“These men are not to get close to me. They are a threat to my life. Understood?”
“Perfectly, Miss Orazio,” he replied, becoming my shadow as I stalked away. I ignored the stream of protests that exploded behind me. Pulling my shoulders back, I prepared to obliterate everything I had once held dear.
“If you stand next to me a second longer, I will tear your hair out,” I hissed to Nicole. Her eyes widened in alarm as she blubbered onto Briar’s shoulder. How had everything gone so horribly wrong? Bile seared up the column of my throat. Nicole was whispering in Briar’s ear, but he didn’t respond. How could he, given the state he was in? His face was an alarming shade of green.
“You heard him. Get out of here before we destroy you,” Logan swore, yanking Briar over to him. Briar moaned and leaned on Logan. The viper had pressed shots into his hands this whole night. Not that he was off the hook, but I couldn’t turn my rage on him yet. I’d never liked Nicole, even in the foster home. She always watched too long and silent like she was calculating and filing away what she observed. Briar explained away myprotestations, saying our humor clashed, and she was a sweet, nice girl.
Sweet and nice? More like evil.
With every secret she spoke aloud, my insides crumbled piece by piece. She’d peeled back things that should never have seen the light. She had no right to know anything about them. I wanted to curse Briar for bringing her tonight. Briar who could manage one drink before passing out. His body might be present, but his mind was addled right now. My fists itched to lay him out on the floor, but he wouldn’t even remember why. Fiery rage surged in me, the burn familiar and welcome.
“Come on, Briar,” Nicole managed, watery and weak. I didn’t believe the tears for a second. Tearing down Adelaide was a win for her. She tugged on Briar’s arm, and I slapped it away, leaning close to her face.
“You’ve done enough snake. Get away from him.”
She must have heard in my tone I was seconds away from ripping her hair out. She heeded the rage bursting out of every pore because she gulped and backed away. Slinking through the crowd like the animal I’d called her. I glared at Briar, who moaned low under his breath. Nicole twisted our private confessions into the most hurtful weapons possible. But she didn’t get that information from nowhere.
Briar must have confessed it to Nicole.
My chest ached sharply, something I knew I had no right to. Some might think it karma, how this all crashed down around us. I sucked in a fortifying breath. Everything had gone to shit. Logan looked at me over Briar’s curls and I knew he was thinking the same as me. He hadn’t been able to stay away from Adelaide, not with her body so lovingly encased in a dress made for him. I didn’t blame him.
As soon as our girl stepped into the room, our plans went up in smoke. Nothing we did could repair the damage that hadincurred. When she looked at us with her blank expression, it sent chills down my spine. It was like we were dead in her eyes. My mind raced for a way to put the pieces of our plan back together.
Adelaide was taking the stage, dabbing a tissue to her glistening eyes. Glamorous with her sleek blonde locks dripping over her shoulders. Anyone would attribute the emotion she was showing to the frosted glass award being passed to her. Not because her heart was smashed to bits moments ago. She hefted it into the crook of her arm, turning a wobbly smile on the crowd.
“Thank you so much,” she cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. This is unexpected and I’m so pleased to be here and have the Orazio Foundation recognized for its hard work. First, thanks must go to my wonderful support Lara, who has the biggest heart and a magnificent stash of snacks I know she keeps stocked just for me.” A ripple of laughter coasted through the crowd at her words. “I am making light, but the Orazio Foundation has been a labor of love. It’s been my b-baby. I couldn’t have done this without my wonderful father.” Even from a distance, I could see the hurt swimming in her gaze. I clutched at my collar, struggling to breathe. “This is only the beginning. I want to take this opportunity to announce our next project. It’s always been our goal to support those in need within the community. We want to create a Greenich Bay to be proud of. Our next project is the revitalization of the vacant lot on Calder Place. We plan to build a community center that caters to our youth. The space has long been an eyesore, overgrown and forgotten. Full of broken promises, devoid of any joy or love. So, we are going to bulldoze over the mess and create a space to be proud of. The younger demographic is our future, and they deserve the best, and it’s time they get it.”
The room erupted in cheers, clapping, and whistling as Adelaide smiled and made her way off the stage. Her gaze foundmine like a magnet and I saw the coldness there, like an icepick cracking open my ribs.
It’s full of broken promises, devoid of any joy or love.
“Calder Place?” Logan whispered. He looked dumbfounded, Briar wilted in his hold, lips pursed like he was trying to hold in vomit. Everything Adelaide had mentioned in her speech had been a thinly veiled shot, meant to maim us. It worked, as her words sunk in, my sturdiness faltered and I sagged.
“She wouldn’t.” I shook my head, dazedly. But I watched Adelaide meet Lara and bend to speak in her ear and I knew it was true. The calculated, stony mask on her face was familiar. I’d seen her use it all the time on anyone who dared defy her.
We had gone too far and eviscerated Adelaide, who still didn’t know that we had lied. But to tear down the place where our love had taken root? That was unfathomable.
Adelaide had bought Calder Place many years ago, vowing to keep it just as it was.
It was a dumping ground for people’s trash, but to us it was our place. Vines had taken over the trees, and it looked like something out of a fairytale. The large tree in the middle reached its branches like a shield. We saturated every inch of the place in memories. The vision of Adelaide racing through the overgrown plants in her beautiful white lace dress flashed through my mind. It was like life had been on pause until she whirled into our hearts. The lot encapsulated our hopes, our tentative dreams. A burgeoning love that all three of us had felt toward a woman who seemed untouchable. Against all odds, love grew in her heart as well. For all of us. And it had bloomed in Calder Place. Stolen moments I hoarded like treasures. We’d even carved our names in the thick tree trunk, immortalizing a hopeful, passionate love.
If ever there was a place that captured us, it was Calder Place.
And Adelaide had just vowed to raze it to the ground. My chest constricted, and I stifled a wheeze. I couldn’t seem to fill my lungs enough to breathe.
“Well, I wasn’t sure you’d do it,” came a voice from behind me. It took everything in me to face Harold when all I wanted was to sink to the floor. Our charming investor gave us a smile that was all teeth. His hands clasped behind his back, and he raised a bushy eyebrow at Briar’s slumped form.
“I expect there will be no delays in sending the rest of your investment,” I choked out. A fiery hatred burning through me toward the man in front of me. Misdirected self-loathing. There had been every opportunity for me to renege on his deal. Every step I had taken on behalf of this man had ended in misery. I wished I could put the blame on him, but he hadn’t made me keep my secrets. He hadn’t even forced my hand. The money he had offered had seemed like a miracle. The only way we could build the future we wanted with Adelaide. Harold hummed, tilting his head. My vision flickered with red hot rage as he clicked his tongue.
“Actually, I’ve decided to go in a different direction. Philanthropy is much better suited to my needs. I’m going to donate the money I offered you to the Orazio Foundation. No hard feelings, boys, it’s just business.”
“W-what?” Logan stuttered; the shocked words almost inaudible over the sounds of people chatting amiably around us. Harold shrugged, his eyes like hard, black beads.
“Do you know who I am?” He rocked on his heels. Briar made a low noise as he descended deeper into his drunken state.