“Oh, totally,” Lily agreed. “Especially the oldest ones. He is drop-dead gorgeous.”

“Ugh, let me pipe up with my extreme disapproval at these comments.” I shuddered.

“You didn’t always think that,” Harriet said with a twinkle in her eye. She looked at me slyly and put her hands up in the air like a bear. “I remember when you once thought—”

“Really, Harriet?” I glared at her as I remembered that I’d confided in her about the wrestling night. Something I very much wanted to forget.

“I’m just saying.” She shrugged. “There was one moment in time that the Andretti brothers had you very, very confused.”

“Not even going to think about that.” I shook my head and looked at my phone screen again. Travis still hadn’t texted me again, but maybe he was waiting until we all left. “I’m going to go home.” I pretended to yawn. “I need to have an afternoon nap.”

“Aww, I guess all that partying last night wore you out,” Polly said. “You wanna come over for dinner tonight at Max’s place? I think we’re going to grill some ribs.”

“Ooh, sounds yummy,” I said. “Maybe.”

“What do you mean maybe? You love ribs,” Polly said, looking surprised. “I got that Sweet Baby Ray’s barbecue sauce you like, and we’re going to make loaded baked potatoes.”

“That sounds delicious,” Lily said, and Polly smiled at her.

“You’re welcome to come. Feel free to bring Andrew as well, if you want. Everyone is welcome.”

“Oh cool, thanks,” Lily said, smiling. Her expression changed as her phone started ringing. “It’s Creepy.” She let out a long sigh. “I don’t know what to say or do.”

“Just be your normal sweet self,” I said. “Don’t overcomplicate it. It’s not like you’re dating any of them. You’re not cheating. You don’t have a boyfriend.”

“True,” she said. “Thanks, Chelsea. Sometimes I think it was a lot easier being single and just thinking about going on dates. This stuff gets complicated real quick.”

“What gets complicated?” Harriet asked, a curious expression on her face. “What’s going on?”

“Oh…” Lily made a face. “I’ll fill you in tonight. I’m going to go home and shower now. I suddenly feel a need to scrub my skin before I speak to Creepy.”

“Bye, Lily.” I gave her a quick hug and watched as she ran toward her car.

“Why does she continue to call the poor boy Creepy?” Harriet asked, shaking her head. “Doesn’t she feel weird talking every night to a guy that she calls Creepy to her friends?”

“I mean, he was creepy when she first met him.” I shrugged and tried to defend her, even though I agreed with Harriet.

“She’s really going off the deep end, isn’t she?” Polly said, her eyes staring after Lily. “She used to be so quiet and sweet. Now she’s just banging anyone she can get her hands on.”

“That’s not nice, Polly.” I glared at her. “Lots of people have threesomes.”

“Threesomes?” Polly almost screamed. “She had a threesome?”

“I thought that was what you were talking about?”

“No.” Polly stared at me like I was crazy. “I was talking about her chatting to one guy in California while sleeping with Andrew here in Florida last night. Who the hell did she have a threesome with?”

“Polly, that’s not your business,” Harriet said, but I could tell she wanted the information as well.

“She had a threesome with Andrew and his roommate Gus.” I tapped my fingers against my stomach. “Last night.”

“What?” Polly looked scandalized. “Gunner Andrew had a threesome?”

“As far as I know, he didn’t do anything with Gus,” I said. “They both just pleasured Lily.”

“Damn, go Lily,” Harriet said, giggling. “And that is why I will never send my kids to Catholic schools. Those kids always turn out to be freaks once they leave those super-strict institutions. It’s crazy.”

“She’s not a freak. She’s just exploring her sexuality,” I defended my best friend. “You’re just jealous.”