Page 42 of The Burnt Heart

But why would anyone else bother? The tree only meant something to the four of us. To the rest of the world, it was a gnarled footnote.

I felt robbed of my closure.

How was I meant to say goodbye now?



Ilooked at my security guard impatiently. He filled the doorway, hands tucked behind his back.

“And is there a reason you’re imparting this information to me, Jonah? As far as I was aware, you work for me.” I glared at my faithful protector. His jaw tightened as my words lashed at him.

“I figured it was unlikely you wanted to see his face,” he argued. “I’ve spoken to him, and he’ll apologize to Lara.”

I clasped my hands together and leaned over my desk. It wasn’t so long ago that Jonah was staring Ray down with a death stare. Now he was having chats with him about divvying up time. Since when did he become Lara’s mouthpiece? There was more to this story, but I didn’t have the energy to delve deeper. I knew Ray would be busy chasing down information, but I didn’t thinka few threatening messages would have him turn tail. It had been a week since Jesse was shot, and the hand turned up on my doorstep. He should have expected it. Jonah might be on good terms with Ray, but I wanted a face-to-face explanation.

“Now you can swoop in and pick up the pieces. Was that your plan?” I raised my eyebrows. “In the future, don’t presume for me.” I flicked my glance back to the screen I was working on. A silent dismissal.

“My apologies, boss.” Jonah left with a stiff back. I blew out a sigh. All I ever heard these days was sorry and none of them helped my mood in the slightest. It wasn’t fair to take it out on Jonah. I knew that, but I couldn’t stop myself from scowling and snapping at everyone except Lara. I ground my teeth, frustrated that I wouldn’t be able to take out the clawing emotion on the Donato heir. I settled for sending Ray a brief text.

Coward ??????

I watched with a predatory smile as the three dots blinked and disappeared. That’s right, fucker, you should be scared. It was quiet on the streets, and it was just eye roll inducing. My guys had spotted two Crimson Claw Riders, but they’d taken the freeway around Greenich Bay, heading further north. It wasn’t suspicious enough, but my father was convinced they were responsible. So many things were left unresolved, and the mounting tension was turning me into an ogre. Suddenly no-one in Greenich Bay seemed to know a thing.

It had absolutely nothing to do with Jesse being released from the hospital.

His injury hadn’t kept him from sending another bunch of stupid flowers, daffodils, and a note that read,Jumping Jacks and Arcade. Jumping Jacks was a trampoline park, apparently somewhere more frequented by six-year-olds. I grinned stupidly as I imagined a date there. Thankful I was in the privacy ofmy office so no-one could see my expression. Jesse and Logan would compete to see how high they could get, and Briar and I would egg them on. It was a ridiculous notion. So why couldn’t I wipe the grin off my face? At least they weren’t here to see it. Jesse had somehow gained access to my schedule, obviously thinking I’d still be going out with Ray, like I normally would have. I scowled at the sunshine blooms, the scent of them filling my office like it was spring. There was no escape. He wasn’t the only one plying me with gifts. Logan had sent gigantic boxes filled with individually wrapped presents. All the things he’d seen on his travels that had reminded him of me. I hadn’t opened many. His telltale terrible wrapping skills had made my chest ache. The gifts themselves? A hit in my stomach, leaving me winded. Each one had me sighing, sending me spinning at how well they suited me.

Mint silk scarf

Dark cherry chocolates in the shape of roses

A collection of pocketknives, including a gorgeous metal dragonfly keychain that flicked out a delicate blade.

It was enough to slay a girl. If she was anyone but me.

Each perfect little gift, each date card and flowers and each page of Briar’s journal were twisting my insides. And yet I couldn’t stop myself from looking.

The journal. Oh god, the journal.

I’d thumbed through the pages so many times they were bent. It wasn’t fair when someone had the key to your heart, and they used it relentlessly. But I had no control. It was taking everything in me not to lose it. I got a sick sense of pleasure from reading the agony Briar was in. The misery poured off the pages. But it made me angry all over again. What right did they have to be sad? They had done this. They were the perpetrators. It was their stupidity that had us in this situation.

I could so easily call them and end this apology tour. I could forgive them, but how could we ever go back to the way things were? The only course I had was to get over this. Short of tearing my heart out, I wasn’t sure how I could do it. It had been months and my heart still pined for them. Blind to the scars they left, certain that if I just gave in, they would heal it all.

I needed to get laid. Perhaps the saying was right, to get over someone (or three someone’s in my case) I had to get under someone else. I hadn’t even considered dating, and it was one hundred percent not the smartest decision.

But the sweet scent taunted me, and the drooping petals enraged me. I had to do something. If I didn’t, I was going to snap. My thoughts had been stable throughout the day, but there was a pulsing in the back of my mind. A heightened sense of fear that an episode of intrusive thoughts could hit me. I needed to do something drastic.

So, by the time the sun dipped low, I was walking into a restaurant to meet someone new. Bless vindictive best friends who are happy to organize blind dates. My stomach simmered with a low level of interest. Not nerves, almost agitation. I spotted my date immediately and snorted under my breath. He wasn’t anything like my guys, which was a good thing. I wanted something new, something different.

Carl Girsen was a dentist and a marathon runner who had a penchant for houseplants. He’d buttoned his starch white shirt tight against his neck. He tilted his head like a hawk when I entered, but there was no commanding heat in his gaze. I smoothed my hands down my thighs when he fumbled to stand. His knee smashing the table and setting the glasses of water trembling. He was perfect for what I needed tonight. A distraction from being chased by the ghost of my past relationship. When I strutted over, his eyes warmed. They flicked up and down my form, smile widening.

Good. I didn’t want to play games.

“Carl, it’s lovely to meet you,” I purred, leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek.

“Adelaide, it is my pleasure. When Lara rang and mentioned a date with her best friend, I couldn’t believe my luck. I know you live quite an exciting life, so I’m surprised you’d be interested in someone like me. You look beautiful.” So, someone had been reading the news. I was used to being recognized, but his comment set me on edge. His fingers dragged over the back of my neck as he pulled my chair out for me. I shuddered, lips thinning, but accepted the menu he handed over.