There's no good reason Jack would be looking so confident.

He looms over my desk, arms crossed. "We need to talk."

I swallow hard, my throat tight. "About what?"

"You and Lydia." His eyes gleam with malice. "Word's gotten around."

Shit. My heart pounds as I weigh my options. I can't lose Lydia. Not now, not ever. But if this gets out—

"I won't have you ruining the school's team." His voice is low and dangerous. "You'll resign as coach today, or everyone will know you're screwing your star athlete."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lie, "But even if it were true, Lydia's eighteen. She would be a consenting adults." My voice comes out steady, despite the panic rising in my chest.

"Like anyone will care." A cruel smile twists his lips. "You'll be finished. Is she really worth your career?"

I meet his gaze, refusing to back down. Lydia's worth more than my career. More than anything.

Jack's face reddens, anger etched into the lines around his eyes. His fists clench at his sides, yearning for violence. I brace myself, ready to fight for what's mine.

For a long moment we stare at each other, the tension as sharp as a knife's edge. Then Jack snarls and turns on his heel, slamming the door behind him.

I slump into my chair, wiping the cold sweat from my brow. Jack won't give up easily. There will be consequences, obstacles we'll have to face.

But I'll be damned if I lose Lydia without a fight.

The door bursts open again. I surge to my feet, muscles tensed, but it's Lydia standing in the doorway. She's a vision in a sundress the color of ripe cherries. Her hair tumbles over her shoulders in waves of gold, framing eyes as blue as the summer sky. My heart stutters at the sight of her, as it always does. She is beauty personified, a goddess among mortals, and she is mine.

But her eyes are wide, cheeks flushed.

"I heard shouting. Is everything okay?"

I force a smile, crossing the room to pull her into my arms. Her warmth soothes my frayed nerves. "Everything's fine, sweetheart. Just a disagreement with Coach Simmons."

She pulls back, brows knitted in concern. "What about? Does he know about us?"

There's no point lying to her. Lydia's perceptive, and she'll get the truth out of me one way or another. I cup her face in my hands, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"He found out. He threatened to expose our relationship if I don't resign as coach."

"What?" Her eyes flash with anger. "He can't do that! He has no right—"

"He doesn't. But that won't stop him from trying." I sigh, wrapping her in my embrace again. "I won't give you up, Lydia. No matter what it costs me."

She looks up at me, eyes haunted. "But you love your job, and you're a great coach."

I cup her face in my hands, "But I love you more. You know that, right?"

She bites her lip and nods before her eyes go stormy. "Fuck Coach Simmons!"

The fire in her gaze ignites a flame low in my belly. Lydia rises up on her tiptoes, her mouth seeking mine in a searing kiss.

When we break apart, chests heaving, she gives me that cute, innocent smile of hers that captivates me so much.

Heat floods my veins as Lydia slides the door shut and strides towards me. The world beyond this room ceases to exist, filled only with her—my fierce, brilliant girl.

