“Hi baby, I hope you’re being the best boy for Aunty Lara.” I blew kisses.
Toby, our Irish Wolfhound puppy, was lolling in Lara’s arms. He was much too big already, but Lara couldn’t help but baby him. I couldn’t resist his adorable face. The added intimidation of having an enormous dog at my feet when he grew up wasn’t a bad deterrent, either. Jesse rested his chin on my shoulder and made kissy noises.
“We love you buddy, can’t wait to see you,” he added, saccharine. Lara grimaced.
“Ok, this is weird. I’m going before I gag. Enjoy your holiday.” She waggled Toby’s paw at us.
“Can you tell Raimondo to stop dodging my calls?” I adjusted my bikini, slapping Jesse’s hand when he tugged the string tiedaround my neck. Lara’s eyes widened and darted behind the screen and back.
“I’ll see what I can do.” Lara’s lips tilted in an approximation of a smile.
I narrowed my eyes at her, about to launch into all the ways I knew she was hiding something, but Logan ducked in behind me, waving his hand at the screen. She hadn’t made it official with Ray, Jonah or Beck. Something seemed to be holding her back, but it didn’t stop them from pining for her.
“Bye Toby. Bye Lara.” He closed the laptop and pulled me out of Jesse’s lap. Jesse just laughed, telling us he was going to shower before Briar got back.
“Why’d you do that?” I pouted, but I allowed his lower hand to drift down my back. He led us over to the balcony of our suite. Positano was perfection. I drank in the view of the pristine blue water and the pulse of the sun against my tanned skin.
“She’ll tell you what she’s doing with her love life when she’s ready,” Logan chastised me, a tender admonishment. “Whatever and whoever she is with is her private life.”
I leaned against the rail, untying the sarong around my bottom half and letting it fall to the ground.
“I’ll give her a few more months, but Ray and Jonah are both distracted messes at work. I caught the end of a phone call the other day and someone was praising her ability to suck him off.” Logan pressed his tall body against mine as I huffed. Over the last year, Ray and I had worked together well, and I’d made him my right-hand man. Along with Jonah. I trusted him, and I hoped my best friends could work it out. She was skittish, and I understood. It was hard enough juggling one man, let alone three.
“Don’t talk about blowing other guys siren, I might get excited.” His breath tickled my ear as he nibbled the soft skin. I wrapped my arms around him, plastering my body against his.His cock pressed against me, half hard already. Now this was a distraction I would accept every time. He nudged my head and captured my lips, fingers traveling over my curves.
“Have you been a good boy for me?” I asked with a coy twist to my lips. His eyes flashed molten, and his head bobbed. I felt his fingers tremble on my hips.
“Do you want to come?” I didn’t touch him, only myself. Running my hands down my body, goosebumps sprang in their wake.
“Yes, master,” he breathed.
I hadn’t let Logan come for three days. I’d touched, kissed and even sucked him almost to completion. He’d been so good for me. I played with the tie of my bikini bottoms, teasing it.
“Sit on the chair and don’t move. Don’t touch me either,” I instructed, my pussy fluttering as he rushed to sit. “Pull your shorts down.”
He yanked them down to pool at his feet, locking his hands behind his back. Logan’s cock strained upwards, and I was tempted to suck him again, but I didn’t think he would last. He’d let his blonde beard grow out while we were away, and he looked like a man I’d dragged in off the mountains. I pulled my bottoms to the side and sunk down. My walls clenched around him. His head made a thunking sound as it hit the back of the chair. My thighs burned as I pulsed up and down on him. His tortured expression made me wetter. But I refused to give him what he wanted. How I loved to toy with him. He didn’t move though, just jammed his eyes shut and moaned.
“You’re doing so good. Do you like it when I use you?” I breathed a satisfied sigh as I ground my clit against his hips. He let out a string of expletives.
“Siren. Please,” Logan panted. I rolled my hips once, letting him feel me, hot and deep, before pulling off. I tossed my ass back as I bounced on his straining tip.
“I’m so wet and it’s all your fault.” I smirked. He was so close to breaking. But then I saw Briar’s dark mop ducking through the front door. I yanked up Logan’s shorts and rearranged myself. Logan let out an agonizing groan, and I swallowed it with a hungry kiss.
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you come later,” I promised. Perspiration dotted his forehead as he gave me a glazed eyed look.
“Cool it, lovebirds. Come get this before it melts,” Briar called out, and we pulled apart reluctantly.
“Fuck, your body is going to kill me one day, siren.” Logan looked like he’d rather throw me over his shoulder. Eat me for his dessert, rather than the gelato Briar was balancing. He kicked the door shut and wandered over. There was a gelato shop a five-minute walk away from our Airbnb and it had the best peach gelato I’d ever tasted. Briar insisted on getting me one every afternoon. He sent me a beaming smile. Therapy had helped him cut loose the shackles of his past. Now that the truth was out, and he admitted to himself what he’d endured, he could heal. There were still bad days. For all of us. But much fewer than before. My intrusive thoughts were rare, and when I had them, my guys were there to help me get through it. Logan snatched up his pistachio gelato and pressed a lingering kiss to my head.
“To be continued,” he promised. I just stared as I took a long lick of the cone. My tongue traveled glacial up the waffle exterior. Logan cursed under his breath, wandering away and adjusting his package. I gave Briar a cheeky smile, and he just shook his head, used to my antics. Logan was so easy to tease, and he could never resist me, especially not when I was wrapped up in skimpy bikinis.
“So. Damn. Good.” I moaned, pressing Briar into the chair and folding myself into his lap. “Thank you.” I pressed a peach-flavored kiss to his lips.
“My pleasure. I made a mess, though.” He held up his hand, sticky with gelato. He tossed his curls out of his face with twinkling eyes.
“Oh, no.” I batted my lashes. “Whatever could we do about that?” I whispered, leaning forward and running my tongue down his skin, collecting the gelato there.
“God, no,” Logan blurted out, pushing off the balcony. “You’re a tease.” He looked at my tongue with longing. Jesse padded out, barefoot and naked, except for a towel slung around his waist. I drank in the sight of his dark sculpted chest.