“Hey, Lynds.”
I turn around and practically tackle Allison onto the ground. She squeals.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” I ask.
“I figured you could use a friend,” Priya says.
I look back at Allison for an explanation, “I gave Priya my number at Thanksgiving. I told her to text me once she had the dates for your December shows, and I’d never been to Vegas and… I just missed you. You were doing that wounded animal thing when you’re hurt where you try and run into the woods so no one can find you and see how bad you’re hurting. I knew you wouldn’t talk to me about it unless I were right in front of your face.”
I hug Allison again, “I’m so sorry I’ve been such a flake. It’s been hell,” I mumble.
“Well, have you tried to talk to Vince about it?”
“No!” I groan.
“Oh, Lynds. You’ve gotta learn how to communicate,” Allison exclaims.
“That’s what I said,” Priya echoed.
“He won’t talk to me! He just sulks and looks depressed!”
“Then, be brave! Talk to him!” Allison begs.
I sigh, “I dunno, guys.”
Suddenly, there’s another knock on the door. Allison runs to the door and flings it open to reveal a tall man with a long, silver shag and familiar green eyes.
He’s taller than Vince. He has a bit more of a dad bod. A belly pokes out of his faded black T-shirt. But they have the same eyes. It’s uncanny. When Allison grins, and he mirrors the smile down to the gap in their front teeth, I put two and two together. This is Michael, Vince’s brother, and Al’s Dad.
“Prodigal daughter, as I live and breathe!” His accent is thicker than Vince’s. To my surprise, Allison hugs him like she’s known him for years.
“Did you find the place, okay?” She asks.
“Well, the lady at Will Call gave me shit directions.”
“Michael, I told you to text me!” Priya exclaims.
Now I’m genuinely confused. I turn to Priya, “You knew about this?”
“Priya paid for my flight to Pasadena last week. It’s been a strange time. Vince called me to let me know I had a kid,” he glances at Allison, “I mean, y’know. And then, strangest thing, he disappears off the face of the planet. So, I texted Allison.”
“And then, I told my mom and asked her if she would be open to Michael visiting, and she said yes. So he flew out to Pasadena last week, and he spent the week with my mom, and he got to see my job and everything!” Allison gushes.
A wave of guilt washes over me. I promised Allison I would be there for her throughout her journey of finding her family, and I was too wrapped up in my bullshit to check in and see if she’d talked to Michael.
“Last Thursday! I tried to call you, but you said you were busy with bus repairs.” The phone call flashes back to me. I’d been short with Al, because I had spent two hours on hold with the repair place, and Delta lost Henry’s drum set. He’s been playing on a loaner all week.
“Fuck. Allison, I am so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know you’ve been going through a lot.”
“It’s not okay, though. I need to make a better effort to be a better friend.”
“Well, it’s not like you won’t have any more chances. You’re still my best friend.”