Page 65 of Raven: Part Two

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Ignatius,” Perry said sweetly.

Iggy frowned at him. “What do you mean?”

“I thought it was obvious, darling.” Perry flashed him a sparkling smile. “I have a hunch as to where our missing party is hiding, and when it comes to matters such as this, I am quite often right.”



Should an omega not conceive, heat traditionally lasted a week.

Sorin’s was over in three days.

On the dawn of the fourth day, with the scent of his heat having faded to almost nothing, Bertram stirred to find Sorin waking up beside him, his eyes still closed, but the rhythm of his breathing too quick for him to still be asleep. His hair was a mess—pushed back at all angles and tangled from three days of nearly nonstop sex—but the degree of his dishevelment did not change the fact that he was glowing. Not only was his skin bright and clear, but somehow, his body itself had changed, like a great burden had been taken off his shoulders, and he could finally relax.

He was beautiful—he had always been—but seeing him like this, so comfortable in his own skin, filled Bertram’s heart with such a tender joy that for a while, he simply lay where he was and watched Sorin dip in and out of sleep.

It had been the right move to come to Scotland—to start over.

He had never seen Sorin like this. Not even when they had been living together in Braemar.

All was right now. Their future was their own, and they would get to spend it together. No interruptions, no fear—just happiness for as long as they both should live.

Eventually, Sorin won the fight against his drowsiness and cracked open an eye, peering lazily at Bertram from his nest of pillows. Bertram smiled and reached out to him, laying a hand on his bare hip and stroking the skin there gently with the pad of his thumb. “Good morning.”

Sorin made a noise in his throat and closed his eyes. It seemed he wasn’t quite ready for the waking world yet.

“Your heat appears to be waning,” Bertram said quietly. His thumb continued its slow course along Sorin’s hip. “Are you starting to feel like yourself again?”

“If I say no, will you stay here in bed with me?”

Bertram grinned. “There is a high chance you could persuade me.”

“Then no.” Sorin opened his eyes, mirroring Bertram’s good humor in a grin of his own. “I’m still feral with heat. You’d better put a stop to it before someone else does—you wouldn’t want me full of another dragon’s eggs, now would you?”

Bertram’s dick, already stiff from morning wood, stirred, and at the same time, his dragon puffed itself up possessively. “Mine,” it said through Bertram’s mouth as he crawled across the bed, kicking the tangled sheets away to take his place between Sorin’s thighs.

“Yours,” Sorin agreed, eyes sparkling, and hooked his legs over Bertram’s hips. “And soon everyone will know it, because you put a clutch in me. You took my heat and now I’m going to give you more eggs.”

Bertram’s brain shut down.

Groaning, he bottomed out in Sorin and drove into him, following his dragon’s instincts to zero in on the most fertile spot inside of Sorin until pleasure detonated in him like a bomb. He came hard, knot swelling, while Sorin gasped beneath him, clinging to his neck like Bertram was his sole lifeline in a storm. A few minutes later, he was coming, too, and while Bertram’s knot had kept his cum neatly contained, such was not the case with Sorin. He came between their bodies, most of the mess pooling on his own stomach and chest.

“God,” Sorin said in a thin voice, out of breath from what they’d done. “Why is it always so good?”

“I’ve heard heat makes sex much more enjoyable for omegas.”

“Maybe. I just…” He paused to take a deep breath and at the same time, seemed to pull himself somewhat together. “Maybe it is my heat talking, but you feel so good. I don’t ever want you out of me. How did we survive all those years apart? I don’t think I could do it again.”

It was definitely his heat talking—Bertram was sure Sorin would feel differently after the eggs were hatched and they had a rambunctious group of whelps to care for—but he kept that thought to himself and, smiling, kissed the tip of Sorin’s nose before initiating a slow kiss that had Sorin humming into his mouth.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Bertram promised when the kiss ended. “I’m not going anywhere, and you aren’t, either. We are safe here, and will remain safe here. I swear it. There will be no more compromising—this is our happily ever after, and I will defend it until my last breath. No more shall I ever be without you.”

“Mm.” Sorin wove his fingers unhurriedly through Bertram’s hair and kissed him again. “I like the sound of that. Does that mean you’ll stay in bed and knot me all day if I ask you to?”

Bertram responded with a grin and a telling thump of his hips.

Sorin’s hands tightened in his hair, and soon enough, the quiet in the bedroom was replaced by the sounds of their lovemaking. Sorin’s heat had ended, but Bertram’s desire for him would never wane, and he intended to prove it every minute of every day for the rest of their very long lives.