Jenna spotted another boy hanging back behind Soraya. She guessed he was about the same age as Zack. Since he seemed on the shy side, she gave him an extra big smile. “Thanks for letting my kids hang out at your house, Tyler.”
He glanced up and gave her the sweetest smile she’d ever seen on a little boy. If his father’s smile was anything like Tyler’s, Annika was in trouble.
“Have you had any word about my sister?” she asked Soraya.
“Last I heard, they were still running tests. But I’ll give you Cal’s number and you can call him yourself. But don’t call him Cal. That’s my nickname for him.”
“Then what should I call him? I don’t even know his full name.”
Soraya gave a laugh of surprise, filling the room with warmth. “Are you telling me a strange man whose name you don’t even know took your kids for the night and magic carpet rode your sister to Minneapolis? No wonder you came out here right away.”
Jenna laughed too, which was only possible because she still held her two boys close to her. “It’s been a day.”
“And a night. I’ll say. His name is Brent Caldwell. If you want to call him right now, I’ll take the boys in for their lunch.” She must have caught Jenna’s flash of envy, because she added, “Come to the kitchen when you’re done, there’s plenty. Not much else to do besides cook now that the power’s out. Me and Mallory, that’s the cook, we’ve been churning out the food. We could feed half of Minnesota by now.”
She guided Jenna to the phone set on an elegant little catchall table, then shepherded the three boys out of the foyer. A set of numbers was written on a notepad next to the phone.
Jenna picked up the phone to call the mystery man who’d appeared in her life in such a bizarre way.
“Yes?” A strong male voice answered. Jenna realized her heart was hammering. She’d shoved aside worries for her sister while she dealt with everything else, but if anything happened to Annika…she couldn’t even think about it. Annika was her best friend, her protector, her biggest support, the only one who knew what it was like to be raised by Richard Scarlett…
“This is Jenna Scarlett. I’m calling about Annika.”
“Jenna! I’m so relieved that you called. You must be at the house now, with your kids.”
“Yes, and thank you for the—”
“No need for thanks.” He hurried onwards, as if he didn’t like being thanked, for some reason. “You’re calling about your sister. She’s okay.”
“Oh, thank God.” Her hands were shaking so hard she nearly dropped the phone. “What’s going on?”
“They’re doing some tests, and we’ll know more soon. But she’s awake and coherent and cussing me out for making a big deal over what might be nothing.”
Then Annika was definitely okay—at least okay enough to still be herself. “You did the right thing, I’m sure,” Jenna assured him. “Annika never pays attention to her own health, she thinks she’s Superwoman.”
“That might be part of the problem.”
A stab of guilt shot through her. She was so used to leaning on Annika, had she allowed some health issue to sneak in without making her sister tend to it? Annika was always so self-sufficient and self-assured. But Jenna knew a lot of that was bravado developed from always being the “weird artist’s” kid.
“Can I talk to her?”
“They won’t let anyone in right now. But as soon as she can, I’ll have her call you. Will you be at this number?”
She thought quickly. Her father didn’t have a landline, so her only options were her own house or here. She didn’t want to take a chance on missing Annika’s call while zooming back and forth from her own house. “I’ll stay here until she calls.”
“Sounds good.”
“And Brent, thank you for taking care of Annika. And my boys. And getting that snowmobile for us, that was very thoughtful.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
But before she hung up, she had to get something off her chest.
“We could have used a note. We didn’t know what was going on until Zack called the house.”
“You didn’t find a note? Zack was supposed to write one while I was coming over with the chopper.”
“Oh. Okay. Well, never mind, then. He probably forgot and stuck it in his pocket or something.”