Page 74 of The Burnt Heart

“You came.” His hands grappled around mine, squeezing my fingers together until they flared with pain.

The men, the lunch, the pacing heir.

None of the many red flags confirmed the level of danger as much as his iron grip.

I’d hope we’d have the upper hand, but that was dashed now. He knew we’d walked right into a trap, unable to stop it. I wondered how long before father caved and called me. Knowing he was luring me into certain danger. I leaned down to kiss his weathered cheeks.

“My girl, always so clever.” He squeezed my hands again, and I heard the unnecessary warning. This was my playground and normally I had to work hard to get these dense men to see my worth. But today I was doing something different. I wasn’t going to be clever at all.

“I’m in such a mess. But I think we’ve found a perfect solution.” I let my breath warble, dashing invisible tears. Harold Donato approached and tried to kiss my cheeks, but I tucked myself into my father.

“The lines of fate have twisted around you both. They know that the joining of our two families is the most important legacy we can leave. Greenich Bay will know a golden age,” Harold crowed, his hand clapping down on Ray’s shoulder in a congratulatory manner. I suppressed the urge to shudder. His version of that legacy had me six feet under the ground and his greedy hands snatching up everything that remained. His gaze flickered to my guys behind me, a furrow deepening between his brows.

“Well, I am looking forward to raising this child.” I let my hand skate over my stomach. “I’m so glad Ray is going to sign his parental rights over to me.”

Harold stiffened, lowering back into his chair. Peter guffawed behind him, not as practiced in keeping a poker face.

“Why would you throw away such a blessing?” Harold managed through gritted teeth. Ray pushed the scattered plates to the side, helping himself to a lone bunch of grapes.

“What use do I have for a kid?” Ray popped one in his mouth with another lackadaisical shrug. “Plus, she’s already married. It was just bad luck that she’s pregnant. It’s probably not even mine.” My father slumped into his chair with a thud, and I perched on the arm next to him. My guys had spread out behind me. Jonah was nowhere to be seen. Harold’s cheeks flushed red, almost purple, his hand shaking as he reached for his glass and took a drink.

“What use indeed? You bring dishonor to the Donato name. I knew you weren’t responsible enough to be called heir. That’s why Peter is here.” Harold waved an impatient hand at Peter. He stalked over, lifting my hand and planting a kiss on it. His lips were unwelcome, cold, and I snatched my hand back, wiping it on my clothes.

“He will protect you. Provide you with exactly what you and this baby need.” Harold added. I struggled to contain the fury that burned through me. The high-handed arrogance of this man.

A voice cleared.

“She doesn’t need a puffed-up idiot to protect her. She’s already got three,” Jesse drawled from where he leaned against the wall. I raised an eyebrow at his facetiousness, and his lip quirked.

“We can make this marriage disappear, sweet girl. This child needs more than these men can offer.” Harold leaned over andcaressed my knee. My skin crawled. I shrugged off his invasive touch. I had chastised the boys about losing it but had to wrench myself back from crushing his nose into his face.

The false comfort he offered was insulting. The guileless watery eyes housed a monster who would destroy me given the chance.

“Well, now that we sorted pawning my leaving off on Peter, I’ll see myself out,” Ray announced airily, leaning down to brush a kiss on my cheek. He squeezed my arm twice and sauntered out of the room. I relaxed slightly when Peter hurried after him. He was an unknown, and I’d rather Ray dealt with him before I moved to the next part.

“Adelaide,” Father cleared his throat, but I waved him off. He was trying desperately to warn me of something that was obvious. Harold Donato had strolled in here, assured of his imminent success. He squatted like a toad in my father’s house. He didn’t know that his son had pledged on his knees to me, that he’d lost an important chink to his armor. His neck was exposed. I wanted him to admit it before I destroyed him.

“I don’t need my marriages dissolved, I’m quite content with them.” I smiled. “So kind of you to offer, though. Now that Ray is certain he wants nothing to do with the baby, I think we can all agree this is Orazio business.”

“You don’t know what you’re throwing away,” Harold spluttered, looking at father like he would agree with him. A tickle coasted over my neck as my hair moved and lips fused to my skin. Harold’s teeth cracked as he looked over my shoulder. I ignored him, reaching to cup Briar’s cheek. He turned his lips to my fingers and kissed them softly. Logan and Jesse crowded me as well, like moths to a flame. How I burned.

“How can you allow this?” Harold implored my father, recognizing I was a lost cause for his pleas. “Your only daughter, consorting with these men like a whore.You should have doneyour job. Run them off years ago. At least I can say I tried. So many beatings that I organized in your name, and did you appreciate it? No. These cockroaches aren’t fit to squash under my boot. You let them in your house, you let them steal your daughter and take what should’ve belonged to the Donato family.”

Harold rose from his seat, leaning over my father and shouting until spittle flew from his lips. My ears roared at his words, his confession. I exchanged a look with my guys, knowing they heard the same thing as I did. Their faces collapsed when it sunk in, they had given me up thinking it was threats from my father. But it had been Harold all along.

“You organized what?” I dropped the breathy, distraught tone. This had gone too far now. Harold rolled his eyes at me, turning back to my father with a growl.

“I did you a favor,” he hissed, leaning in close. “I thought they’d see sense the first time I had my men beat them into the ground. But apparently, they’re only motivated by money. Still, it was me who tried to save your legacy. While you just stood by and let her get used up.”

My father turned away, eyelashes wincing against his cheeks. When he opened them, it was toward me, not the rabid man baring his teeth in his face. There were waves of regret in the dim ocean blue.

“I’m sorry, my darling. I’m sorry I didn’t accept your choice, that I pushed you away from them.”

Someone’s fingers tightened on my shoulder, and I shook my head. Harold looked at us in disbelief.

“You had your men beat the shit out of me, threaten my family and then turned around and offered me an out. You are a psychopath,” Jesse’s voice shook, and I reached out to comfort him. The man in front of us had been manipulating us for years. His obsession made my stomach quiver.

“Cut the shit,” I snapped, patience frayed. “The legacy of our family has nothing to do with you. I won’t have it hijacked by a megalomaniac. Which is exactly what you are.”