Page 7 of Peregrine

“Are you still a virgin?” he asked.

Peregrine’s jaw went slack with shock, but he was quick to compose himself and lifted his chin prettily. “I am, my lord.”

Sebastian grunted his satisfaction with the answer.

“But I have been instructed in ways you will find pleasing,” Peregrine assured him. He stood at an angle to the fire that made its light dance in his eyes and catch all of his fairest features. “My station is to please you, and so please you I shall.” For the briefest moment, a somewhat wistful look crossed his face. “I am quite adept at it. I enjoy learning, and it is the majority of what I’ve been taught.”

Being desirous of education was a novel concept for Sebastian. “You’ll get on well with Alistair, then. He’s always got his nose stuck in some tome or another and tries to get me to listen to his blather. He’ll appreciate a new audience, no doubt. If you wish it, I’ll have him teach you to read. Can’t abide it myself, but if it will amuse you on the journey, then I see no harm in it.”

For Sebastian, that was quite a speech. He looked at Peregrine expectantly. To his satisfaction, the boy looked pleased. Happy he’d made forward progress, Sebastian began to disrobe.

“You would do that?” Peregrine asked. “For me? The omega child of a Disgrace?” He sounded honestly bewildered. “I might learn to read?”

“If you wish it.” Having removed jerkin, doublet, and shirt, Sebastian unfastened his codpiece, then began to remove his hose.

Peregrine didn’t squeak, but as his eyes took in Sebastian’s more intimate details, he did go quite pale.

“It’ll fit,” he assured the omega. “I vow it.”

Peregrine did not look so sure.

Naked and semi-erect, Sebastian straightened his stance. “Come to bed,” he ordered, and slid between the dry, sweet-smelling sheets.

Peregrine did not hesitate, but he did not hurry. “I never thought to use my training,” he admitted quietly as he approached the bedside.

“Think nothing of it.” Sebastian patted the empty space beside him. “Now, come. You seem chilled. I will warm you.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Peregrine glanced at the bed, then at Sebastian, then down at his own body. Slowly, he undressed, folding his clothing as he shed it. He was, Sebastian saw as he disrobed, far too thin. It spoke not of nature but of deprivation, and made him want to go back to thrash the matron of the cloister. He’d kept himself from doing so earlier that day, but it had been a very near thing.

Now that events had caught up with him, Sebastian wondered at what he’d done. He never went for omegas, Pedigree or not. Today he’d acted far more like Alistair than himself. Even so, his dragon was sure, completely and utterly, that this skinny, waifish, and shy omega belonged to him. There was no question of leaving him behind. But Sebastian also felt a bit awkward bedding the boy.

Did Peregrine desire him, too?

It had never mattered what an omega wanted, but it occurred now to Sebastian that perhaps that wasn’t right or fair.

He shook his head. Clearly Alistair was rubbing off on him, and not in a good way. What did fairness have to do with anything?

Still, though the omega stood naked next to his bed, Sebastian did not immediately mount the boy.

Slow, his dragon cautioned, and that seemed wise.

It would be better that his bedfellow respect him, as they would be spending quite a long time together on this journey. Therefore, he endeavored to seduce Peregrine, so that Peregrine would crave his knot as keenly as Sebastian was eager to give it.

Like the perfect Pedigree omega he was, Peregrine climbed gracefully onto the bed on his hands and knees and presented himself to Sebastian. “I am ready for you, my lord.”

No, you’re not, Sebastian thought. Carefully, like he was touching an unbroken horse, Sebastian ran his hand down Peregrine’s flank. His skin was softer than expensive silk.

Peregrine trembled, so Sebastian stilled his hand. “Are you frightened, little bird?”

“Little bird?” Peregrine lifted his head and looked over his shoulder at Sebastian.

“Peregrine,” Sebastian explained. “I’m not certain what the word is in your language, but in English, a peregrine is a type of falcon.”

“Oh.” Peregrine stopped trembling and now stretched under Sebastian’s hand like a contented cat. “I think I am more a sparrow, my lord dragon, despite my name. You are more the falcon than I.”

Sebastian gave Peregrine the very gentlest of pushes so the boy fell first onto his side, then to his back. “No,” he said. “I am the hunter. Peregrines are my favorite falcons. They are intelligent, loyal, and easily tamed.” Sebastian smoothed a lock of fair hair away from Peregrine’s brow, then ran his fingers lightly over his brows, nose, lips, chin, and jaw. “And they are very beautiful.”