“Do you mind if we start with that?” he asked with a small smile. “Then we can watch season three.”

“All tonight?”

“Maybe not all tonight.” He grinned. “I’d say it may take a few days.”


“Don’t think too much about it.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Consider this a pre–first date date.”

“Huh? What does that mean?”

“It means that I want to take you on a real date.” He shifted closer to me. “And that we should consider this a pre-date, kinda like the dating version of the promise ring to engagement ring.”

“You’re a goof.” I burst out laughing, though I had to admit I was excited by his words. “I suppose I can allow you to take me on one date.”

“One?” He mock-glared at me. “I was thinking like three or five or ten.”

“Ten?” I giggled. “That’s a lot of dates.”

“Well, we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other at the class.” He grinned. “Which I am so glad you’re taking. I’m so proud of you, Chelsea.”

“Not much to be proud of yet. I haven’t even gotten a loan.”

“With my help, you will soar.” He grinned and then jumped off of the bed and walked over to the love seat. “So season two, episode one?” He turned to the TV again, and I frowned.

“Uhm, why are you sitting on the couch?”

“Because I’m not sure I can control myself sitting next to you looking so sexy.”

“Oh my gosh, Chandler Ian Andretti, get on this bed and watch the TV show next to me. This is ridiculous.” I got off the bed and grabbed my tank top and put it back on. “If this is a pre-date date, then you need to convince me to go on a real date.” I winked at him. “And right now, I’m feeling slightly lonely.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” He jumped up and practically ran to the bed before leaping onto the mattress next to me. He reached out and pulled me into his arms, and I rested my head against his chest. His fingers played with my hair, and I could feel hear his heart beating. “Alexa, turn off the lights,” he said, and the lights went off immediately.

“So creepy,” I said, feeling warm and happy. The show started on the TV screen, and I smiled as Selena Gomez, Martin Short, and Steve Martin appeared on the screen. “I love this show,” I mumbled happily.

“Hmmm, me too,” he whispered against my hair, and I had the feeling that he was staring at me and not at the screen. Not that I minded. In fact, I was feeling quite comfortable. The most comfortable I’d felt in a long time.


There was something warm and hard pressed next to me as I rose, and I blinked in confusion as I opened my eyes. I had almost forgotten where I was. My eyes open slowly, and I look to see Chandler’s face gazing at me. His brown eyes were serious as he studied my face, and I offered him a warm smile.

“Oops, sorry.” He laughed as he kissed the top of my forehead.

“What are you sorry about?”

“I said I wouldn’t sleep in the same bed as you, and here we are.” He gestured down to both of our bodies; we were both still fully clothed. Well, he only had on a pair of boxers, but I still had on my top and shorts. I almost wished that we had on less clothes. I wanted to touch his chest. His muscles looked taut and sexy, and I wondered what he would do if I ran my fingernails down his abs and toward the top of his boxers. I tried not to look at the front of his boxers as I could see that he had morning wood. He didn’t appear to be extremely hard, but I could tell that he definitely had a semi. I wanted to make a joke, but I knew that that would make things between us awkward. It had been nice sleeping in his arms; it had been the best rest I’d gotten in months. And I didn’t want to complicate that. Yes, I was attracted to him, but I still didn’t know what that meant. He was still Jacob’s older brother, and he was still the guy that had annoyed me for years.

“Yeah, but it’s not like we fell asleep on purpose.” I giggled as I stretched. “I guess it was foolhardy of us to attempt to watch a TV show so late at night and not expect to fall asleep.”

“I think we did catch the first twenty minutes.” He grinned. “Well, you caught the first ten minutes before dozing off, and I caught the next ten.”

“Haha.” I laughed and then blushed as my stomach growled. “Oops, I guess I’m hungry.”

“Then I guess I should make you breakfast.” He jumped off of the bed and walked over to his closet. I watched him grab a pair of shorts and a shirt and pull them on quickly. “What would you like?”

“What can you make?”

“Almost everything.” He laughed. “I’m a pretty good chef.”