Page 47 of Peregrine

He gathered Peregrine in his arms. The poor boy was drenched in sweat and hot to the touch. Sebastian might have worried it was from a resurgence of his earlier fever if it weren’t for two things: Peregrine’s pretty cock was erect and leaking, and the room had begun to smell of heat. It was honey, sweet summer apples, and ripe quince, and it made Sebastian’s mouth water.

With Peregrine clutched to his chest, Sebastian abandoned the bed.

“Where are you taking me?” Peregrine asked, sounding pitifully afflicted.

“Somewhere cool.”

Before Peregrine could ask another question, Sebastian strode out of their bedchamber and into the adjoining courtyard. In the middle of it was a shallow pool with a fountain. With no ceremony, Sebastian climbed in and took Peregrine with him. The water was fragranced with jasmine and was deliciously cool to his skin. It wasn’t much, but he hoped it would bring Peregrine peace. What he should have had was piles of gold for Peregrine to luxuriate in, but it was all packed away. A serious oversight, despite Everard’s warning.

I’ll do better next time, he thought.

Still, as unsatisfactory as the water was in comparison to a proper hoard, Peregrine did seem to settle. He sank into the water and sighed, then looked up at Sebastian from beneath lust-lidded eyes. “I need you inside of me, my lord. Please.”

“Mount me, then.” Sebastian lifted Peregrine easily and gripped his buttocks, spreading him open. He sank his thumbs inside of him, and the boy cried out in pleasure and frustration.

“More. Now.”

Sebastian surged up, causing Peregrine to gasp as his slick channel was filled with Sebastian’s cock. He very delicately wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s neck and began to sway his hips, taking more and more of Sebastian into himself until all Sebastian could feel was the squeeze of his hot body as it bore down upon him.

It was greedy. Elegant, yet crude.


And as Peregrine began to bounce, it was almost more than Sebastian could take.

With a groan, he let his head roll forward and gave in to the pleasure of it all. Pedigree omegas were different. The lessons Peregrine had been taught had been so deeply internalized that even now, lost as he was to instinct, he knew how to bring Sebastian unparalleled pleasure. The way he rode, the tension in his body, and even the way he held himself so moonlight glinted in his hair and shone along the curve of his arched body was perfect. Sebastian had only just started, but he was already close to orgasm.

“I need your knot,” Peregrine gasped as he worked Sebastian’s cock, water splashing with every movement. “Breed me. Knot me. I’ll die if you don’t.”

“No dying,” Sebastian growled. “I won’t allow it. Not ever. You are mine.”

He took hold of Peregrine’s hips then fucked up into him hard and fast, with absolutely no restraint. Peregrine’s head lolled back and he screamed with pleasure.

Mine. Take. Breed. Claim.

Sebastian came inside his Peregrine, his knot inflating, binding them together.

Forever, his dragon proclaimed. Mine.

* * *

The hours melted into one another as Peregrine’s heat held them in its grasp. Servants brought them food and jugs of cool water and sweet wine, leaving it discreetly outside their bedchamber door.

Sebastian fed Peregrine, bathed him, fucked him, and curled around him when they exhausted themselves. The time seemed to fly by, but also stretch into infinity.

Finally, though, the spell lifted, and Sebastian found himself waking up next to the slumbering body of his sated omega. He felt the stirrings of hunger, but had no desire to leave Peregrine’s side.

Slowly, Peregrine stirred, then stretched his limbs like a cat. “It feels like my heat is over,” he said with wonder. “How many days went by? Five? Six?”

Sebastian chuckled. “Three.”

“Impossible. My heat never fades that quickly.”

Sebastian laid his hand on Peregrine’s taut belly. “I think,” he said slowly, feeling like he might burst from pride, “there might be a reason why.”

“Oh,” Peregrine said. Then his eyes went wide. “Oh!”

He wrapped his arms around Sebastian, then burst into tears. Sebastian wasn’t good with crying, but he went with his instincts, which were to hold Peregrine close and promise him things that somehow, someway, he’d find a way to fulfill.