Page 79 of Peregrine

From there, it was nothing but pleasure—hands, then lips and a skillful tongue. Peregrine clenched fistfuls of Sebastian’s hair and held him in place, and Sebastian rewarded him for his greed by redoubling his efforts. Not long after, Peregrine cried out and came into his mouth. Sebastian took it all.

“Should I pleasure you now, my lord?” he asked breathlessly as his orgasm ebbed. “I would be glad to.”

“No.” Sebastian kissed the underside of his jaw, then climbed out of bed and adjusted his codpiece. “We will wait for later, when you’re well. For now, I must go. You tempt me enough that to stay would be impossible.”

“Where shall you go?”

“About.” Sebastian waved his hand. “I shan’t be far. Not today. Not while there is a risk you are still unwell.”

Peregrine smiled. “I’m sure this time Everard has fixed me.”

“We shall see.” Sebastian adjusted his doublet and belt, then smiled at Peregrine, who remained disheveled on the bed. “Should you feel even the slightest discomfort, you must let one of us know. I will not have you suffer. I love you so.”

Sebastian could say it a thousand times and it would never grow old. Peregrine blushed and, true to his training, positioned himself in such a way that all of his best angles and features were on display. If he really was to be Sebastian’s mate for all of time, he needed to look like the treasure he was. Beautiful always. A jewel amongst human beings.

“You are the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever laid eyes upon,” Sebastian said in a low, husky voice, then shook his head and turned abruptly. “If I don’t stop looking, I’ll lose control. Find me when you’re ready. I’ll be waiting.”

“I will, my lord. I vow it.”

Sebastian left, and even though Peregrine was alone, he didn’t feel lonely. Sebastian wasn’t present, but he was there in Peregrine’s heart, and would be forevermore. Brighter days were coming, and the future, while uncertain, was theirs to shape. And shape it they would. Peregrine would give his all to become Sebastian’s mate.

Was it unlikely to happen? Of course. But it would never happen if he didn’t try.

* * *

Peregrine did bleed, but it was over in a matter of hours. After the sheets had been changed he took a quick bath, then dressed in the finest clothes he owned and went to find Sebastian. It didn’t take long. Sounds of conversation led him to the palace’s foyer, where Sebastian and Everard were engaged in discussion near the front doors.

“Alistair must wait,” Sebastian insisted. “I must know Peregrine is well before you leave.”

“He is being insistent.”

“Then I shall speak with him. He will listen to me.”

“You’re welcome to try, brother.” Everard flapped a hand somewhat dismissively. “Alistair is bullheaded at best, and he is ever so set on… whatever it is. Some painting somewhere, or a mural, perhaps. Lord help us should it be a book. He’s become near obsessed with the things. A waste of time, should you ask me. What could a man write that couldn’t be taught through an apprenticeship or told on a cold night gathered together around the hearth? I cannot imagine what he’ll fixate on next. One can only hope it will be something of value.”

“What he’s after doesn’t matter. I will tell him to stay.”

“Wonderful. While you’re at it, perhaps you can convince him to forget this tour of his entirely. It’s been nothing but trouble. Although, surprisingly, through no fault of his own.”

Sebastian growled.

“What? I did not accuse you.”

“Perhaps not out loud, but the intent was there all the same.”

The conversation had begun to edge toward hostility, and while Peregrine had been taught not to involve himself with the affairs of dragons, his presence would likely put a cork in the erupting argument. As such, Peregrine gathered his courage and strolled across the foyer to stand at Sebastian’s side, the billowing fabric of his clothing swirling around his ankles as he went.

“Lord dragon,” he said to Everard upon arriving, then bowed to show his respect. “Imagine my delight upon finding you here. I’d thought you’d gone hours ago.”

Everard gawked at him as though he’d never met an omega with a mind of his own. Which, come to think of it, he likely hadn’t, but that was beside the point.

“You’ll be pleased to know,” Peregrine continued, “that I have bled, and now feel quite well. There is no more pain, not even so much as a cramp. With some luck, this will be the last time you’ll need to visit. I have hopes my health will only improve from here.”

Everard, mouth agape, turned his gaze on Sebastian. “Will you allow this, brother?”

“Allow what?”

“Your omega has derailed our conversation!”