“And I pull you down to me, and I kiss you hard as you continue bouncing on my hard cock, and your pussy lips feel wetter and warmer and fuck.” He grunted, and I heard him breathing harder. This sent me over the edge, and I felt myself coming as well. We were both on the phone, breathing hard, and I snuggled down under the sheets, feeling spent and tired.

“That was fucking hot, Chelsea,” he said, awe in his voice. “I was picturing your face the entire time. Fuck, I can’t wait for this to happen in person.”

“Me too,” I squeaked out, suddenly feeling guilty. I hadn’t been able to picture Travis at all. It had been Chandler in my mind making me come. But I didn’t want to beat myself up. If I was honest, it was usually his face in my mind when I played with myself. But that was only because he’d been the only man that had ever really turned me on in real life. “That was hot,” I said quickly and then yawned. “Hey, I have plans for early tomorrow, so I got to go, but maybe we can chat again soon.”

“You can count on it, Chelsea.” He growled into the phone. “And next time, maybe we can video chat. I’d love to see that sexy pussy of yours close up.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said, swallowing hard. Talking on the phone was one thing, but actually showing him my body felt like something else altogether. “I’ll talk to you later, night.”

“Night, beautiful. Sweet dreams.” We hung up the phone, and I just lay there, staring out the window at the night sky. I’d just had phone sex with Travis. And it had been hot. He could win an award for his dirty talking. Why then had I not been able to picture his face as he’d talked? Why hadn’t I been able to think of him naked and touching me? I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I felt like the disconnect was coming because of how he acted in person. The next time I saw him, I was going to tell him that I didn’t want it to just be on the phone anymore. I wanted us to move this relationship into the real world.


My alarm went off at seven a.m., and I groaned. I didn’t want to wake up yet, but I knew I wanted an early start. I was serious about wanting to start this business, and I knew that if I didn’t get going first thing in the morning, I’d stay home daydreaming about Travis and feeling conflicted about what was going on between the two of us. I didn’t even want to think about Chandler and why he’d popped into my mind.

I stretched my legs and clambered out of bed, needing to grab a cup of coffee immediately. I was going to need as much caffeine as possible if I was going to be using my brain this morning. I grabbed my phone as I headed to the kitchen. I needed to speak to Lily and tell her what had happened the previous evening. I knew she wouldn’t judge me. I wanted to tell my sisters as well, but I didn’t know how to explain to them that Travis and I were engaging in an on-the-phone relationship—whatever that really meant.

I switched the kettle on to boil some water and plugged in my phone to the charger as the battery was dead. I grabbed the instant coffee jar from the cupboard and yawned. I really wanted to go back to bed, but I knew that wasn’t an option. The light on my phone screen flashed as it turned on, and I unlocked it to see if I had any messages. I groaned when I saw Jacob’s name at the top of the screen. What did that asshole want?

Jacob: Morning, doll face… Hope you have a great week.

Why was he texting me all of a sudden? Did he really think I wanted anything to do with him? When I thought back about our relationship, I wasn’t even sure what I’d seen in him. He’d been boring and not even a great kisser. I deleted the text and grabbed a cup before calling Lily.

“Morning, what are you doing up already?” she asked, sounding bright and alert.

“I’m going to the library today to see if I can figure out how to sign up for the business proposal class. Why do you sound so happy and alert?”

“I’m researching grad school programs in history.” She laughed. “I’ve been consumed by boy drama for weeks. Now I need to focus. I want to apply for masters programs this fall, so I need to decide where I want to go.”

“Ooh cool. So you’re going for it, then?”

“Yeah, I’d love to be a history professor, so I have to get my masters and PhD to even be in with a chance.” She sighed. “Seven more years of schooling after we graduate.”

“You can do it!” I encouraged her. “Good for you.”

“So why did you call me so early?” she asked, then she exclaimed, “You didn’t sleep with Travis last night, did you?”

“No.” I laughed. “But we did have phone sex, and it was hot.”

“I told you that it’s fun.” Lily laughed. “Are you feeling okay this morning or are you feeling regretful?”

“I mean, I feel fine, but there’s something that’s making me feel a bit guilty.”

“Oh no, what? Don’t tell me you spoke super dirty and asked him to fuck you in the ass and come on your face.”

“What? No!” I shouted. “Are you crazy? Wait, what? Did you tell Creepy that?” I burst out laughing. “Really, Lily?”

“I got caught up in the moment.” She laughed. “I don’t really want him to come on my face, though I’m sure he’d love to. I heard men love that.”

“Hmmm.” I wrinkled my nose. “That’s not my dilemma, thank God.”

“Then what is?”

“When we were talking and doing stuff, it wasn’t Travis’s face I had in my head,” I admitted, feeling awful.

“Oh, girl.” Lily laughed loudly. “Do you know how many times I’ve done Harry Styles and Henry Cavill in my head?”

“What?” I paused. “What do you mean?”