Page 3 of Merry Me Bartender

Okay, he’s definitely going to regret this. Without a doubt.


A few hundred dollars later and a new sound system installed with the help of my bartenders, I watch Joyce all but dance around as she pours drinks.

I don’t think I’ve seen the younger woman so energetic in my life. That’s coming from the person who spends too much time watching her instead of running his business.

Tonight is going to be rough, I can already feel it.

Not because the bar will be packed for a few hours thanks to the rush the weekend brings along, but because I only got one volunteer to help decorate this place for the season.

Personally, I don’t care too much about the holiday. Christmas is just another day of the year when you don’t have anyone special to spend it with.

This year is different. All it took was one overheard conversation for the idea to pop into my head.

If music makes Joyce vibrate with excitement, how will she feel once the Rusty Tavern turns into a light show?

Electricity bill be damned, I will be the reason behind that woman’s smile.

Even now, she’s mouthing words to the current song, trying her hardest to keep her voice from coming out. I can tell she wants to sing. Even if that woman squawks, I’d kill to sit through a song or two so I can listen to her perform.

For two years now, I’ve been deep for this woman. Just digging a hole for my grave to die alone in with this one-sided crush of mine. One inch deeper each time I share the same room with her. At this point, I might as well be on the other side of the world.

Even if I’m a terrible boss for pining after one of my bartenders, I can’t help what I want. As someone who doesn’t normally give a damn what people think, the only thing stopping me from spilling my guts, and possibly anything else inside, is the thought that people in this small town will talk badly abouther.

A young thing going after some old bar owner? Without a second thought, she’d be in the spotlight for a few weeks. Can’t go having that. Not when she’s already so shy on a normal day.

For now, I’ll take what wins I can get. Sure, I can’t go kissing her under some mistletoe, but I can sure make her shifts more enjoyable by listening to the same songs sung by different people for hours on end.

At least I have a new reason to call myself crazy. There are only so many times I can listen toAll I Want for Christmas is Youwithout going nuts. It’s her favorite song too, by far.

With the bar somewhat empty, I stroll by and look around. Like I’m actually doing my job and making sure everything is in order, I’m not surprised that Joyce is running this place on her own.

Imagine that. This placecouldrun by Joyce’s hand. She controls the front and I keep up with the back. We’d be great partners.


There I go again, letting fantasies take over my mind and distract me. Without even realizing it, I’ve drifted too close to the woman. Now she’s looking at me with those large doe eyes.

“Looks good.” I tap my finger against the bar and clear my throat. “Doing a fine job, Joyce.”

Fuck, I’m awkward. Can’t even compliment her without an itch forming in the back of my throat. I’m fighting a war not to cough.

We’re both a little bad at conversation. This woman is the only one who makes my weakness feel amplified.

She looks at my finger as if she expects to find me pointing at a missed spot. Noticing nothing but my pudgy finger, her smile quickly returns.

“Thank you.” After the word leaves her lips, she moves on, drifting down the bar to double check everything is stocked for rush hour.

Somewhere on break, Georgia is nearby. Probably in the kitchen stealing some fries. Thankfully, she’s not around to see me get all flustered.

Watching her reach up to grab two bottles of liquor off the shelf, I hold my breath until my lungs burn. Aching to help her, I stand there doing nothing but watching.

Maybe I’m not just a terrible man, but a boss too. Can’t even offer her help without my palms going sweaty.

Tonight is going to be hell. Even if I secretly hoped this would be the outcome, I know I’m punishing myself.

“About tonight,” I start back up, moving a little closer to her from the other side of the bar. “Thanks for offering the help. The amount of stuff I bought is too much for one man to do by himself.”