“I had you going for a second, didn’t I?” Jesse taunted, and I smothered a smile at how Ray bristled. I didn’t know what kind of situation we were walking into, but I needed some levity right now. The mark would only sell the story I was about to spin.
“Quit it, Adelaide doesn’t need the animosity,” Briar interjected, and they both settled in their seats. Ray crossed his arms over his chest with a huff.
“What’s the plan, siren?” Logan asked, dropping the window. A sliver of fresh air rushed in, it brushed my cheeks like a kiss, and I sighed into it. When I’d dropped the lie about my beingpregnant, Jesse had launched himself on Ray. Landing several punches until he rolled off, laughing at Ray’s protestations. He hadn’t believed it was true, only using it as an excuse to lay Ray out.
Payback for pretending to date his wife, he’d explained to the shellshocked Ray.
“Harold wants a baby, and he’s proven he’ll do anything to get it. Whatever it takes to get his hands on what’s mine. I’m going to play the Mafia princess. He obviously thinks I am dense. You can play the man whore easy enough Ray, it’s your nature, isn’t it? As far as anyone knew, we were dating, so it was a night of passion that turned into a miracle.”
“Didn’t believe you were dating for a second,” Jesse blustered but then frowned, looking between Ray and I like he needed to reassure himself of the fact.
“I can show you just how charming I am. Come sit on my lap, Adelaide. Let’s practice,” Ray bit out and I cut off the expletive that exploded out of my guys.
“Enough,” I warned, staring at them with laser focus. “We’re not measuring dicks. Nobody is interested, and Briar probably has you all beat.” With that comment, a strangled laugh escaped Briar, and everyone quietened. I used the opportunity to fill Jonah in on all the secrets I had been keeping. His eyes widened and two spots of color sprang to his cheeks as I tapered off.
“He offered me money once, but I told him there wasn’t a number he could give to sway me from working with you. I guess he realized there was no point in spending time with me, not when I was so obviously loyal to you.”
I couldn’t help myself, sliding a disappointed look at Logan, who was next to me. He cringed in readiness for my next words.
“If only you guys could boast the same,” I tsked. Strangely, the words didn’t sting as hard as they used to. We had been throughso much since then and they were beside me. I couldn’t do this without them next to me.
“Savage.” Ray choked on a laugh and shook his head.
“It’s true, and it’s our biggest regret. We’ll never stop making it right,” Logan whispered.
Jonah’s eyes bounced between us, settling on the tattoo on Logan’s hand. I stared at it too, the permanent promise of his words.
“So, are you really married or?” His eyebrow raised.
I rolled my eyes as the boy’s affirmation drowned me out. Briar’s hand fell on mine, the tattoo stark. He leaned over, his breath tickling my ear.
“No matter what happens, I will always love you and only you. I’ve already written my vows and I hope one day we can elope for real. Picture us drinking champagne and watching the sunset in Italy, just us together. I hope to earn the right to speak what I’ve written to you one day.” He lifted my hand and pressed it against his chest. His heart was beating rapidly underneath. “I dream about our hearts skin to skin again, and once we destroy Harold Donato, I’m going to show you the depth of my dedication.”
My breath hitched, trapped by the lump in my throat.
I let myself fall into the warm fix of his eyes. There was a low-level simmer in my stomach. It kept me focused on what we could walk into. But it seemed to fall away in this moment, bolstered by the raw honesty and vulnerability Briar had shared.
“I look forward to that,” I replied.
“What are you two whispering about?” Jesse butted in, but I ignored him, staring out the window instead. We were pulling into the Orazio estate. The guards at the gate moved aside with swiftness when they peered in the front window. Jonah steered the van slowly over the elongated driveway. One of the whiteshutters flapped against the house, an imperfect mark on the opulent exterior.
“Follow my lead. No outbursts, no posturing. We’re a united front who are going to raise this fictional child,” I reiterated. I’d already drummed this into them on the drive over, but I needed to say it again. They agreed but Ray rubbed the mark on his face with another disgruntled look at Jesse.
A lean faced staff member opened the door, hurriedly straightening their askew tie. I didn’t recognize his face. The back of my neck prickled as he led us through the house.
“Where is Lisa?” I asked, naming my father’s current housekeeper.
“She’s on holiday Miss.” His eyes darted quickly to the side. I heard the echo of footsteps further down the hall, too heavy to be my fathers. A shiny boot kicked a door shut as we passed, with all the subtleness of a bull.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” I nudged Jonah, but he already had his phone pulled to his ear and was muttering sharp orders. The staff member’s eyes bugged, but he wisely held his tongue. I paused outside the dining room and rubbed my eyes until I felt them water slightly. I practiced a few panicked breaths. Only then did I enter the room.
It was like interrupting an intimate soiree. Father seated closely to Harold with his wine lifted to his lips. Two red ticks at the side of his mouth told me he’d been drinking for a while. Harold picked up the half empty decanter and filled his glass. I didn’t recognize the thin man pacing behind them, but Ray did. He moved with a jittery energy, too sharp and jerky to be called elegant. There was a hunger that hid in the hanging folds of his jacket. Like he could eat and never be satisfied.
“Peter.” His shoes squealed on the marble floor as he halted sharply. This must be the new Donato heir. The one who insisted he could bring Harold’s devious dream of a child to life.Peter offered a grim smile before looking me over, much like one would weigh meat at a market. Calculating. Father jostled around Peter as he walked toward me with arms outstretched.