Page 4 of Merry Me Bartender

Maybe if she shows a little disinterest, my concerns for tonight can shrivel up and I can remind myself thatnothingwill happen.

Twisting around quickly, Joyce’s eyessparkle. Her cheeks grow flushed, and her smile immediately widens. “Please, don’t thank me. I can’t wait until the bar closes.”

Fuck. So much for that.

We’re both excited for two different reasons. Hopefully, by the time tonight rolls around, I won’t leave her disappointed. After all, everything I’m doing is for her.

* * *

“You really went all out,” Joyce says at my side as she looks down at the multiple shopping bags. Her fingers are curling at her sides, her breathing hitched.

This woman and Christmas are a bad pair. She looks like she’s about to foam at the mouth if I don’t hurry up and give her permission to dig through my purchases.

“Honestly, I just grabbed different things and threw them in the cart.” Confessing the truth, I rub the back of my neck. “Got an artificial tree too, should be pretty tall.”

“As tall as you?” she asks, looking my way. Suddenly, her cheeks turn pink, and her mouth snaps shut like she’s said something terrible.

“I hope not. They’ll be a pain to cover.” Cracking a smile, I hope she doesn’t think she’s offended me. I know my size alone is enough to draw attention.

Joyce twists back around, kneeling to dig in the bags without any cue to start. I hope she doesn’t feel uncomfortable now. That’s the last thing I want.

“We should get started. I’d hate to keep you out all night.”

Fuck me, she definitely feels uncomfortable now. The best I can do is nod and crack open the box that contains the tree. While I’m pulling out instructions and reading them over, I can’t help but wonder what in the hell I’m going to do with all of this stuff once Christmas is over.

Probably stuff it above the bar. Plenty of room up there.

After about ten minutes of silence from Joyce, I eventually catch her humming to herself. She’s working on opening ornaments and I’m getting tangled up in tinsel.

The mess this stuff is already making is making me want to trash it. We’re going to have to sweep up the whole bar again.

Joyce gets one look at me and sputters out a laugh. “If you want to stay like that, I can hook a few bulbs on you and we’ll have a second tree.”

Okay, maybe the mess is worth it.

Her laugh is nothing but rich as she sets her package down and moves toward me. The warning bells don’t start ringing in my head until she’s working on getting me untangled.

“You’re not too good at this, Kade. Not good at all.” Keeping her eyes lowered, she works on undoing the knot around my arm without damaging the strand. “It’s a shame no one else wanted to stay and help.”

A real shame. If it means I get to spend a night alone with this woman, I’ll pay them all to stay away. Call me greedy, but I’m loving all this attention she’s sending my way.

Her knuckles graze the hair on my arms and they might as well be standing on points. All too soon, she takes control of the tinsel and bundles it to her chest. Looking up at me, she stirs.

She’s going to have silver strands sticking to her clothes if she’s not too careful. I tell her that too, earning myself a laugh.

“So will you.” Reaching forward, she plucks one off from my stomach. I feel the heat of her fingertips straight through my shirt. “This stuff really does get everywhere.”

She lingers there for a moment, so close that I’m practically touching her. If only she’d let me.

I’m the one to turn this time, not wanting to test my strength. Hunching over, I look through what other random items I’ve purchased. There are plenty of lights to hang up, both on trees and the banisters holding this place up.

Doing the best I can, I keep my attention forward and make sure my hands stay busy at all times.


Kade bought two bundles of mistletoe. He’s hanging up one by the entrance of the bar. That doorway will be the one spot where most people will get a kick out of the tradition that comes with it.

In my hands, I try to decide where I want to hang the second bundle. Sure, I can put it over the bar and deal with drunk people cracking jokes about it all night, or I can find a better place. There’s one I have in mind already.