Page 49 of Peregrine

One who, it seemed, never aged, and had not died despite being hundreds of years old.

“I’m keeping an eye on Bertram,” Sebastian said. “As is Reynard. And probably Everard, since he can’t keep his snout out of anyone’s business.”

Perry’s hand went back to stroking his stomach. A frown marred his lovely face. “So Bertram really isn’t to be trusted, then?”

Sebastian frowned as well, contemplating how to explain his vague feelings and suspicions with Perry. “You know I would do anything for you.”

“That is not an answer, Sebastian Drake.”

“Then allow me to explain what I mean.” Sebastian folded his arms on his desk and looked Perry in the eyes. “Think of what my brothers would sacrifice for their mates. Everard especially. What might he do to save his troublesome omega-beta?”

Perry bit his lip. “I think he might burn the world to ash to save Harry.”

“Indeed. And of all my brothers, the one Everard most closely resembles is Bertram. They’re both ruthless, clever, arrogant, single-minded, and pigheaded.”

Perry gave him a wobbly smile. “That describes most dragons, darling.”

Sebastian’s lips twitched. “I suppose. But I think you know what I mean.”

“I do.”

“And what would Everard do if Harry went mad and started doing horrible things?”

Perry gasped. “Harrison would never! You bite your tongue.”

Sebastian raked a hand through his hair. “Or Alistair? What would he do to save Ignatius? Or Father, for that matter. Can you imagine what he’d risk to keep Walter safe?”

“You can’t be suggesting what I think you are,” Perry said, sounding a little shaky, which was why Sebastian had not wanted to have this conversation in the first place. But it was unavoidable now. The truth would come out one way or another, and he’d much rather it be through channels under his control than those of anyone else.

“Unfortunately, I fear that is the case.” The admission wounded Perry very much indeed. He frowned and lowered his gaze, near breaking Sebastian’s heart, so he hastened to add, “Perry… you misunderstand. Bertram would never hurt you. He can be trusted to keep you safe, and he has a vested interest in making sure our current threat can’t touch you. You needn’t worry on that score. But…” Sebastian trailed off, not wanting to say what had to come next. What Perry, indeed, deserved to know, if he hadn’t put the pieces of it together already.

“But if it comes down to my safety,” Perry murmured, as though he was pained to put it into words, “or our child’s safety, or the safety of our whelps, Bertram is not to be fully trusted. Not if… someone else… comes between us.”

“Yes,” Sebastian said with a heavy heart. “I’m afraid that’s the case.”

Perry frowned thoughtfully. “Has your brother found himself a mate and told no one?”

Sebastian would have loved to flat-out deny the outrageous statement, but knew Perry would see right through it. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “Not for certain.”

Perry made a noncommittal noise. “Perhaps a better question is, who mated first in your family. You, or Bertram?”

“I don’t know,” Sebastian repeated. It was the truth. “I threatened to kill him, Perry. This mad omega who stalks our family. And I meant it. For you, I would snap off his head and feed on his still-beating heart.”

Perry turned a delicate shade of green. “Please don’t talk of eating relatives. Not even mad ones. My stomach is not up to it. The babe is squeamish, I’m afraid.” He smiled worriedly down at his belly. Then his eyes flew up to stare into Sebastian’s. “Oh,” he said, horror dawning on his face. “Oh.” Then his face crumpled and he began to cry.

Sebastian leapt out of his seat, took his mate into his arms, and held him close. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I can’t bear it when you do.”

“I think Ignatius is right.” Perry sniffed. “You are a lot of stupid lizards.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been cooped up in this house for ages and on the verge of going mad myself. And I’ve been very angry with you about it, darling, which I see now was unfair. If you had explained to me the reason why it was so important I stay in, I would have understood. Of course you don’t want us in harm’s way, but it goes so much deeper than that, doesn’t it? For if your brother truly is mated to this mad omega and you are forced to kill him to save our lives, his ties to your brother mean you may end up killing Bertram as well.”

“So you understand then,” Sebastian whispered into Perry’s curls. “I would do anything to keep you safe, Perry. Anything. Even that. But I do not wish to kill my brother. As misguided as he is, he is a Drake, and he is family. So will you keep safe? Will you do it for me?”

Perry was quiet for several moments. At last, he said, “Am I safe when I’m with you?”

“Always,” he vowed. “Forever.”