“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.” She giggled. “I could nibble on a wiener all day and night.” That was my cue to leave.
“I’ll be back,” I said softly, but neither one of them was paying attention to me now. I made my way over to the poolside and slipped off my sandals so that I could dip my feet into the pool. I was hoping that Travis would make his way over to me. I leaned back and pulled my phone open to see if I had any texts. My eyes perused the screen quickly, and I was about to shut the phone down when I saw a name that made me frown. Jacob the Asshole had sent me a text message forty-five minutes previously. I didn’t want to open the message. I knew I should just delete it, but I couldn’t help myself. I clicked it open and read,“Hey, pretty girl, what’s happening? Wanna have a beach day soon?”
My jaw dropped as I read his casual message. Did he really think I was going to respond to his text? Did he really think that I was going to say, “Yes, let’s go to the beach and finish what we got started all those years ago”? It struck me as ironic that he’d asked me to go to the beach when that was the place where I’d been meant to lose my virginity to him. Only it hadn’t happened. Well, not for me. He’d still got laid on the beach. In fact, I’d witnessed it and broken down crying. I couldn’t believe he’d betrayed me. I’d gone running and bumped into his jerk of an older brother, CIA (Chandler Ian Andretti), and all he’d done was laugh. When Jacob broke up with me the next day, after I’d texted him telling him I wanted to speak to him about something, I’d been furious. Especially when he’d told me that CIA had told him that I was too needy of a girlfriend.
I stared at the message in disbelief. I was about to tell him to go fuck himself when I heard footsteps next to me.
“How’s the temperature?” Travis’s warm, dulcet tone filled my ears, and I beamed up at him. His baby blue eyes looked down at me in a sexy way, and I felt my heart stirring.
“Perfect.” I grinned, offering my innocent but sexy smile. “Feels warm enough to swim in.”
“You can go for a swim, if you want.” He nodded as he took a sip of his beer.
“I didn’t bring my bathing suit.” I pouted. “And there are a few too many people here for me to skinny dip.” I giggled, and he just nodded. That wasn’t the response I’d hoped for, but it struck me that he couldn’t exactly beg me to strip naked with all these people at his home. He was a mature and responsible man. He wasn’t going to fuck me with his eyes in front of dozens of his employees.
“Sally, my housekeeper has a drawer of bathing suits,” he said with a small smile, looking around. “She’s here somewhere. I can ask her to show them to you, if you want.”
“Oh, maybe later.” I ran my fingers through my hair and then stood up, smoothing my dress against my body as I did so. I knew my boobs and butt looked like fire in the skintight dress, and I hoped he appreciated the money I’d spent to garner his attention. “It’s so hot today.” I ran my fingers down my neck toward my boobs and then looked back at his face to see if he was watching. To my chagrin, he was staring at his phone screen instead of at my boobs. Was he a man or what? “So do you like to skinny dip?” I asked him, trying my slightly breathless voice on him. He looked up from his phone and frowned slightly.
“Sorry, what did you say?” He offered me a slow, casual smile before looking back at the crowds of people. “If you would please excuse me, I need to check in with the summer interns to make sure they are all doing okay.”
“Of course,” I said, slightly disappointed. “We’ll catch up later.”
“Indeed.” He nodded his head and beamed at me. “I have a feeling it will be a long night.” I gazed at his lips, and my stomach churned slightly. Was he hinting that it was going to be a long night between the two of us? Was this his way of coming on to me? He really was smooth.
“I think so as well.” I giggled as I licked my lips. “Hopefully, it’s a fun one.” I was about to add something else when I noticed Polly marching over to me. I stifled a sigh and offered Travis a little wave. “I’ll see you later.” I hurried away from him before Polly said something to embarrass me. I wouldn’t put it past her to bring up some tragic or depressing story to make me look bad in front of him. “Hey, sis.” I headed over to her and beamed. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“I could say the same thing,” she said, shaking her head. “What do you think you’re doing, Chelsea?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked innocently. “I’m just enjoying some drinks and getting to know everyone at the party.”
“And by everyone, do you mean Travis?”
“Travis?” I feigned ignorance. “Which one is he again?”
“Chelsea!” She glared at me, and I giggled.
“Oh, the hot one I was just talking to?” I shrugged. “You have nothing to worry about, sis. It’s not like I asked him to go skinny dipping with me or anything.” I winked at her. “And it’s not like he propositioned me to have some hot sex tonight.”
“Chelsea Campbell, do not even think about hooking up with Travis.” She pointed her finger at me. “He’s too old for you, and he’s not the man for you to lose your virginity to.”
“Who says I want to lose my virginity to him?” I shrugged. “Maybe I just want a little first and second base?”
“Chelsea.” Her tone changed. “Darling, he’s not the one. Trust me. Can you imagine the drama if you hook up with him and everything goes south?” She made a face. “He’s Max’s best friend and partner, he’s Finn’s friend and business associate… It would just be so messy.”
“So I can’t have some fun because there is a one percent chance that it could be messy?” I glared at her.
“Chelsea, with you, the one percent always seems to come true.” She shrugged, and I just shook my head. I didn’t care what Polly had to say. I wanted Travis, and I was going to have him. I’d just have to be covert about it initially. I’d have to go behind both of my sisters’ backs. I didn’t particularly want to do it that way, but I had to admit that the thought was slightly thrilling. I looked around to find Travis and saw him talking to Natasha; he was laughing about something, and I couldn’t help but notice his big dimples. Travis was simply adorable, and I was going to have him one way or another.
It was ten p.m., and the party was still going strong. Polly was dancing cheek to cheek with Max, and Lily had disappeared somewhere. I sat on one of the red Adirondack chairs playing charades with Natasha, Harriet, Molly, and a couple of others. Travis was standing on the other side of the yard, chatting with Finn about something, and I was starting to feel annoyed. Aside from a couple of glances at each other, we’d had no other contact. I was going to have to make another plan. I had a feeling that the night was not going to go as I’d hoped. There was going to be no make-out session in the bedroom, study, or any other room. There was certainly not going to be any skinny dipping.
“It’s your turn, Chelsea.” Molly jumped up and down in excitement. She was totally in her element. And unlike me, she’d seemed to have completely given up on garnering Travis’s attention. I hadn’t seen her attempting to flirt with him since earlier in the day, but they may have been because one of the guys, Andrew, had told her she looked like Margot Robbie and she’d been flying high ever since.
“Okay,” I said, standing up and heading to the front of the crowd. I spun my right hand in a circle, and Molly shouted out.
“It’s a movie, it’s a movie.”