Page 14 of Bringing Ember Home

“No. I got to her first.”

Her eyes grow even bigger as she takes us both in. “Oh my God!” Oh no. She’s figured more out than I wanted her to and she’s pissed I’m with her brother. I open my mouth to start begging for forgiveness when she narrows her eyes. But not at me. “You had sex with Ember first! You pig!”

I try to keep up with what is going on but can’t. She thinks..., I start shaking my head in denial as she wraps her hand around my arm and tries to pull me out of Hunter’s grasp.

“She’s innocent and sweet and kind and you’re a bastard! Oh shit! Is that a hickey? I can’t believe you would…”

“Calm down, Mandy. Please. No one slept with me.” I hear the words and immediately change them because that isn’t really true. Hunter slept with me twice now. “No one had sex with me.”


Both of us shoot a glaring look over to Hunter. Mandy loses a lot of her tense attitude but still looks us up and down.

“Are you…? You are! Hunter Aiden Crowe, you’re trying to hit it with Ember!” I gasp, drawing her eyes to me. “Oh my God! You’re totally feeling it too. You two are totally into one another. How did I not see this before now?”

“Why are you here, Mandy?”

This time she backs up a little and looks away. “Oh, I was hoping I could crash here with you since it is getting kind of…crazy at home.”

“Crazy?” I realize I shouldn’t ask but I just can’t help myself.

“They’re trying to cheer Roger up and I can totally do without the endless parade of vaginas they are bringing in and out of the house.”

“Oh my God!”

“Mandy.” He reprimands her softly. “Oh sorry, sweetheart. I sometimes forget you’ve not been around this as long as me and Hunter have. I guess…I’ll find somewhere else…”

“No!” Both of us say it at the same time.

“Why don’t you go help her settle into the guest bedroom, baby?”

“Okay.” I start to walk away but he stops me with a hand on my wrist pulling me back so he can kiss me before I go. I guess that answers my question on whether he wants to keep this thing between me and him a secret or not.

Chapter Thirteen



I let her have her time with my sister keeping myself busy while they talk and laugh in the guest room with one another. I overhear Mandy explaining that she comes over a lot to get away from her mom and dad and that the bubble bath and girly stuff in the bathroom belong to her.

I can tell it surprised Ember when I pulled her back for a kiss right in front of my sister. It also surprised my sister that I would do something like leave a mark on someone for others to see. And mark her I did. I was very conscious of the fact that I was leaving a mark on her when I did it.

I finally dare to breach the guest room and have my breath taken away when I see Ember lying side by side with my sister. They don’t realize I’m standing in the door because both of them are lying with their legs up on the wall and their heads towards the bottom of the bed.

“So…the two of you haven’t had sex yet?”


“But have you all done other stuff?”

I wait to find out how Ember is going to answer my sister’s question.

“Like what?”

“Like what, indeed. You know. Have you all…sixty-nined each other, have you all gone down on one another?”

“No! Jeeze, Mandy, you can’t…it’s not…”