After admitting my worries about how others would look at her, she reassured me that she really did not care. The only thing she’s worried about is having me at her side and not hidden behind some door.
Carol likes to tease us by blowing out scoffs whenever she spots me touching her friend. Always making small remarks like ‘get a room’, I always want to tell her that I’d love to.
Fuck, of course I want to. The best place I can sneak her off to is the storage room and kissing her over a case of beer is not exactly the most romantic setting out here.
“You’ve got your face all pinched up again,” Joyce points out, throwing a worried look over her shoulder. “What’s on your mind?”
“You,” I admit without thinking twice. That’s the normal answer I’ve been giving lately because this woman is always on my mind. However, I can’t exactly go admitting why I’m thinking about her. Not while there are customers waiting for their drinks.
Pulling away from her, I try to help out where I can. Instead of letting my thoughts drift off in the direction of how badly I want this woman, I’ll remember that I have a business to run here. Need to focus.
I’m almost thankful for when it starts snowing halfway through our shift. The customers slow down, not wanting to get out in the mess once the snow starts sticking. When we find a minute where the bar is empty, we step outside for a breath of fresh air.
After sending Carol and the kitchen staff home before it gets too bad out here, I’m left stuck at Joyce’s side with a slight smile on my lips.
She stares out at the snow in admiration. Knowing well enough how much she enjoys this time of the year, I can only imagine the awe happening on her part.
“It’s supposed to drop below freezing temps. It’ll suck driving home.” Mumbling her concerns, an idea pops into my head immediately.
“I could drive you home if you want.” Body shifting, I blow out a puff of white air. “Or, you could stay at my place for the night. They’ll have the roads cleared by the time the sun is up.”
Fuck, there’s heat collecting on my skin once again. I haven’t invited her over yet, not since we cleared up the air.
Looking at me, her brows are lifted high. Right, the invitation might feel a little odd.
“I mean, I just didn’t think you’d want to–”
“Staying at your place should be alright,” she interrupts, nodding as a smile forms on her lips. “Sounds great.”
Here’s to hoping my home is clean. If I knew I’d have the courage to invite her over, I would’ve cleaned the place spotless.
For now, I can only hope she’s able to accept me as I come. Honestly, I think my mind will be too occupied with trying to keep my hands to myself. That itself is a challenge on it’s own.
Am I really doing this?
“You’ll have to let me borrow some clothes,” I mumble as his truck rumbles around us. Snow continues to fall and I’m more thankful for the inconvenience than annoyed.
I’ve been dying to get some alone time with the guy. I can only do so much with the man in his workplace. Especially when the other workers are sprinkled here and there, everywhere has a set of eyes with the risk of seeing something they shouldn’t.
“I’m sure I have something I can give you.” He looks my way once before putting his eyes back on the snow-covered road. “As long as you don’t mind our size difference.”
Oh, I don’t mind one bit. Actually, I’d love to swim around in one of his shirts. I’d do laps all day, breathing in his scent mixed with laundry detergent.
“How much longer?” A bit of my excitement slips out and I have to sit on my hands to stop myself from figeting.
“Not long,” he confirms, reaching out to double-check his heating settings. If he thinks my goosebumps are from the cold, he’s got no idea.
He’s telling the truth, because we arrive at his home in no time. It’s just a one story home that matches the surrounding ones. Definitely beats my apartment.
Once we abandon his vehicle and he lets me inside, I dust off the snow from my body and take In my surroundings. I can already say without a doubt, that Kade’s home is looking quite bare. He hardly has anything on his walls or stands.
Honestly, it kinda looks like he just moved in.
Biting back a smile, I keep my opinion to myself as a strip away my coat and hang it up.
“Hungry?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sure I have something in the kitchen.”