Page 18 of Bringing Ember Home

I only take the time to turn and lock the door before I reach out and pull her into me. Our lips meet and we catch fire immediately. It’s like both of us have been thinking about it all day and now neither of us can wait. We make it to the kitchen, but that’s as far as we go before I push her against the wall and pull her jeans down.

I spin us so that I can place her over the counter on her stomach and yank her panties to the side. I want to hit my knees and worship at her alter for hours but she’s not ready for that, so I use my fingers to play with her little pussy before I take her mouth again. She’s not holding back, moaning and sighing for me, calling my name and driving me crazy.

She actually woke up enough last night when I moved us to ask me if she could do anything for me like I did for her. I had to explain to her that I was the reason we had to clean her back off before both of us crawled into bed. Sleeping with her naked body pressed against my barely clothed one was nothing less than a dream. And it doesn’t look like she’s going to have to do anything extra today either, since I’ve been hard for her the minute I woke up this morning.

“Oh my God! Hunter…you…feel…so good!”

I slip my cock between her thighs and spread her pussy using my fingers. Like this, I’m all but guaranteed to hit her clit every time I push back through her closed legs. She pants out my name as I send us both over the edge when I reach under her shirt and pull down her bra so her tit falls into my waiting hand.

Her body tenses up and she arches that back for me like she knows I like it and my balls tighten against my body, the skin around my nuts tense and cum rushes from them to the tip of my cock. When I release, I feel it all the way up my back. And feel her little body pulse around the shaft of my cock even though it’s not inside her.

Seeing my cum splashed across her thighs and dripping down the inside of her legs is enough for me to be more than ready for round two. And then we hear a key scrap into the lock. “Oh my God!”

I slip from between her softness and work to put my dick up while at the same time jerking her jeans and panties up. While I work on fixing the bottom, she’s pulling her bra back up and making sure nothing else is hanging out for my sister to see. By the time Mandy comes in both of us are leaning against the counter fully dressed…and looking guilty as shit.

“How was practice?” The crack in Ember’s voice is barely noticeable but the tremor in her legs when she moves isn’t.

“I get the distinct impression I just interrupted something, and I am not asking questions because, ew. Practice was fine.”

“Fine? Isn’t that girl code for everything not being alright?” I ask.

Ember comes around the counter and both of them disappear into the guest bedroom while I try to get myself under control in the kitchen. Ember hears from her mom, and she tells her she thinks she can make it back in time to celebrate Thanksgiving with her. I end up telling both women they are spending the holiday with me because neither one of them wanted to ‘impose’. We spend the next day doing the same thing. I drop them off, pick up Ember in the afternoon on my bike, and ride around with her before bringing her back home. And then they’re off for Thanksgiving Break and I don’t have to worry about Ember being too far away from me.

In fact, Mandy is going to be out on a lunch date with one of the guys who brings her home after cheerleading practice and I plan to go up and see my girl. And maybe have her for lunch. But before I can get away, I hear a commotion out front and find my girl has come to me. And the men in my garage are getting a wrench upside their heads for staring at what belongs to me.

Chapter Sixteen



I step into the garage and immediately feel like I made a mistake. Also, this is the cleanest garage I have ever been in. Every head in the room turns to look at me and none of them are Hunter. I was a little nervous about coming down to see him when I’m not certain how he will react to me being here, but I wanted to make sure he had something to eat too.

One of the men comes over to speak to me and my doubt about whether I should have come escalates to a new height.

“Hey, hey, hey, pretty lady, what can I do to help you today?”

He seems friendly enough but also makes me want to take a step back. Another man walks up behind the first and hits him in the back of the head, “That’s Hunter’s girl, dumbass.”

The man puts his hands up in a sign of surrender and gives me a more polite smile.

“What going on?” Hunter comes out of the office in the back and yells loud enough to be heard throughout the garage. His eyes narrow before they land on me, but they don’t start looking happy like I had hoped they would. “Ember, what are you doing here?”

I shouldn’t have come. It isn’t my place to show up at his workplace. He thinks I’m overstepping and doesn’t want me to distract him while he’s trying to work. And what was all that about him having a girl and me being that girl? Have they confused me with someone else or just assumed that I was his girlfriend? He reaches for my arm as I try to explain but before I can even start, he’s shouting again.

“Are you bothering her?” His eyes turn dark and stormy and he looks really pissed off.

This time I jump in and interrupt him. “No! No, they, um, they knew not to.”

“Good.” He relaxes noticeably. He walks us both back to the office he just came out of.

“I’m sorry for coming…”

“No. Don’t be sorry. This is a great surprise. I just don’t want any of the guys to fuck with you.” He places one of his hands on the small of my back and the other he uses to open the door for me. “They know how they should act around a lady but sometimes some of the younger ones get a little sideways - not bad but I want to stay on top of it. And I don’t want them making a play on you.”

“The, um, blonde guy told them to, um, leave me alone. He told them I was…your girl.”

He locks the door and pulls the blinds down on the windows looking out at the workplace, “And he gets a raise.”