“It’s fine.” He ran his fingers through his hair as we walked toward the house. “He never comes into the main building.” He stopped and turned to me. “And he has no claim on you, Chelsea. He’s not your man.”

“But he was my boyfriend.” I sighed. “And he was the man I was going to—”

“But none of that happened.” He pressed his finger to my lips. “We don’t have to worry about Jacob. Let me deal with that if we decide we want to pursue something.”

“What do you mean by pursue something?” I asked him suspiciously. “Are you talking about sex?”

“No.” He grinned. “Maybe.”

“Chandler!” I glared at him.

“Not tonight, obviously.” He laughed. “But we have to face facts, Chelsea. We’ve both already come for each other.”


“This is my room.” Chandler walked inside a room that was bigger than my entire apartment and motioned toward the king-size bed. “You can sleep there and I’ll sleep on the couch.” He nodded toward an uncomfortable gray loveseat in the corner of the room, and I grimaced. The seat didn’t look comfortable, and I was sure he wouldn’t get a good night’s sleep. Chandler walked to the side of the room, opened a door and grabbed a towel, then headed back to me. “This is just in case you want to have another shower before bed.”

“Thanks,” I said, taking the towel with a laugh. “I think I’m okay, though.”

“If you’re sure.” He grinned and just stared at me in his boyishly good-looking way. He rounded his shoulders and pulled off his shirt, and I swallowed hard. I’d been fooling myself considering him boyishly anything. Chandler was all man. “Sorry, this is okay, right?” He unzipped his pants and pulled them down, exposing a pair of black Calvin Klein briefs. “You’ve seen me this way before, so…” He cocked head to the side and grinned.

“I didn’t know it was you,” I burst out, unable to keep it in any longer.

“Sorry, what?” He looked confused, and his brows furrowed together. “You didn’t know what was me?”

“On the phone.” I looked down, embarrassed. “I thought it was someone else.”

“What are you talking about, Chelsea?” His lips trembled slightly. “You’re the one that texted me.”

“Remember when you were like, sorry, you’ve got the wrong number?” I mumbled. “Well, that turned out to be true. I did have the wrong number, but I didn’t realize it until recently.”

“You’re not joking?” He raised an eyebrow and headed over to his bed and sat down. He looked down at his lap, mumbling something incoherent, and I just stood where I was. “Who did you think I was?” He frowned and looked over at me sharply. “Not Jacob?”

“Eww, no.” I wrinkled my nose and headed over to him. I sat on the bed next to him. “My sister Polly is dating this guy Max and—”

“You were sexting your sister’s boyfriend?”

“No.” I hit him in the shoulder. “Of course not.”

“Sure,” he said, turning to me with a glint in his eyes. “You forget I know you, Chelsea Campbell. I know the craziness you get up to.”

“I’m notthatcrazy.” I stuck my tongue out at him, and I could see him licking his lips. “I’m not you.”

“You’re not dating Jacob now,” he said stiffly.

“But the day we wrestled, I was.” I licked my lips and rubbed my fingers back and forth on my thigh. “And I think we both know that you acted inappropriately on that day.”

“I did?” He raised an eyebrow as he shifted closer to me. “We were wrestling.”

“And you grew hard.”

“You were grinding and dry-humping me.” He shrugged, shifting closer. I could feel his breath on my face, he was so close. His eyes bore into mine. “You knew what you were doing, Chelsea. You were getting off on it.”

“Anyway,” I said quickly. “Polly’sboyfriend, Max, is an attorney, and he has a partner called Travis. And Travis’s last name is Chandler,” I garbled out quickly, trying not to notice the way the light was making his eyes look like pools of desire.

“Okay and?” His right hand was on my thigh now. “What about it?”

“I got the number from Polly’s phone.” I tried to ignore the way his fingers were running up and down my naked skin. “I thought I was texting him.”