Page 9 of Peregrine

He took a jar he’d purchased at the apothecary and opened it. Inside was a sweet-smelling substance that would ease the way for both of them. He applied it liberally to first Peregrine, then himself.

“After this,” Sebastian vowed, feeling it down to his scales, “you are mine. And I am yours.”

Peregrine opened his mouth to say something when he was forestalled by Sebastian’s cock breaching his body. His eyes snapped closed, and a look of utter bliss transformed his sharp, pretty face. He moaned loudly, and Sebastian quieted him the only way he knew how.

He kissed Peregrine and took the noise into himself.

The omega’s lips and hot, sweetly drugging mouth were nearly enough to make him forget himself, but then Peregrine’s body clamped down around Sebastian. That spurred him to move, slowly and carefully at first, but as Peregrine showed no signs of wanting him to stop, Sebastian sped up his pace and increased the power of his thrusts. He knew, in the back of his mind, that he was probably bruising the boy with the tight grip of his fingers, but there was no way to cease. Sebastian’s dragon urged him on. Take. Claim. Breed. Knot. Mate. They were curious thoughts to have, but they didn’t matter. Nothing mattered beyond the boy’s slick, tight heat, and his cries of pleasure that were even better than his taste.

“I need… I need…” Peregrine gasped.

“Anything. Speak it, and it will be yours.”

“I need… something. Oh, my lord. Please. Please.”

Peregrine reached down to latch on to Sebastian’s arse and dug his nails in deep. That was all it took for Sebastian to flood Peregrine’s body with his seed, then lock the two of them together with his knot. Inside him, his dragon roared in utter satisfaction and triumph.

Slowly, by small degrees, their breathing calmed. Sebastian fell onto his side and took Peregrine with him. Peregrine seemed to doze for a bit, then he roused and stretched his lithe body.

“Is it always like that?” Peregrine asked, breaking the silence between them.

Sebastian stroked his soft hair, now clean and shining from the bath he’d ordered earlier that day. “No,” he confessed.

“Oh.” Peregrine didn’t frown, but Sebastian could still sense his disappointment.

He looked a little sad and lost, so Sebastian truthfully added, “It is often much better. It will be next time, I swear it.”

A slow, wide smile spread over Peregrine’s face, reminding Sebastian of the other things he’d bought from the apothecary. Sweets for the sweet. He reached for it and presented the small box of candy to Peregrine. Not knowing his taste, Sebastian had bought a bit of everything from marzipan to candied fruit to rose sugar drops to sugared nuts. It seemed a pity now that he saw the glimmer in Peregrine’s eyes that he hadn’t procured a larger box.

“Truly, my lord dragon?” A mein of hopeful greed spread across Peregrine’s features. It made him look almost draconic.

Sebastian’s answer was to kiss his omega.

No, growled his dragon. Our omega. Forever ours.

And that felt absolutely, completely right. Peregrine was his prized treasure and Sebastian would never let him go. Not ever. No matter what.



Present Day

Anyone who saw Sebastian Drake cut through foot traffic on the Brilliant Boulevard, Aurora’s premiere shopping district, would see him as an alpha on a mission. Nevertheless, something in a shop window caught his eye and he stopped. Even though he’d become a serious impediment to forward progress, no one bumped into him. Humans could sense a predator in their midst, be he man or otherwise, and wherever he went, they gave him a wide berth.

Which was as it should be.

In another time, Sebastian would have feasted on their flesh and picked his teeth with their bones, but the world was a different place now. One did not eat humans on a whim. They were to be consumed only when necessary, and unfortunately those times were few and far between.

Sebastian spent a moment longer assessing the window display, then entered the store and pointed at the item that had caught his eye.

“Can I help you, sir?” one of the associates asked. She was polite, but she eyed Sebastian warily.

“I’d like that scarf,” he rumbled. “The… ah… one the color of harebells.”

The associate blinked at him.

“The bluish one,” he clarified. “I’ll take it. Quickly. I have an appointment.”