“Oh, I’m going skip,” I said quickly, feeling myself growing hot. I didn’t know how I could look him in the eye right now. I felt Lily stepping back from me and observing my face. I gave her an awkward smile, and she frowned.

“What’s going on?” she asked as she rubbed her eyes.

“Nothing,” I said quickly.


“I don’t want to make this moment about me,” I said, shaking my head, and she frowned.

“Chelsea, what’s going on?” She looked back at Polly and Harriet and then stiffened. “Oops.”

“No, it’s not because of them,” I said quickly and sighed as my two sisters looked at me in confusion.

“What’s going on?” Polly asked, frowning.

“Ugh, fine,” I mumbled. “I took Travis’s number from your phone because I wanted to flirt with him and figured texting was the way to go. We ended up sexting and then chatting on the phone and having phone sex,” I looked down on the ground, “and telling all sorts of dirty things to each other, and I was in the kitchen with him just now, telling him that I wasn’t sure how I felt in person.”

“I don’t have Travis’s number,” Polly said, looking confused. “And what do you mean you were sexting?”

“We had phone sex.” I groaned and shook my head. “And yes, I now know you don’t have his number.”

“Wait, what?” Lily frowned. “But you were chatting with him.”

“It wasn’t him.” I closed my eyes and tried not to scream. “The man I was talking to on the phone was not Travis Chandler.”

“But then who?” Harriet sounded confused. “And what do you mean by phone sex?”

“I mean talking dirty and mutually getting off.” I groaned. “It was Chandler.”

“Chandler?” Lily frowned. “FromFriends?”

“No.” I rolled my eyes. “CHANDLER!”

“Chandler?” Polly’s jaw dropped. “As in Chandler Andretti?”

“Yes.” I pressed my lips together. “I cannot believe it.” My phone started ringing then, and I rolled my eyes as I pulled it out of my bag. I was almost confident that it was Chandler calling me, trying to see if I wanted to meet up tonight. He most probably thought we were going to go to the beach and bang in the ocean, the way I’d been talking. I didn’t know how I was going to live this down. My heart dropped when I stared at the screen. It wasn’t Chandler calling me. It was Jacob. I couldn’t believe it. This was literally my worst nightmare. I held up my phone and showed it to my sisters and Lily, and I could see Lily gawking.

“Shit,” Lily said, her tears now gone. “I thought I was in a hot mess, but this beats the cake.”

“What does that mean?” I asked her, feeling slightly annoyed that she was comparing our two situations.

“Well, you promised one brother your virginity,” she said, laughing slightly. “And it looks like the other one is the one that will get your cherry.”

“Really, Lily.” I glared at her. “I am not going to sleep with Chandler Andretti. I am not going to let him take my virginity.” I powered my phone off and placed it into my handbag. “And I’m done with this conversation. I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.”

“Can I just ask one thing?” Harriet asked, her eyes wide. “Did you tell Travis that you thought that you and he were having phone sex?” I stared at my sister and went bright red. She burst out laughing, followed by Polly and Lily. We all looked over at Travis, who was now staring at us, and I felt myself burning with shame as he lifted up his beer in a wave and winked at me. I was never going to live this down. And it was all my fault. I didn’t know how I’d gotten myself into this situation. And I also didn’t know why Jacob was contacting me again. Had Chandler told him what we were doing? And if he had, why? Then I remembered all of our conversations. I’d thought I’d been talking to Travis, but now I knew that it had been Chandler, and I was thinking about everything in a different way. Chandler had said he’d been interested in me for a long time. Now I was wondering how long. I needed some answers, and I needed that now. I still didn’t like Chandler Andretti, but I was still curious to find out more. And if I was honest, I was kinda happy that it hadn’t been Travis on the phone. I’d felt guilty that I hadn’t been able to think about him when I’d been pleasuring myself. I thought it was kinda weird that I’d been fantasizing about Chandler, when he’d actually been the one on the phone. I wasn’t sure what it meant, aside from the fact that I found him sexy. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know what it meant, either, but I knew I was going to find out.


The air in my bedroom felt muggy and humid. My AC wasn’t working properly, and the ceiling fan was doing nothing to cool down the room. It was one a.m., and I couldn’t sleep. Both Jacob and Chandler had texted and called me, and I’d ignored both of them. I hadn’t known what to say. The fact of the matter was that I had a feeling that Chandler had no idea that I’d thought I was chatting with someone else. It made me feel slightly icky. And I knew I couldn’t tell him off. I was the one who’d contacted him. And I was pretty confident I’d never said Travis’s name. As far as Chandler knew, I’d intended to text him all along.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed, feeling hot and bothered. I made my way to the bathroom, so I could have a cold shower and try and cool off. My phone beeped as I reached the doorway, and I saw that it was Chandler. I sighed as I stared at the screen.

“You up?”

“Yeah.”I typed back, not knowing why I was responding. I groaned as he called me right away. I stared at the screen as it rang and reluctantly answered. “Hello?”

“Hey, you’re up late.” He chuckled, and as I listened to his voice, I felt like a fool. Chandler sounded nothing like Travis. He had his own unique and distinctive sexy voice.