wide eyes, trying not to feel jealous. I had no reason to be jealous. He wasn’t my boyfriend.

“One night we got drunk, and yes, I titty-fucked her.” He sighed. “And yes, she gave me a blowjob, but that was it. I never saw her again. She started showing up at bars me and my brothers went to, and when she couldn’t get with me, she decided to go for Sean…and well, she’s hot and he went for her.”

“That’s disgusting.” I shook my head. “So nasty.”

“Sean is immature. He doesn’t care. Both he and Jacob have a lot of growing up to do.” He paused. “Look, there’s something I want to tell you. Something that might make you upset, but I want you to hear it from me. It’s going to sound worse than it is.”

“What is it?” I asked, my heart thudding. What bombshell was he going to drop on me now. “Do I really want to hear this?”

“I’m not sure, but I—”

“Wassup, yo.” Jacob’s voice filled the kitchen as he opened the back door. His eyes widened as he noticed me sitting at the kitchen island. I felt all blood leaving my face. I couldn’t believe it. I was about to tell him that it wasn’t what he thought when he burst out into a huge grin.

“Chelsea.” He hurried over to me. “You got my texts?”

“Huh? Uhm, yeah.” I blinked at him. Why was he looking so happy?

“You decided to come back to me?” He stopped next to me and licked his lips. “You decided you wanted me to be your first still, huh?”

“What?” My jaw dropped as I stared at the confident look on his face. Was he delusional? Was this entire family crazy? I’d thought my sisters and I were living on another planet, but the Andretti brothers took the cake.