“Yeah. I feel better now. Kind of silly for falling apart.”

“There’s no reason for you to feel silly. You’re allowed to fall apart with me.”

I adjust so I can peer up at his face. His eyes are soft and tender again. So incredibly warm. There’s a slight hint of a smile on his mouth. “You don’t mind?” I ask.

He leans down to kiss me. “To tell you the truth, I really like it. Not that you fall apart but that you trust me enough to not always hold it together around me.”

“Oh.” I snuggle down against him again. “I do. Trust you.”

“Good. I want you to.”

He tightens his arm briefly. Rubs my thigh.

After a few minutes, I say in a small voice, “I don’t think I’ve ever fully trusted anyone but you.”

He makes a throaty sound and tilts my face up so he can kiss me again. It was probably supposed to be another light, sweet peck, but I cling to his lips and the embrace turns deep.

Deep and urgent and hot.

His tongue slides into my mouth, and he holds my head with both his hands. I clutch at his shirt and try to rub my body against his. He’s making those hungry sounds into the kiss that he’s done before. It’s really the sexiest thing. Like he’s so into it—so overwhelmed—that he just can’t help himself.

After a few minutes, I’m hot and needy and inappropriately aroused for a public lounge. I can feel that Chase has gotten hard in his jeans, and one of his hands is holding my thigh possessively.

The sound of conversation from across the room finally distracts me from the hot haze. I turn my head to the side to break the kiss, and Chase moves his hand. We both sit back, flushed and panting.

I giggle when we slant each other sheepish looks.

“How about I go get us a drink?” I suggest, trying to summon the will to stand up and not crawl right into Chase’s lap.

“Good idea. Something cold please.” He clears his throat and shifts his hips. “Very cold.”

I laugh at that, and the amusement distracts me enough to heft myself to my feet. I go to the bar and get Chase a ginger ale and me a sparkling water.

About twenty minutes after I return, one of the front desk staff comes over and tells us our room is ready.


It hasn’t really been that long. It’s not even four yet. But the day seems to have lasted forever, and I really want to get to our room.

Chase and I have some important things to do there.

OUR ROOM IS GORGEOUS. Large and airy with floor-to-ceiling windows on one wall and rustic, minimalistic furnishings. I tip the bellman after he brings up our bags and shows us the features of the room.

Then he leaves with a friendly greeting, and Chase and I stand in the middle of the floor, staring at each other.

I’m not sure who moves first. Maybe it’s at the exact same time. One moment we’re standing about three feet apart, and the next we’re all over each other, kissing wildly and pressing our bodies together, as if there’s an irresistible magnetic force pulling us toward one another.

There are no gentle preliminaries. Almost immediately our tongues are tangling, and his hands are gripping my bottom, holding my pelvis tightly against his. I’m clutching his head with both hands, eventually sliding down to his neck and jaw. I’m so enthusiastic—almost aggressive—that I might have been worried had Chase not been in exactly the same condition.

He’s devouring my mouth like a starving man, gripping my body as if he’s never going to let it go.

The visceral need is heady. Intoxicating. It fills my head, my chest, the core of my being. Soon we’re stumbling toward one of the beds. He lifts me up and deposits me unceremoniously sideways on the bed, my legs hanging over the edge.

I don’t care about the awkward position because he’s climbing over me and kissing me again. And the most important thing in the world right now is getting Chase as close to me as possible, pulling him all the way inside me.

I wrap one of my legs around the back of his thighs, and he starts making a few detours from my mouth to suck on my neck and tweak my earlobe between his teeth.

My entire body is pulsing now, centered between my legs. I try to grind myself against him. Try to ease the ache with clumsy friction.