I narrowed my gaze, immediately on edge. He held out his hands and laughed softly.
“I realize I’ve caught you at a bad time, but if you have a moment, hear me out. My name is Harold Downer. Do you know who I am?” I shook my head, slumping against the wall slightly. The rain was falling in sheets now. I wasn’t going anywhere for the moment.
“Maybe this is forward of me, but I didn’t get to where I am by not jumping on opportunities. Does the name Augie Black mean anything to you?”
I noted the Patek Phillipe that slid on his wrist before meeting his level gaze again. Of course, I knew who Augie Black was. They projected him to win the featherweight championship. An excellent boxer who I admired. Harold’s smile widened, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’ve invested in his career. But Greenich Bay is too small for such a star boxer. He’ll move, just like all the talent does,” I grunted in agreement. It was true. A sad fact, but inevitable. “I heard about your proposal for a new, world-class gym. Boxer focused, high end. Exclusive.” His eyes flashed as I perked up. “It sounds like everything I’m looking for, and I wanted to discuss investment terms with you. Augie could sponsor it and encourage his flock of rookie boxers there. I think it could be something amazing for Greenich Bay. A legacy builder.”
A legacy builder.
Harold waited, eyes lazily tracking a car that slowed to a stop in front of us. A stately Bentley.
“How about this? Let my driver take you home and, on the way, you listen to my proposal. I want to help you, Jesse. You seem to have a tenacity that so many others are missing, my son included.” He gave me a mocking scowl as he waved me toward the car. The driver had exited and was waiting to escort us with an umbrella.
A legacy builder.
Everything I needed was suddenly right in my grasp. I couldn’t believe my luck.
“I’d love that.” My insides bubbled with excitement.
I would not take another beating. Antoni wanted men who were worthy of his daughter, well I was about to create a legacy that would give me that. No longer would I be a leeching orphan, but a successful, capable partner.
We could create something worthy, with our own hands, and he wouldn’t ever be able to accuse me of draining Adelaide dry again.
Apersistent knocking on my bedroom door pulled me from my fitful sleep. I groaned, tucking my head under the covers in silent rebellion. I knew who it was and why they were here, but I wasn’t ready to face reality yet. I felt like I was slowly coming undone at the seams, every shred of my world collapsing around me. How could I possibly get out of bed and pretend that everything was fine when inside I felt like I was drowning?
“Addy? Time to get up girl, you’ve had a weekend to wallow.” Lara rapped a jaunty tune on the door with her knuckles. I didn’t reply, burrowing deeper as the door cracked open. A noise of protest escaped me as a weight dipped into the mattress. The covers jostled out of my iron grip. Lara peered over at me, and I scowled.
“Don’t give me that look. You told me explicitly not to let you miss work today. You’ve had the weekend and I’ve kept everyone at bay like you asked. But it’s time to show those boys they can’t beat Adelaide Orazio.”
I tried to wrest the covers back from Lara, but she held onto them with a strength that belied her sympathetic expression. Her eyebrows inched up in silent argument and I relented, flopping back on the bed with a groan. I knew how I must look, but a three way break up and betrayal was enough of an excuse to be a hot mess.
“My current self is intensely angry at my past self.”
“Your past self is a bad bitch, just like your current self is.” Lara brushed a messy strand of hair back from my face. I blew out a breath, muscles groaning as I sat up.
“I don’t know how long I’ll take to wash this off.” By this, I meant the accumulated filth of wallowing in bed for two days.
“Take your time, but you have a visitor and I suggest you dress to impress.”
I froze, my eyes widening comically.
“Tell Jonah to send them away. I don’t want to see them.”
My heart surged against my ribcage. After two days of avoiding them, my three exes were the last people I wanted to see. I had to compose myself first. Eating endless bags of caramel popcorn and watching survival reality shows had done nothing to ease the panic inside me; though now I was sure I could build a shelter and fashion a spear if needed.
“As if I would let them near you,” Lara sniffed, seeming hurt I would even suggest it. “No, it’s a certain dark-haired gentleman, with a smile that could melt off panties.”
“Raimondo,” I sighed. What was he doing here? I rubbed my stomach to ease the flips it was currently doing. He hadn’t waited long to try to swoop in and take advantage of my newly single status.
“Why don’t you get dressed and see what he wants?” Lara suggested, and I pursed my lips. The bed had an indent of my body and I longed to fit myself into it. To forget outside existed. Maybe I could apply for the show Alone. I would rather freeze my ass off than deal with another man.
“Can I have my phone back at least?” I asked.