"Did you hear about Coach Thompson and that Hartman girl?" Mrs. Collins whispers conspiratorially. "Supposedly, they've been involved for months. And now that the principal knows, he's threatening to fire Burke if he doesn't end it immediately."
My heart leaps into my throat. Fire him? Burke didn't tell me he'd actually been threatened with being fired. But of course it makes sense. Which means it's only a matter of time before Burke loses his job, and it will all be my fault. Because I couldn't resist him, couldn't stay away like I should have.
Guilt and shame wash over me as I hurry to find Burke. He's in his office, staring out the window with a brooding expression. When I walk in, he turns to face me, and the bleakness in his eyes confirms everything.
"I'm so sorry," I say, tears welling up in my eyes. "This is all my fault. I never should have—"
"Don't say that." Burke pulls me into his arms, holding me close. "This is my fault, Lydia. Not yours."
I cling to him, breathing in his familiar scent. "But now your career is on the line. You could lose everything because of me."
He cups my face in his hands, gazing at me with intensity. "You're the only thing that matters to me. My career means nothing without you in my life."
"But it's not right," I protest weakly. "You have so much to offer as a coach. You can't throw it all away for a relationship that isn't meant to be."
"This relationship is the only thing that feels right to me." Burke brushes his thumb over my lips, his eyes dark with longing. "Tell me you feel the same way. Tell me you want this as much as I do."
I falter, torn between my love for him and the knowledge that our relationship can only end in disaster. I push away from him and refuse to meet his gaze.
"Lydia," I hear the desperate warning note in his voice, but I still don't look at him, knowing that if I do I'll change my mind, and I know what I have to do if I really love him.
"Burke, it's over."
My eyes on bloodshot.I can't eat. I can't sleep. All I can feel is pain.
My heart aches at the thought of Lydia. Her blonde hair, her piercing blue eyes, the curve of her hips as she runs the track.
I can't go on without her.
I slam my fist on the desk, papers scattering.Fuck this!
I stride to the principal's office and throw open the door. "I want to host an assembly. Today."
Coach Dalton sputters. "Today? Coach, we have schedules, protocols—"
"This is important." My voice is steel. "More important than any lesson plan or budget meeting. Do you understand?"
He swallows and nods.Good.
Within the hour, the entire school has gathered in the gym. The air thrums with curiosity and confusion.
I step onto the stage. Search the crowd until I find her, standing with her teammates. Our eyes lock.
I can see the pain in them but also the resolution. God bless her. My beautiful girl thinks she's doing the best thing for me, but doesn't she realize I have no life at all without her?
My heart swells. "Thank you all for coming." My voice echoes through the room. "There is something I need to say. Something I can no longer contain."
Murmurs rise from the audience. I raise my hands, waiting for silence.
"Lydia Hartman." I point to where she stands, frozen in place. "This woman has changed my life. Awakened my soul. Made me feel alive again."
Gasps and shouts. Lydia stares at me, eyes wide and glistening.
"I know this is unconventional. Taboo, even. But love knows no bounds. And my love for Lydia is eternal."