“Ooh.” Lily laughed. “Something sexy, I’m assuming.”
“Well, duh.” Lily knew about all my Travis fantasies, and she didn’t judge. Not that she was really in the position to judge. She was currentlydatinga guy in LA that she wasn’t even that into, but he’d brought her to the best orgasm of her life one night, so she didn’t want to just brush him off, even though she lived in Florida and he lived in California and she had no plans to head back to LA anytime soon. However, I knew for a fact that they were FaceTiming several times a week, and though she referred to him as creepy guy, she hadn’t actually stopped any of the calls.
“We can come and pick you up in fifteen minutes,” Natasha said. “Want us to bring you anything?”
“An iced mocha please. And thanks.” I smiled, suddenly feeling light and happy. “I’m going to go and tell the others I’m leaving.” I giggled slightly. “Polly is going to be shooketh when I show up at the work event later looking hot as hell.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Maybe today isn’t going to be the absolute snoozefest that I’d imagined twenty minutes ago.” I hung up and headed back into Finn’s movie room and took my place back on the recliner. I leaned back and sipped on the beer in my hand. I wanted to be buzzed before I got to the party. I wanted to be able to flirt with Travis without having any doubts. I was going to ensure that tonight I had the time of my life, whether or not my sisters agreed with the choices that I made. Just because I was the youngest didn’t mean that they could run my life.
“You have to get that dress.” Lily’s eyes were wide with admiration as she stared at me in the tight white dress. “It shows off your tan, and damn, girl, you got an ass on you.”
“It’s all the squats I’ve been doing.” I giggled as I held my hair up on the top of my head. “Up or down?”
“I think down,” Lily said as she narrowed her eyes. “What do you think, Natasha?”
“Definitely down.” Natasha nodded. “That dress is amazing, but maybe it’s a bit much for a work barbecue?” She laughed. “It’s just going to be the summer interns and some of the attorneys and Travis and Max.”
“I know.” I smiled widely at her. “I just want to make sure I look and feel good.” I twirled around in the dress. “Do you think there will be dancing tonight?”
“No idea,” Natasha said, shaking her head. “You got a date tonight or something?”
“Nope.” I shook my head. “Don’t even talk to me about dating. My last relationship scarred me for life.”
“Oh no, why?” Natasha asked, her face a bundle of concern. I loved Natasha; she was sweet, genuine, and super sincere. I was going to be sad when she went back to the University of Florida in a couple of months, but I hoped she’d end up working at Chandler and Whitlock once she’d graduated, so that she could move to Port Sunshine.
“Her ex, Jacob Andretti, was a douche.” Lily made a face. “In fact, he makes douches look good.”
I nodded. “He thought he was God’s gift to every girl in our high school.” I rolled my eyes.
“All of the Andrettis did,” Lily added. “He and his brothers were the biggest jerks I’ve ever met in my life.”
“Yup,” I agreed and then shuddered. “When I think of the drama I went through while dating Jacob and then the fact that he dumped me right before I was going to dump him…”
“Because his brother told him to, by the way,” Lily added, and I could feel myself starting to fume all over again.
“Oh wow, he sounds special.” Natasha made a face. “So sorry.”
“No worries,” I said as I started to take off the dress so I could pay for it. “I couldn’t care less about him now, but it has made me feel hesitant to actively date again.”
“You don’t want a boyfriend?” Natasha asked me in surprise. “Like, ever again?”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” I laughed and shook my head. “I would eventually like to have a boyfriend again. I don’t think all men are the spawn of Satan, but for now I just want to have some fun and let loose.”
“She doesn’t want her heart broken.” Lily rubbed my shoulder. “Which I understand. I mean, I think that’s why I’m still talking to Creepy. He makes me feel better about myself after what happened with Fishbone.” She made a face. “I know I joke about it, but it was hurtful how he left me like that.”
“I know.” I gave her a quick hug, even though the dress was half-off. “He was a jerk, and you deserved better than that.”
“Maybe I’ll find someone to flirt with as well,” Lily said, suddenly smiling. “Maybe an attorney at the party.”
“None of them are hot.” Natasha shook her head. “Aside from Max and Travis and, well, they’re partners, and Max is dating Polly.”
“And Travis will soon be making out with me.” I wiggled my hips back and forth, and we all burst out laughing. “But Natasha, you cannot tell Polly. She will kill me if she knows my plan.”
“I certainly don’t want to see you killed.” Natasha grinned and pretended to zip her lips. “I’m no snitch, but please don’t make out in front of us all because I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold it together.”
“Oh, don’t worry.” I grinned. “We’ll be in his bedroom, or maybe his study.” I winked at her as I pulled back on my sweatpants and top. “I’ll see how I feel tonight when he’s feeling me up.”
“You’re so bad, Chelsea.” Lily laughed. “But I love it.”