Page 86 of The Burnt Heart

“I love you just as you are, Adelaide, I always have. Not for what you can give me. We are family enough.”

My heart squeezed at his words, the honesty shining in his eyes. He let me go, pushing me toward Briar, who looked at me with such longing that I couldn’t breathe. His arms encircled me tentatively, and he made no move to kiss me.

“I’m not letting you go,” I whispered, stubbornly. “You know that, right?”

“I fell in love with you right here when I cleaned your hands. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Atoning for my mistakes hasn’t finished. I’m ashamed by how much pain I caused you. I understand if those are too much to forgive.” Briar ducked his head. I leaned against him, taking a moment to lull in his arms. My lungs were tight, but only because I needed him closer. All of them. I wanted to tuck them into my body. Share one heart.

“I understand better now what drove you all to the decisions you made. All I want is a promise that we are going to work on our foundations, make it strong enough that no-one can shake us again,” I replied. At my guy’s urging, I had booked an appointment with a therapist soon after the confrontation with Harold. It had been uncomfortable at first. Peeling back inner layers always were. But underneath, there was a certainty, one that needed nurturing and care. But what never dimmed was my love for them.

“I’ll never stop earning your forgiveness, Adelaide,” Briar promised. His breath was a hot puff on my cheek.

“Kiss me,” I urged him, and his lips met mine tenderly. My chest was bursting with an overwhelming sense of hope and relief. Briar’s kiss was a seal to his promise. I could taste the sincerity and the desperate need with each press of his tongue against mine. I pulled away, turning to look at our tree. My hands snaked out, seeking Logan and Jesse. They latched on immediately, their bulk pressing into my side. Everything else faded away as I followed the line of the tree, spinning into the sky.

This love had been hard fought.

It had transformed, forced to change through unimaginable pain. We were different people now. Like this tree sculpture. Made anew. Now we had to focus on growing the roots deep, of committing and flourishing.

We had flushed the poison out before it had destroyed us all. But I knew what was in my heart and theirs. Love without secrets, without sacrifices.

Love was risking.

Hurting. Healing. Hoping.


Six Months Later

Calder Gym was a sleek, silver beast. It was hard to note the scent of fresh equipment with all the people pressed in. I cast a look up at Logan, who was on the upper level, his camera plastered to his face. Up high, it separated him from the crush of people, plus it gave him the best view for photos. Behind him Jesse’s office and Briar’s were pressed together, walls of glass looking out over the dream they had built together.

“I couldn’t be more excited about opening Calder Gym, and I can’t wait to get some training sessions in.” Augie Black flashed a wide smile, posing with Jesse and Briar in the middle of the boxing ring. The rising boxing star had been more than interested in investing in an elite gym. He had been intrigued when Harold talked about it initially. But after he read the boys’ proposed plan, he was impressed and keen to support Greenich Bay locals.

They’d accepted investment from me and Ray to help get it set up. Because there was nothing emasculating about accepting aninvestment, it didn’t make them look weak in my eyes, and that was all that mattered. We’d lost too much time because of false beliefs attached to self-worth. We wouldn’t waste anymore.

“Thank you so much to everyone for coming and supporting the opening of Calder Gym. Five percent of all profits will go toward Fostering Futures, a program that supports foster children and helps to set them up for success.” Jesse signed off.

Augie Black leaned into the microphone.

“I’m also going to donate ten thousand dollars to Fostering Futures.” I let out an excited cheer, looking at the wide-eyed teens next to me.

“Ten thousand dollars.” Their twin wide eyes gleamed, and I smiled indulgently. “Aunty Addy, that’s so much.”

Jesse’s sisters, Tara and Kelly covered their mouths and tittered. Their mother, Samantha, squeezed their shoulders in light admonishment.

“I’m so sorry.” She shook her head, an apology ready always when it came to Jesse’s exuberant sisters. I led them out of the crowd and up the stairs where Logan was leaning on the barrier.

“The view is better up here,” I explained. Samantha and her girls gave Logan a wave but made no move to touch him. His eyes crinkled with soft warmth as he looked the family over.

“Danny is parking the car,” Samantha mused, staring down at her son with unveiled pride. I had helped Jesse draft a letter back to his mother and had been with him every step of the way as they built their relationship. It wasn’t easy, she and his stepdad had been openly confused when Jesse blithely explained his fiancé was engaged to his best friends as well. He looked up from the stage, searching the crowd before finding us. Relief softened his features, chased by a blinding smile. I blew a kiss, sharing his joy.

His family were here, supporting him. Jesse had found everything that he longed for and we had all gained a family. Itickled my fingers over the back of Tara’s neck, and she let out a screech of laughter.

“I love the photos you took for the gym, Logan,” Samantha praised, staring at the space appreciatively. Seeing his work blown up and hung around the space had made Logan flush with pleasure. His lips ticked up at the compliment, but he bit his tongue on the denial I knew was there. I pinched his waist with a knowing look.

“Thank you, I love how they’ve turned out.” He pressed a kiss on the top of my head. I melted into his side, and he tucked the camera away in favor of wrapping me in his arms.

“You’re heading interstate next week, for another marketing shoot Jesse was telling me? Does traveling ever get tiring?” Samantha asked. Logan looked down at me, a smile cutting through his thick beard. My stomach swooped and swirled at the depth of emotion in his eyes. Crystal blue sapphires, precious gems carved just for me.

“There is nothing better than coming home to my family.”