Page 19 of Peregrine

“I can,” Sebastian rumbled, wrapping Peregrine up in a tight embrace meant to maximize their skin-on-skin contact, “and I will.”

* * *

Sebastian was true to his word. He rarely ventured from Peregrine’s side, and when he did, he hurried back as soon as he might. They ate their meals cozied up together, with Peregrine nude on Sebastian’s bare lap. Not only did that settle Peregrine’s stomach, but it allowed Sebastian to ensure he ate a proper amount of food.

Slowly, over the course of the voyage, Peregrine began to put on weight, doing away with his near-skeletal thinness. He’d been lovely before, but now he was breathtaking. Sebastian didn’t have to remind himself to touch Peregrine, for it was all he wanted to do. They made love over and over, in as many positions as the cabin’s bunk would allow, until Sebastian knew every inch of Peregrine’s body intimately. The same, of course, could be said for the omega, who quickly learned what pleased Sebastian best.

“If I didn’t know better,” Sebastian said into Peregrine’s hair, which was getting quite long, “I’d say you were a witch, little one.”

Peregrine squirmed in Sebastian’s arms to face him. “Why would you say such a horrid thing?”

“Because you’ve enchanted me as surely as any sorceress or wizard. I cannot get enough of you.”

Peregrine smiled, but the expression slowly fell off his face and was replaced by a look of worry. He bit his lip. The sight of him like that made Sebastian want to smash things and howl and set the entire world on fire, but violence would not solve the problem, so he refrained.

“Peregrine,” he uttered. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Peregrine shook his head. “It’s nothing, I swear. Here, let me show you.”

He pushed Sebastian onto his back and mounted an assault worthy of a great general on his body. Slender limbs twined with his much larger ones. Soft lips traced endless patterns over his wide, scarred chest, and clever fingers brought him to the brink of release again and again and again. Sebastian usually enjoyed being in charge of his lovers, but for the sake of that sadness he’d earlier seen in Peregrine’s eyes, he let the omega do as he would. It was torture, but of the absolute sweetest kind.

“You slay me, Perry,” Sebastian gasped as Peregrine yet again lifted his mouth from Sebastian’s cock right before he spilled his seed. “I am vanquished. I concede. Please, please put me out of my misery.”

A strange look flitted over Peregrine’s face, then he said, “Perry. You’ve never called me that before.” His hand toyed lightly with Sebastian’s aching bollocks.

Sebastian groaned in utter surrender. “I’ll never call you that again, I swear it. Just please… please…”

“No. I like it, I think. Perry. Yes. I think I like it very much.” He then bent his head and added his hot mouth to the delicious torture being wrought by his hand.

“Anything,” Sebastian promised. “I will give you anything. Everything.”

“Hm.” Peregrine licked up the underside of Sebastian’s cock, and he thought he might go utterly mad.

“I swear it,” Sebastian said. “I swear it on my blood and bone and scale.” That was a serious oath indeed, and the omega knew it, because he let out a small gasp of surprise.

“What if it’s not yours to give?” Peregrine asked. Then he set his lips once more upon Sebastian’s member and sucked it down into his throat.

All thoughts and vows flew out of Sebastian’s head as finally Peregrine brought him to orgasm. It was full of so much pleasure it was part pain as well. He roared loud enough for the entire ship to hear, but they were used to such bellows and would let the two of them be. Peregrine’s mouth milked him dry, then his eager tongue cleaned away all the seed that had escaped down Sebastian’s knot. Peregrine himself had some on his mouth and chin. Sebastian hauled him upward and kissed and licked it all away.

Mine, his dragon said. It was, prior to meeting Peregrine, the only thing it ever had to say, and it only spoke when there was something it desperately wanted.

The omega is ours, Sebastian promised. Forever. I vow it.

With a sigh, Peregrine tumbled off Sebastian’s chest to lie beside him. He cuddled close, touching as much of his body to Sebastian’s as was possible. To Sebastian, it felt very much indeed like he would burst from happiness. Touching Peregrine was a high more intense than even the poppy juice Alistair had shared with him once. The boy was addictive. Sebastian could not get enough.

I would ruin myself for him, Sebastian thought. The implications of that should have been terrifying, but Sebastian was not easy to scare. It was due, his sire had often said, to lack of a proper imagination. Case in point, Sebastian could not, no matter how hard he tried, imagine his life once Peregrine was no longer in it. He’d ask Alistair for advice, but he’d likely just give Sebastian more poetry to read. Instead, Sebastian held Peregrine a bit tighter and listened to his dragon say, over and over, mine, until, at last, he fell asleep.



Present Day

It was just the three of them in Everard’s office. Harrison had been banished, Sebastian knew not where, nor did he care. A calm and quiet environment was best for Perry, and with Harrison around, the office would be neither, no matter how well-meaning the omega-beta tried to be. Sebastian had more cause than most to know that under Perry’s beautiful shell was a core of unbreakable iron, but even iron could become brittle and start to fracture under too much stress and pressure.

Sebastian held Perry’s hand and they both looked toward Everard, who cleared his throat to speak. “Congratulations are in order. So far, all seems well with fetal development.”

“You can’t fool me, Everard. I can hear that ‘but’ in your voice.” Perry’s sweet trill of a voice held a telling note of uncertainty.