Page 62 of Peregrine

“If I were to explain how much I love you, Sebastian Drake,” he replied in a voice meant only for Sebastian’s ears, “I would have to speak without end for every second that remains of our very long lives, and even then it wouldn’t be long enough.”

The dark pools of Sebastian’s eyes flared with arousal, and so, like any Pedigree omega worth his designation, Perry climbed prettily onto his lap and loosely wrapped his arms around his dragon’s neck. Sebastian’s dick stiffened. It was to be expected. He was, after all, a predictable sort of dragon, which was half of his charm. Perry wouldn’t change him for a thing.

“The babe,” Sebastian muttered, but his hands were already on Perry’s hips, and if the tone of his voice was any indication, he was well on his way to being utterly seduced. “You’re in a delicate state, Perry. We shouldn’t.”

“Nonsense.” Perry kissed the corner of his lips. “I know my limits. I will not test them.”

“And if you’ve misjudged?”

“You wound me, Sebastian.” At that, Perry put his hands on Sebastian’s broad shoulders and pushed him flat onto the bed. “I’ve loved a dragon for half a millennium. Don’t you dare tell me I don’t know how to ride.”

* * *

There was no shortage of lubricant in Sebastian Drake’s lair. It was hidden in drawers with whelp-proof latches and kept on high shelves not even Perry could reach. There was even a bottle of it hidden under a fake rock in the atrium, and sometimes Perry carried small packets of it with him when he anticipated that Sebastian might be feeling more amorous than usual. Needless to say, any room containing a bed was well-equipped, and their hoard room was the best equipped of all. It took Perry all of a second to locate the nearest dispenser and slick his palm, and a second or two after that, Sebastian’s burgeoning erection was coated and glistening.

“You mustn’t,” Sebastian grumbled even as he lifted Perry up and helped him into position over his dick.

Perry, head thrown back artfully in pleasure, slid down his shaft so it was buried between his cheeks, but not yet inside him. It was pointless to argue with a dragon—or, at least, a Drake—so he didn’t try. Rather, he moved his hips and pleasured Sebastian without penetration. He would not go any further without Sebastian’s consent.

“Perry.” Sebastian’s grip tightened, the pointed tips of claws at the very start of their transformation sinking into his skin. Scales plunged down Sebastian’s shoulders and up his arms, along the length of his neck to his jaw, and over his collarbones down his chest in a patchwork V. “Perry.”

“Will you let me ride, Sebastian?” Perry asked as he lifted himself into position, allowing the head of Sebastian’s cock to butt against his tight hole. “I shan’t do it unless you allow me, but I crave it. I am a terribly bad, naughty boy and I need you, Sebastian. I need you more than words can say.”

Smoke escaped Sebastian’s nostrils, and he answered by pushing Perry onto his shaft, forcing his way inside.

The pleasure was immediate and immense. Perry gasped and lurched forward to brace his hands on Sebastian’s scaled stomach, then, once he’d found balance, he began to ride. If Mistress Fokje were to see him now, she would tan his hide for how much he gave in to his own pleasure, but Perry’s old teachings from the Pedigree had long ago been overwritten by his centuries of experience as Sebastian’s lover. No matron knew better than he did what his dragon liked, and in Sebastian’s case, what he liked best was when Perry was greedy.

“Ravage me, Perry,” Sebastian growled. The points of his claws raked down Perry’s hips to his thighs, nearly deep enough to draw blood. “Take it. Take all of it. Make me yours as I make you mine.”

Pleasure like lightning forked down the length of Perry’s spine and struck a deep, forbidden place low inside of him that tightened his balls and thickened his own erection. There was no beast inside of him in the same way there was inside of Sebastian, but in moments like these, it felt very much like there was—like he was some wild thing that existed beyond the niceties of humanity. Like he could take, and take, and take forever and still never have enough.

“Take,” Sebastian demanded, his voice more dragon than man. “Claim.”

And Perry, snarling and breathless, did just that.

He rode savagely until Sebastian’s knot stopped him and continued on after that, working his body with what little movement the knot afforded him to bring himself all the pleasure he could.

Orgasm came quickly. It always did when his lover’s cum flowed into him. The heat of it made sex that much better, and Perry never lasted long after that. Exhausted, he slumped onto Sebastian and allowed himself to be rolled to his side. Once settled, Sebastian kissed him until his knot receded and their shared excitement had burned to ash.

“I love you,” Sebastian said, and tenderly laid a hand over where their child quickened. “I am yours forever, come what may.”

“How fortunate,” Perry whispered as he kissed Sebastian with all the affection a heart could hold. “For I plan on loving you forever, my dragon, no matter what is or what shall be.”

* * *

Sebastian was always quick to fall asleep after sex, but such was not the case for Perry, whose thoughts were entirely too busy to be put to bed. Some nights he didn’t sleep at all, and over the last few months, burdened with worry over the unborn babe, such times were far more common.

Tonight, it seemed, was one such night.

Perry tossed and turned, but no matter which way he lay, there was no comfort to be found. At last, with a sigh, he pulled back the sheets and left Sebastian to slumber. It wouldn’t be fair to wake him with his restlessness. A good dragon deserved good sleep. Perry would not bother him.

It was an inconvenience to cross the main chamber of the hoard without making noise—coins and other golden trinkets always seemed to be underfoot—but Perry was nothing if not patient, and he picked his way across the room with the precision of a cat stalking its unsuspecting prey. The door to their hoard, while heavy and well-secured, opened silently, and so out into their lair Perry went. He had no clear destination in mind, but it made little difference. With some luck, a walk would help clear his head.

At this hour, the boys were all asleep and the staff had long ago retired to their quarters, so the halls were quiet and the lights were out. Perry picked his way through the dark to the foyer, where he’d once spied on Bertram from on high. Now, however, there were no pesky brothers to scrutinize. There was only moonlight, which streamed in through the tall sidelight windows and fell across the floor in narrow strips. Perry leaned on the railing of one of the twin grand staircases and watched it for a moment, lost in thought over what he’d learned and what it meant for his family, then wearily made his way across the foyer and through the streams of moonlight. In it, the sheer robe he was wearing sparkled. It had been a long time since he’d lived in poverty, but moments like these would forever be magical. It was simply unfortunate that those who lived in fairy tales were so often bedeviled with curses.

The baby kicked as though frightened by the thought, and Perry smoothed a hand over his stomach to soothe her.

Never fear, little one, he thought. Your father and I are here, and we’re doing all we can to break this wretched curse forever.