Page 82 of Peregrine

Peregrine’s smile turned into a pout. “How unfair. I want everyone to know you are mine, and mine alone.”

Sebastian rolled the two of them so they lay side to side and face to face, looking Peregrine in the eyes. “You and I know it, love, and it will be evident to anyone who observes us. I have not and will never love another in the way that I love you. I could live a dozen lifetimes and still, that would hold true.”

A hint of something stirred in Sebastian’s soul. It was a quiet kind of happiness—one he’d never felt before.

“Strange,” he muttered, and focused in on the feeling. The more he concentrated on it, the clearer it became, until there was no hiding what it was and, more importantly, where it had come from.


It had come from Peregrine.

“Sebastian?” Peregrine asked. He laid a hand on Sebastian’s arm. “What’s wrong?”

“The bond. I feel it.”


“Close your eyes,” Sebastian said, “and try to see if you feel something inside. A tether, perhaps.”

Peregrine did not look all that certain, but he closed his eyes and was quiet for a while. Sebastian was not sure what to do, or if he could help, but he reasoned that he had felt Peregrine’s pleasure, and so he endeavored to feel pleasure so Peregrine could enjoy it in the same way.

To focus, Sebastian closed his eyes as well and thought of how beautiful Peregrine was. Of how strong and weak, brave and fearful, devoted and cherished Peregrine made him feel. He recalled memories of sweet kisses shared and the caress of Peregrine’s body against his own and rejoiced that this would be their forever, and that he would never be alone again.

Peregrine gasped, and then there came a tug centralized in Sebastian’s heart. Slowly, it became surer, braver, more solid, until there was no way to deny it.

It was the bond, and it tied them together. Through it, Sebastian knew the depths of Peregrine’s emotions, and in turn, Peregrine knew his.

Peregrine’s breath caught in his throat. “Can you feel that?” he asked, his voice soft and filled with wonder.

“I do. I feel you in my heart.”

“I feel the way you love me,” Peregrine whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I feel it deep inside of me. I feel how true it is. Sebastian…” He laughed and tangled his fingers in Sebastian’s hair. “My dragon, I love you. I love you so much. I never imagined… never thought…”

Something indefinable shifted between them. The aching, delicate perfection of their growing bond flooded with desire and need. It was more powerful than anything—claws or fists or magic—and it took possession of Sebastian from the inside out.

“What is this?” he asked Peregrine in a low voice, barely able to hold himself back from indulging in the love and want flowing through him. “This feeling… it’s inside of me, but it belongs to you.”

“It… it can’t be.” Peregrine shivered and curled up against Sebastian, his hands still in his hair. “It’s far too soon…”

An inkling of understanding worked its way through the haze of need, and Sebastian groaned, his hard cock already aching. He needed to be inside his mate or he would go mad. This wasn’t like their normal lovemaking, which was passionate and tender and often athletic. This was more like…

“Inside me,” Peregrine moaned. “I need it. Need you.”

“We need the oil.”

With a strength Sebastian didn’t expect, Peregrine pushed him so he lay on his back. “I’m sorry, my dragon,” he uttered as he straddled Sebastian’s hips, “but I must.”

That said, he grabbed Sebastian’s cock and sank down onto it, moaning.

He was wet.

So wet.

Had he found the oil, then, or—

Peregrine became a wild thing, riding Sebastian hard. The fucking between them had always been good, right from the first, but this was new and different, for everything Peregrine felt now echoed inside of Sebastian and took his own pleasure to heights unknown.

“Take me,” Sebastian urged as Peregrine worked himself in a near frenzy. “Use me, Perry. I am yours.”