“Don’t tell me you aren’t privy to what he wants for us. Aren’t you the Donato heir?” I chuckled. He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes at me. He snagged a loose strand of hair that had fallen over my shoulder.
“I regret my rash, young self. I hope you know it didn’t have anything to do with you except that you represented a tie I didn’t want. Pops wanted that alliance. He saw the brightness in you and the potential as clear as a comet. If it helps, I’ve been paying for my defiance ever since.” Ray tugged on the lock, my skull hurting a little at the tight grip. “What would the world look like if I had realized my papa was wiser than I ever would be? I can still remember the look on your face, the complete mortification that my words had created. Your white dress was tantalizing, but you seemed so innocent. I was young and dumb, addicted to the women who fell into my arms in hordes. I was drunk more oftenthan not, but to get married? It seemed like a death sentence to a horny eighteen-year-old.”
My nose wrinkled at the idea of Ray sleeping his way through a veritable feast of women. I didn’t know what to say. If not for him, I wouldn’t have met my guys. My ex’s. If he’d told me this last week, I might have felt smug and safe in the knowledge his dismissal had led me to the greatest and strongest loves of my life. But now? With the pieces of that relationship in crude shards around me, I let myself wonder what marriage would have been like to this man.
“Our families only found peace after you turned me down. If we’d married, it would have been war. I'd have strangled you before the week was out,” I decided. “And you didn’t answer my question.”
Ray flashed me a white-toothed smile.
“Oh, come now. I know you need three cocks to claim you. We could have had a world of fun together. I heard they dumped you, can’t say I’m heartbroken about you being back up for grabs.”
I rolled my eyes at his crudeness, used to being ridiculed for my relationship. He continued.
“But if you must know, papa hasn’t announced a succession plan yet. I have a cousin who is of age and very capable, as well as a myriad of others who could step up into my place. I meant what I said to you. The only worth he ever saw for me was to marry you. Being the only true blood son of Harold Donato doesn’t mean much, not with my unfortunate notoriety. We can’t all be angels leeching out the darkness of damaged men like you, Adelaide.”
I sucked in a surprised breath. Ray wasn’t the heir. Or was this another trick? Trying to garner sympathy while they manipulated me into their grand plans. He’d mentioned his reputation which I knew I could assist him with. There was along history of enmity between our families, but even we needed to combine our efforts against the authorities. I didn’t have much time to ponder as Ray pressed his body far too close, lips grazing my ear. His words stopped me from kneeing his groin.
“Don’t look now, but one of your goons is approaching. What say we continue this conversation on the dancefloor and waylay him?”
My heart leaped. Was it Briar? Coming to apologize for rubbing Nicole in my face? I looked up and sagged a little. It was Logan. He was plowing his way through the crowd with a determined stride to his gait. I snaked my hand down Ray’s arm and entwined our fingers. Tearing my face away from the jealousy in Logan’s eyes. I pulled Ray behind me to the dance floor. He didn’t argue, letting one hand curl around my waist as he took back control and forced us to move in tandem. Had I been any other woman the closeness to his spectacular body may have roused me, but I was numb to other men. Three others had ruined me, and I was only just understanding the extent of their conquest. Ray fondled the tassels on my sleeve before gripping my hip again.
“This dress is something else,” he murmured, spinning me around so it moved like a wave. “I must thank your exes after this. I doubt you’d have let me within ten feet of you otherwise.”
“Don’t you dare.” A laugh escaped me, and I tried to stifle it. “Or do. I hope it’s agony for them. They deserve it for falling for whatever leverage your papa has over them.”
Ray reared back. His dark eyebrows arched high on his forehead.
“What aren’t you telling me?” Ray questioned, looking around the room to see where Harold was. His watchful eyes glinted from the back of the room with a small smile on his face.
“He’s the reason I’m single. For some hare-brained reason my ex’s accepted an offer from him. He only had one stipulationbefore he handed over an obscene amount of money. They had to break up with me. Why do you suppose he wanted that so badly,Tail Light Ray?” I said, digging my nails in. He grunted and narrowed his eyes at me.
“Don’t do that darling, you might excite me. Why would he want you---” realization dawned on Ray’s face, and he slowed to a soft sway on the floor. “I didn’t have anything to do with this, Adelaide.” He rushed to add. I swallowed past the knot that had formed in my throat. What a strange night this was, in the arms of someone who stood to gain so much from me. I wondered what the right step was to take. All I knew was things could never go back to the way they were before. I couldn’t let this stand, and no-one was going to meekly lead me to do their bidding.
“Our families had an unruly past, but that’s changed over the last few years. I don’t blame Harold. He has my respect, even though I might not like being mixed up in it, I understand his actions. I can be just as ruthless, and I intend to be.”
“Do you need a new lover, Adelaide?” Ray smirked, hauling me to his hard chest until my breasts pressed against him. He groaned, “I could learn to share, if that’s what you need.”
I was about to swat him on his perfectly coiffed hair when a choked cough made me look. Logan was standing beside us, glowering. His hands clenched into fists by his side.
“Can I interrupt?” he hissed through gritted teeth, and I knew he had caught Ray’s last comment. Ray’s smirk turned smug, and he ducked his head to whisper in my ear, “you’re welcome,” before releasing me with a longing look.
“Grazie per la danza, Cara,”Ray purred, lifting my hand to his mouth for a loud smack of a kiss. He strutted away like a peacock despite the black suit he was wearing. Logan took his place quickly, his fingers digging in where Ray’s had. Like he was trying to press his ownership into my skin again. My stomach swooped. I had always appreciated Logan’s touch, knowing howhe espoused it from everyone else. Logan’s clear eyes bore into me, begging me to swim in their oceanic depths. But he’d already drowned me with his words, and I couldn’t let him do it to me a second time.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered. “Did you wear this for me?”
I wrinkled my nose. Heat poured off Logan’s body, and I had to stop myself from pressing against him. Muscle memory. Years of finding solace in his arms, but not anymore.
“Don’t do that.” I hated how strained my voice sounded.
His fingers convulsed on my hip. Remorse flashed over his features, brief but deep. Like my harsh tone had cut him. I hoped it did.
“Do what? Tell the truth?” he shook his head, shoulders rising to his ears.
“A day after telling me the exact opposite? I doubt your date would like it. Why does it matter if I had this dress designed for you? You said plainly that my body wasn’t to your liking anymore.” I huffed, searching the crowd. I spied his pretty date, who was looking around the room, supremely bored.
“Adelaide, I said those words for a good reason. Not the reason you think.” His lips barely moved, and his gaze scanned over my shoulder as if looking for someone. God, they were so terrible at this it was laughable.
“Your ‘investor’ would have seen you, so you can forget being sneaky. You don’t know who you’re dealing with, but go on, comfort me with vague entreaties and see if it works for you.” I snapped; my patience frayed. I stepped back, disentangling our fingers. Logan made a noise, moving toward me like he wanted to haul me against him.