“Give me fifteen,” I said, not sure what I was saying. “I still need to have a shower.”

“Great,” he said happily. “I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.” He hung up the phone, and I just stood there wondering what I’d just agreed to. I was going to spend the night at Chandler Andretti’s house. Was I crazy? I felt crazy, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to be up half the night sweating to death. Plus, I had the feeling that he’d be on his best behavior. And if he wasn’t, I’d just leave. I’d catch an Uber or call one of my sisters to pick me up.

“It’ll be fine,” I mumbled to myself as I pulled off my clothes and got into the shower. My mind was already thinking about what I was going to wear. I smiled as I thought about the sexy thong and lace bra I’d bought a few months previously. I’d wear them, a pair of boy shorts and a tank top. Even though I didn’t want anything to happen, I still wanted to look cute. In fact, I wanted to look really cute. I wanted him to think I was as sexy in person as he did online. I could feel my body shivering as I ran the strawberry body scrub over my skin. I was going to be spending the night with Chandler Andretti. The Chandler Andretti. The hottest man I’d ever seen in my life. I had a feeling I was playing with fire. And all I could hope was that I wasn’t going to get burned.

* * *

“I didn’t thinkyou were actually going to get in.” Chandler’s eyes glowed as I slid into the passenger seat of his black BMW. “Hi.”

“Hi,” I said shyly. This was the first time I was seeing him after finding out that he was the man I’d been sexting with. “You really didn’t have to come and pick me up.”

“I would drive five hundred miles just to see your face,” he said and then groaned. “I sound corny, don’t I?”

“Yes.” I laughed, looking over at him in surprise. “Very different to the boy I knew.”

“Maybe not so different,” he said as he looked me up and down. “You really did shower.” He laughed. “Your hair is wet.”

“It is.” I nodded. “I should have dried it out, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting.”

“No worries,” he said with a smile. “We’ll be at mine soon. And I know it’s late, but if you wanted to watch a movie or a TV show or anything we can.”

“Don’t you have to sleep?” I teased him. “Don’t you have a lot of work to do?”

“I do, but sleep can wait until I’m dead.” He laughed. “If you’re up for it, of course.”

“Sure, if I can choose the show.” I giggled, feeling far more relaxed than I thought I’d feel. It was weird because Chandler and I had never really spent a lot of time one-on-one, and I was curious how this was going to go.

“I guess,” he said, drawling his words. “As long as it’s not a romance.”

“What if I love watching romances?” I asked him, pretending to pout. “What if watching romances makes me want to believe in love?”

“I can make you believe in love,” he said huskily, and my heart jumped. Was he in love with me? What was going on? This was all starting to seem really weird. I felt like I was watching my life from outside of my body. It all felt so surreal.

“Really? What does an Andretti know about love?” I asked him seriously. As far as I was concerned, all the Andrettis cared about was getting laid and acting like they ran the world.

“I don’t know,” he said. “But maybe I want to find out.” His voice trailed off as we pulled up the driveway to his house. I’d never been here before. I hadn’t even realized that he’d moved, but then why would I have known? It wasn’t like we’d stayed in touch. We hadn’t been friends. In fact, I’d long considered him my enemy, which was what made it even weirder being here with him.

“I think maybe I should go home,” I said as he parked and the reality of what I was doing hit me. “I can survive in the heat.”

“We’re here now, Chelsea. I’m not the big bad wolf. I’m not going to eat you.” He grinned as I looked away from him. “Unless you want me to.”

“No, thank you. I think I can survive without you trying to seduce me, thank you very much.”

“Are you sure?” He laughed. “I had a feeling you were very much interested in being seduced.”

I pressed my lips together and ignored him.

“I can take you home, if that’s what you want.” He sounded disappointed, and I looked over at him. He was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel and had a genuine expression on his face. His eyes looked into mine warmly. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, and if you are, then I will take you home right away.” He sounded so sincere that I could feel it in my heart.

“It’s fine, but we’re not sharing a bed.” I pointed my finger at him. “So don’t even think about trying any funny business.”

“Would I ever?” he asked and then burst out laughing. “Okay, so I think we both know that the answer to that is yes, but I promise, I will not sleep in the same bed as you, even if you beg me to.”

“I won’t be begging.” I laughed as I opened my car door. “Nice place you have here. Live here by yourself or…” My voice trailed off. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t asked who he lived with.

“No.” He chuckled as he saw my face. “Jacob and Sean live with me.” He paused. “They are sleeping, though, and I have my own wing on the lefthand side. Sean is on the right and Jacob is in the pool house at the back.”

“I don’t know.” I wrinkled my nose. “I don’t really want to see him, and I mean, have you thought about his reaction to you if he saw me in your room?”